This mortgage made and entered into this __ ~ ~` day of April
<br />14. ~i2 , by and bc:ween Richard c?ard%>rs 3^n Darlene F3arders, huslaand and Wife
<br />ihtreinaftcr referred to as martgagor) atld Cotnmet'ciai Natianal Bank and'Fttst Company
<br />Chereihafter re; erred to as
<br />martgager), who maintains an office and place of bttsintss at 324 West Thixd stre.t in Grand Island,
<br />Halt County, Nebraska.
<br />~+rt'rt1F•~s~rx, ;hat for the consideration hrninafter stated,,,°teeip[ of whtch is: hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby mortgaRc, sell, Brant, assign, and eonvey unto the mnrtgagce, its successors and-.assigns, a14 of the fal-
<br />?owing, descrit+etl property situated and being in the County vt hall , a~-:d Caurtty o; Fiaw3rd
<br />State of !vebraska.
<br />L"I'Ah.`aEta} 'tor*_hraest Quarter southeast Quarter 1b-li-'.l ?:ail county, N~raska, and
<br />fSE'tr'~4} Southeast Quarter 3~ozthnrest ~;+uarter'36-11-.1 :loll ~ourty,:Nebraska,
<br />azta
<br />fSE4i Southeast Quarter 33-13-I3 Fdoarazd County, Nebraska, '
<br />totsether with art she terRtdtnettts 7wd appttrienanm rhrernt+ belonging, a!t the rents, iesues and profits therraf, and alt
<br />casements, riRltts, rapalties: miitteral, oi! and gas rttchts and profits. >,•ater, water nttitts, and water ytack, andincluding:
<br />all hgtirts, plumhin~c, rtfr'igetannn, fi>Zhtin$, equipment and alt fiatures ~.7t every description htlong[ti$ to ehe;
<br />mor.~or now or htreafttr attached thereto or used in conneuion with the prtmt.ies herein described and itt addition
<br />thereto the fuIiowing described properties which art arrd shat! be deemed to l+c fixtures and a part rof the realty, attd
<br />• arc a portron of the security fa the usdebtednesa herein stated t!t` ncnt, start."pone°')
<br />Tp have and to hold the samennto ihr.Mortgaaee, ai: hcrrin , rovtded:
<br />Tree mortgagor is lawfully scuxd and nassessed of and has the right to sell attd convey said :property; [fiat the
<br />same is fret from alt tncvrrtbranCCS ^xctpt ax hacinabavt rerittd; and that 4forigago[. 4ovenan.ts to warrant and
<br />defend the title aforesaid thereto and every ;,art thtrrof against the claims of a!i vtr~ons whomsoever.
<br />This instrument is giwcn to secure the tuynrcnt of a prornisaary hole dated Aprik ?.~ , 198
<br />in the priretapai scent of S 135.~b3~C6 -~~" --- ""'°
<br />signori by Richard and Bariene t.ardivxs
<br />in behalf of Richard and, llarlene 2iarc}e~•s """`°
<br />also, as such tt~te or [totes may from tithe to tithe be'madificd, renewed or cztertded in writing.
<br />In the event the title to said real elute is transferred, nr contracttd tp be transferred, from the undersigned far any
<br />rtxsrtrt or by arty mnhnd whatsoever, the entire prirst:iptl sum and atxru~ interest shat! at Duct become due and
<br />payable r the election ref the holdr. hereof. Failure to cxertase this option because of transfer of title as about stazcd
<br />in out ittatance shalt txx cottstitt:tt a waiver of the right to excxeist ttu .saate in tht event of any aubsequent transfer:
<br />}. 71fe martsasor covenanct and agrees as follows:
<br />a. To feranptly pear the irde-atedness evidenced by soh! yropu3stt,r,;:notc at the rim~s.~nd in rht rnsnner
<br />tltcreia prcv-eded-
<br />h, 3o pay alt t.~tts, askassnienas. wxzcr tarts, and other. g~ ~errrncn~al „• ~nuttzc3pas ct sc.r~, f ,~~~, ,,
<br />im{x'rrtic~ns, for re.hsfi crr»-'lion ira~, aim h•en made hrreinE~fs~rr. easd slit P°+~ap33y-d~,avr* t't ,s,cial •,t,t
<br />;hcecicc- r,a the said r;z~:rtgag
<br />i~h ra< -•in;t: r~~ett4rz an~3 rte. ac r~r ',y- ,r>currzd r .hr ~ c - r t -x, c j ;,e _~
<br />3
<br />:n~st>d:n~ Dhc itrc co gz p• srt•~rscw empf >Frst ct tltc rrt45r:Y~eg~ .n; +-n. _ ,3._: ,~ o .
<br />ffi~ A[.' 'S ~ 1 , sJC: C C ref?°t$ . -~ ~ %"r _ r. ..c~ lAt. ~ _ i ,. ,~ .,. ;c i•,
<br />s° i_t- x - r .r =~; - ..
<br />