<br />~3~= UQ1904
<br />I£EAL ESTATE iYlOIiTGAf:E - I~tebraska {lusband and +7ife)
<br />K.~FC?W ALL ~4 B~' THESE 1'RE$F14'TS: Th4i'aer.$;2 L_.'4.. ~ ?i+-F.o~.botsrsn , hereinafter
<br />val;erl anortgagor, cf ;sa11__._ __,_ Countg, and State of t~Tehraska; in consideration
<br />ni c~«e sum ©f Seve& "~'~9y,pt-3 ~OLt~,.~tL`~~rg$_~'ti'~,;,t~~ 1?()T,LrlftS in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain,
<br />+ArnnuRx. F'inanccda "1Y '8r ~~/'f0a
<br />se~:l. and convey' unto Dial Firax+.ce Company of _~ sl3e~~'.ti._ __-. hereinaftea called mortgagee;
<br />... ~`w_.s__.________.._ __...~_.~ .__.. C;ount_r•, State of ivalarnska the faitowng described real estate situated'.
<br />it ~' ____.~.~____ Cnunty, and State of *2ebraska, to-a-it.
<br />I~t :lx (5, Seven ~?), ~ht (~3, ~3ne f~7 ana tde terly Es~hteen f~ 1€f) feet'
<br />of 3.at tea f gC~) , fn. ~locic three C3) i clar4~.s ::d3iticr, all i..n ire addition. to the
<br />V21.~,e o° cJocsd ?iffier, a?1 uounty~, tiebrasl~a, as surva3ed Alatted and recorded
<br />taxlyethar ~", 't „`` :hLL +_exzerssenGv. hereditanrenty and. xgpunenanres to t?se same: belonging, and axl:l the estate, title,
<br />c~7vvrrr.: is:nt :,i he m~.c -ad. riaio:~ ,end dc~cnandi« wb:atsoever c}3' the said A9ert¢agor, in or Lo said prenaiscs ar ant part
<br />them,: _r;a ~i ,i;a;;~ x, e:.:~~rer~~ c: •: rnant that aaxei :~Sa~rcr~ai.~r i. la'wfuliti• stized of;;aid pn mites; Chat said preinises'
<br />;~r.• +e~r €:+~-n ~ :. ~;cr:~ .e n.1 .•r~c,.r,,raners rxcept tee o:berzvsse noted hereSn, and t:«at Elart~agor will ~sarrant and dei'erid
<br />a, ..P.,.~;,.,:irr~r.x:w~.ga;:":~t"~~~-it««raaandx#~enacdsc:"a=3ucrwsnAahumvoerzer.
<br />~ili t{:~\ r::1~:~ ""(r Ht)1.,},~rti~ '#tc mid rnarL~;~algx+c, pror•idttii aPicg~^a, and tixz~e prers~enl are upon .the expreis
<br />G~,. =i:.i,, : :i>,e: t t «?aad :nrnt7la~xxr shazl }tay' a:x ..x_`: to ,.aid xtiortc:xpve n prornisvarti note dated ~,~s __11thx-.. _
<br />1? ;~.~ 1 .r ? 1~~ _~ __. .,~t•~ble ec ;nstxxtmsntz«.:e<<,rc3«n~ trr ikxa arms there~c~i; the finalinstalmenE-
<br />ds, ,Atri:n ;r u.• < a ~ ;"s':.,:...._ :y v'; xchi.h i.,c,",:d~., amen=vt ;«x the'rate ar :3,t'4 per year on that:
<br />per. of •., ue:p,cz C~..c ~ : •::+,:.rc. ~ >.,'~w , ~: t;ir,r_ and _3"~ ;a,r +,~.r can nny x•cmaindetct`suchunpaid pnnci-
<br />ti ~ ,
<br />fkHj .vY,SRCr r r:(.r«_..,: *aS.r na . ^na !'~ 1 .. ~,er~. + uxui ~xall {r3tY :;ill f ih£a a.nd «k9;.9e&vmenty le<<,ed.
<br />ns~~° „.:d -<~' rrwSa:r ~i„r~: ~-~ „r.;ro ~~ ,._ ~,,..; ..e,.<r _ .. _r«_:.' ;~:-c>eriv,~~ ue ~•oid, aihem~rc to l>~ and remain
<br />~7 .b .*'ti'RTF{ER 'l~;Rfz.i; 't._ii ,i :n,'~ur ,aor ,z .} .i ,.uc3.*n.,~rr~', t~sther grvnri;aal ~,r tnY,c~rrsi.. wEzentlxat same.
<br />T+a['ui:,F dtr ~r '.:«i~cc.. ~..rl jsiy u'ah :n{ ~ ~ir,~ t,rru•-~n~G atir~.~m,~m_.. .h;,!i caif++e^E:he inhale yarn [lf tnanev hoeri7i
<br />dresra°d t;. tw'+rQYTp dlLf n,! ca:. r -~-,rxt ; -ue «:: tnr ~. ,ix~n ~ ! tir- r;:.-~rtga~rn
<br />titY1'ICE TEl ('()ti:+C';tER. !. Lkr not ~+t~tt this pa tiefarr ytyu rend it, `.',. Yau are entitled ttr :x
<br />ropy cif ibis ~«~per.:l. i au max pyrrpay thx unpukl t~alur~cc «t itny time without p«enaltyand may
<br />tae r ~tttlyd to rec3ta,r a14rttuttd i fu~ntarned ~harRc~ in areordanre~ tt ~f-~!~~,w/'""'`~
<br />`~i AT}~ cJ;• \rtrrxax.a ./~'~~ - 7' ! ..... "~ca.~r....
<br />:cn:}_ ..
<br />in w~ '.1`... ,ay., ,q,g r ~~ :: ~ ...rP ~ u .i d,. f.. ,'d .~ .hG , tom' .Ftrb4C, dul~~,
<br />*ontn t.~uolrrn.d .,.„f ..,._ .r.. .~.,r ., ._..,,r C ~ w .~C X:;O~GIt ~t _Ky til~..a.llw
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<br />-, rrc..« 3!._ zxzd au-v ~~xar.{~.~ ,_ it, v,4 _ _ t,i __ ..
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