w_~_.._ ~ - __ _ -- .__.r_.,_.. _._.__.~.
<br />H.IROLD GREEN., JR. N0,
<br />$2 -- 001902
<br />I^ cunsfderacioa of the extension of tEte time of payment of the original promissory
<br />note nere.nafCer described, the undersigned, Harcid Green, Jr. and DeloresA..Greer.
<br />_ hereby cnvenart and agree to pay to The First National
<br />FanK o ~.r-nc. T_sland, ,rand siand, Nzhrastca, ar order, th,e principal sum of
<br />IFI"t-TWC TE:Ui,SAND AR>) X70/I00-------------°-°-----------------------($ 52,1700.00
<br />tofe :-:cr with interest thzreti.t at -~ oer cent per annum from the date hereof,
<br />such sum to ue payable txn August~,~s$~--' ;nterest shall be payablz at maturity
<br />oat: Actgust 9, 1482 - -
<br />Thz origutal principal note in the sr,.aunt of SI.YTP-THOUSAND .~'~'D NO/200 DOLLARS
<br />(50,000.00 ) was executed and delivered by the attdzrsgned under 'the date Qf
<br />April il, 19 0 to Tixe First P+ational Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island,
<br />::ebraska, and vas due and pavzble on the R '-=day of October, 1?80 tagether
<br />wlrh interest at 17~ per aEnt per annum. and secured by Real Estate Aiortgage
<br />tcs The First :National sank. of Grand 13iard, i;rand Island, }7zbraska, recordad as
<br />'Jocwueist '~$0-1.7.06454 b Extendec~n the ~ortgabe Records of HaZI County, Nebraska
<br />under Document: 81-0 5650; Dncttt~nt x'81-0{7253'2; Document-~b-6DT5}3=,: Documment tr _- .~49,
<br />The undersigned agrees t:o gay such zrtended balancz of principal of FIFTY-TWO THOUSAND
<br />AND ~t0/100 DOI.I.ARS-_---------(g 52.,000.403, together with interest the -eon a[
<br />18% ' ae cent par annum, such principal andinterzstta be payable is lawf~a
<br />~aew of the Unizec States of ,L~erica at The First ?7ational Bank of Crand Island,
<br />Grand. Island;.tiehras:ca.
<br />All of fhe covenants and 3geemeacs in such original pate and ttte Real Estate Martgage
<br />abr~ve-described, othzr r:~.,n hereiabef~re modified, ::hall be and remain unchanged and
<br />in'ftt11 force and effect Turing such extended ,eriad. If. default he made in payment
<br />of any pr_t ~!p:tl, sum, th.~ ,~ntire principal sum with intereat t:ierzon, shall become
<br />i.mmadiately due and payatrlc at tha clcrc'.cn of :the. lehai holder thereof..
<br />Info t~-Ter gyn. ;'..•rstion ref ±sut <.n~r ~,n of rime , t , , ~;. nt e,f" such 3ndzbtednzss, '
<br />I htr~b: rr..:. and confirm such ~, r;; .,,e recorded u, Dt~cumznt X80-006454 5 gxt lt81-005650
<br />in Rcal Estate :°tr>rtgage res_ords ctt mall toutxtx , Nebra'slca -~-- ~ as
<br />the first sartgai;e lien uyacrn t}t:~ rs;al ,:rupecty dtise.ribed therein, and the wnele o€
<br />the. title theretsx as ncra cwred kxv r;>e.
<br />TttB uader~9gncu e,crcutc~: r:.ir, Rxtension Agreectent w3t:t refr~rence eo and on-.the faith
<br />astd .°redifi ctf ts,etr :, ...LV, which they ntra ,xcrn ctr have rl:x 9.rtteresr. in or hereaftez'
<br />~Y ~•c+~urz t :L ,~ •, t+•r:ttc)n being to cisarge ;xnsi tct A.sscttincar to chargEC.a~ty and
<br />ali ~ suc~ .r~~~r_r _tt ttt~ ,nayrn~a;raz t'ae i.xdrbe.eduos±s, the ;rayment itE which is
<br />herel:e cxt£~.v~cj.
<br />r is ',i3T...:~5 ,dff=.~u.~~, tite±trndersagned have hcreamto s;Ht thccirhands. this ]Ith~~ day of
<br />a seen,
<br />:NEBRASIi1i Delores' A. Grt>.en~
<br />.,:nT . ~F
<br />C};; tti,s 11th may of F'Iau, 1982 xefure me thz undersigned a tNatary Public,
<br />~n a.,. f<>r "Ii'a~'Ii t.,unt7. pzrKa~3ly ~;a~ Harold f're~n, Jr. and iJelores A. Green
<br />-_ ~~ners~ally known to mz to be the. denCieai persons'akzose names
<br />are a xtu ~ _he above f..regain~ nxte;:.sion Agreement as ~^akers, and they
<br />aczr,.~v cdget .o:cf instru:ae, t and the execi.tt~n thereof Co i>e tfr:eir ~:o;tuntary ,:set and
<br />dee,s fnr .`,~ rurp,xse t°.terettr expressed,
<br />:'` rr "f'"+° ,'~i ~.~.: = 1 have hereunto .affixed ',< r' f
<br />' r "i;i,i .tttd c xt: ~ ,,cal :`st
<br />Grand Is Lana .et~za ~xa the da t and year __._.__..__~ _ _-,.__..
<br />-- --- __. ___ _ _. __~. vrx .fist ai;oue brri~ten.
<br />..,,yy. ~ ~ -
<br />~MfN1~1~'-~ywiM~wr otarv ub~ic.
<br />'17Qi1/E - t
<br />`n ~d
<br />