<br />taEEB Of'C11STRlBtJTlOIU
<br />8Y
<br />PERS011iAL REPRESE111TATiVE' t'?2~ ~~~+~~~
<br />(TESTATE ESTATE} !~°7
<br />THIS QEE~ is made by ,xelen I,. ~ICGuire and L3onald F. Starr : , . , , . at
<br />Personal ReDresentativ@ of the Estate of ....RQSa L-- Starr
<br />Deceased,Granter(whetheroneosmore},ta..DOnald F. Starr, xelen L.: I~cGUire, :Byron ,E. Starr
<br />and'Robert D. Starr, in equal shares
<br />Grantee lvrhether oete:. or morel.
<br />ROSa L. Starr .......::: . .. Deceasea,
<br />1sJHEREAS,thetast~9+ilto'< ....................... ......... ................
<br />was duly aCmitte6 Lo Droiiate in the County Gourt of ..... F%c111 . .. . . ......... .... . .......... county, Nebraska;
<br />W!##E/1S. -Grartlor vwas duty appoen~G PenorW Rapraaarttatlve of acid aapta arxf is now gwNfiad anti sexirW In aaiti t•.aD~cltV:
<br />and`
<br />WHEREAS, Lhe Graattes,is determined La be the persan antided Lo oistribution of the hereinafter-described reef Woperty, ae~d
<br />Grantor .s autfeoriaeQ to [listributeLbeume to Grantee;
<br />NOW, THfREfL3RE,'Gtanior connveys, assi{nu, xransfers arstt releases to Grantee atce toitawingdescnbed feel property:
<br />The Southeast Quarter. {5E~}, Section Thirty-Six {36'),
<br />Township Twelve {i2} North, Range. El even {lI) Wiest of
<br />the bth P. M.,-of Ha11 County, ;vebraska excepting (1)
<br />right. of way ;easement to the Kansas Nebraska 'Natural
<br />Gas'Campany, anc3 {2} tract to the County of Hall, State
<br />of Nebraska, for read purposes containing 2-:840 acres,
<br />,as shown in Boak°°G" at Page 228, :.and {3} tract to the
<br />County of Hall.....State of Nebraska. far road purposes
<br />containing .559. acres as shown in F3aok I55'at Page 498,
<br />of whack .234 acres was previously takest as shown.. in
<br />Book "R" at Page 47+, all at th Register of lleeds t~ffice
<br />in xall County, N+~braska, said tract containing a total
<br />of l56 acres, mare ar less.
<br />eq~ Da~tpuarri
<br />Le9itther with att tattervwnts rtamann arsd app~urtenar~ers tzarcato rxiangrsq, but supysct to easements and resxrictions of record.
<br />r
<br />ns~u- z]c}c ervT,~ra ~-; , , ., • ; x ~, _ aci~ ti~
<br />srAe~P Tax
<br />F.t,ta of ...RO~iA, t.. STA~2R ...:oa~a~ed
<br />~wAx a ~
<br />.%
<br />'~s~ Sigyn~ itepresentative
<br />STATE of ....... N~9RASKA .....:....... } sy ~.-_..:_s~ r-..--~' .-~
<br />} ~, Signature of Personal Representative
<br />COl1NITY Of `..~..I._HA'LL... _ .....r..p..'... )
<br />"'~"~ ~ ~'" . y. _~ .E P. ~....-... Detore. me, tf~eundersigned; a Notary °ubi;c. ~}ulY commissjaned and
<br />~if»d for ,r,e rescdng,n saga coun~y aradststa, personalty a~pearerl. Helen :I,. , McGuire .and.Doaald . F_, .8tazr, :
<br />aPr.sarrai Retsrrmtateve of the Estate of .:..Rasa L. ,Starr ..: ; , .. , ...Deceased.: to
<br />,rr icnplrrn tc fw xhe rtSc~t~s~ person who executed ttte fvr±agorr~fXeed of Drsu;tti~t~anand adcnowtedgec3the same. tatxe. - .. , .. _ _ -
<br />vctiusata# }Y act acrd deed.
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<br />f i' ~'
<br />rta~l~al-irs~as
<br />,~,t:, . ~.. ,
<br />_;. •, v., ~9EEj1s'C7F ~}TRft3ts'~f;~tV ial~
<br />Rt1F~SEIhL,FiI;.~F£:S~.id'fd4'1`t°~~ ;,EST F F~7"A'Cf
<br />as :'ti ,. _ i •, _ gi.3~u, n_,Gnxa ±~ti: r»ti~i {'l~o+ re xd i 1 4~~i it
<br />