<br />DEED OF DISTRIBUTION. .~~®~~~8~~
<br />THIS DEEI? is jade by WILLIAi L. HA_RRIS0~7, as Personal Representati~-e
<br />o£ she Estate. of Peary .Mae. Harrison, Deceased,. GRANTOR,. to PHILIP'
<br />H.~RpT=SON, i;ItdIFRED-L. SWAN50N, azid GiILMA J. OBERMEIER, as Tenants in
<br />Common, subject to a life estate for the benefit. of and during the
<br />remaining lifetime of ir.il3iam L. Harrison.,. GRANTEES:
<br />WHEREAS, the last t~1i11 of Pearl Mae Harrison,. Deceased was dul~~
<br />admitted to prtrbate in the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />~,THEREAS, Grantor was duly appointed Personal Representative of
<br />said estate and is now qualified and acting in said capacity:, and''
<br />WfiEREAS, the .Grantees are determined to be the persons entitled
<br />tca 'distri:bution of the ?~erenafter-deserted real property, and
<br />Grantor is authorised tQ distribute the.. same: to Grantees;
<br />NOW, THERE~'t~RE, Grantor conveys, assigns, Cransfers and releases to
<br />Grantees the following-described 'real property:
<br />:The ~Jesteriy Twenty-.Five (253 acres of'the East 2ialf
<br />o£ the :3orthwest quarter (E~ll~iW~}, of Section Thirty-
<br />Six (35), Township Ele~~en {I1) :dorth, Range Ten (10),
<br />~dest csf the; 5th P.M., Hali County, Nebraska,
<br />An undivided one±-hal£ interest ~n the t3ortheast
<br />'Ctiuartcr (NEB}, Suction Thirty-F©ur (34), Township
<br />E~'~ven (IL)Ndrthr Ran~eTen tl4},t~estof Che
<br />v.7 ., ..«uia. Wwe:.i~i;: y,..'. iv'.:ut3a~+:.
<br />An undivided c~n+e_half-interest in the North Half
<br />cif the Northwest ;quarter (N~SNWd) of Section ThirCy-
<br />Five {35), Township Eleven t3.1) North, Rangz Ten
<br />(1+0}, West ~f the: 5th:.P.M., Ha11 County, .*Jbraska
<br />` together with ail tenements, hereditaments,and appurtenances thereto
<br />belonging, btst subject to easements and restrictions of record.
<br />Executed ~~P.-t^~g. $ ~"'' F9$2.
<br />NEBRASK++ DOCUt,1ENTARI' ( cTaT~'k rTT~C'+~E~
<br />MAY ; ~ i~$2
<br />~sri $y = ~ ... ~ ._
<br />~ ar, j lam F{arrisnfl
<br />Personal R'epresentst.ive
<br />- ST}1TF: '~3f NF.BRAS~iA ~
<br />ss.
<br />[;Otri~'C'f OI' HAL:~ ;~
<br />On ~`-'~ti~'b.-L.- ~ 1 - ? `±S.'~ , hPf cre me ; ,~ha ur.der~ i s~r,ee , .~
<br />`.'+otary °~lir, d{t V ::c.t?u:tit5ioneci :end Huai=bled for ana rrsi,d?,:c i.n
<br />Kaid county ?n~~ Mate, ~erson~tliy appr.arer,' ;~~ ~ vIr'~'~ 1_. riA~'RISC>tV, s~,
<br />Personal vepresenta_~t~e _. the Estate of °tarl '?<,~ H~rrisan, ~1,~r-r,aserl,
<br />to ,tee '.cnawc; r_,~ ~ r-Re idf>ntic~~ ~. rs~^n ~. :o ~s~ L.>i ~>-e, ~~er.~~~i°
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