<br />1`mJ'ii-,A~LE118E OF MfIRSGAGE--CorpataDen- Q~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~C~ ~Hufiman anQ feltan& Wolt, Watton; fle..6846i
<br />IN i C\'~1~ E:c_lT';ON cf tkr Qd3mrent of the debt: Warned therein, the Qverland National haltk
<br />of Grand .Island, Grand Island, NBlsaska. hereby releases the. ,nortgage a to
<br />Tt~e Os~erland National Be.nk o€ Gr;aad Island5y Gerald W. Jones and Sharon R. Jones,. Husband
<br />and wife
<br />on the }}~oltvunng drscribcd rnai estate, to-FCat; P~'t o~ the 5outlrwESt Quas'teT of the :v'ortl3aAest ~lal'ter
<br />' ;(S9Y$NlY~} of Section lburteen {1~-), in 'F~shp Ten (lt}) North, Range Ten (14} West of`the
<br />6th P.4i., described :core particularly an mortgage.
<br />'. of ScctioR iw 7'vwrsrhip £t'a+wc _~q jthe _ P. 32'., Ii~.7.1
<br />j Co+r,ety, .Stdlt of `'~Tetat~siclta ~hirh is recorded in 1®i71t 11~C. ~al Estate tfartgages, gage. ~
<br />of tlis°trtords~of said wxwetye,.
<br />:1V T>rSZ73f!~:ti"r ii'HEXE~F. the said'Ihe (h~rland Y2itOnaI L3Snk, of Grand Island has ccused ,
<br />Ih~re prcrc,etr tv Xe,r.n-crtrd by ~'ti (~rd,sid<aat and its 'nrgorate $ea1 to be'a~axed berate f1,is tC'nt12
<br />~y of !bay ~ ~,
<br />1><,tnccr fine Q~.l~ational_ f Grand Island
<br />.;.•~:"~
<br />~ -t.. E~`eeutivc
<br />~ _ __ _ .....,. _..... "~x r ~._--~ ~~, e~ L.,~_vLC.$ Prasulen!
<br />.wars; ,Y~' ~"~i ...;':'. ~..:.+.~{~_.:.t.C. dd~Teier, Sccrctcr_v
<br />S'fAT$ 4'- ._ ~c~rasxa
<br />.. • on thss .. I3th.... day of .....:... ~~'... _ ..._., 19 82 .
<br />Hall ss.
<br />._..._. _. .. .. .. . .......:.........Conaty before rne, the understgne,i, a Notary'.. Public in and fyr
<br />said eo,rnty, personally came...:<..~T...G., ~~.QG}i'.: .. .. ........ .......:.....F:J.~G'~u.~.Y.~:.1'~,C~-:...., President of the
<br />_ _........'The_t] rt]uP~1~_y3wti~n:.1.Tank.of:,G'srand,Zsl3nd:.:::::.... :...:.......a Eorporatron
<br />'' w mo pas9osaitq k>nowu to be the President and: identical perrSan whose name is affixed to the above relesate and
<br />ackxao~ri~d~ed t6,e execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officier, and the voluntary nci and
<br />d»d of eaid fiorpotnt~n, and that 3 crorparete yeai was thereto s$u[ed bye ats authority.
<br />Witaa~s my iaand and 1Vo CiT,a~..~.a].ti,tld. ...... , in said County the day and a ear
<br />(Yt' above vtrttes-. : ' r ~ ~ ... ~*rr ~ :
<br />My rammirsokxt e:pauen. ~4P,-.f ~,~y~'~,~, .,--~,.1 x21~.~n'~.'.~,s~-Jt.r' . Notar~~ Public
<br />~ ~ r~ .
<br />_„_,1,
<br />