<br />~'ttARRAiV3'y t7EED
<br />Richard tdavzle Ha~d~rs and ~7arlene :carders, each in his and
<br />ner os~n ri rt, and as' the spouse: of each athex, GRANTOR; in ccnsideration o.
<br />_ave a..a a~L?ction and valuable cansideration DOLtARS'recaived iro:-n G~a~~T~=
<br />P.~Lhard W. Harders
<br />r
<br />t
<br />ccnaeys .o GnAti ~ S~ *;;e :oiio~,i~~g cescribetl :eat estate. (as defiirec in Veb. Rev: Star. 76-2Q1}: ,
<br />!ne :;~~r_hwest Quarter o~ she Southeast Quarter
<br />~: i~SE:: of Section Sixteen Flu}, Tawnshig
<br />~.ie~~en ;Ii) forth, t2ange eleven (ll} tdest of
<br />the bth :'..%i., in :-ia11 %ounty, ~ehraska, together
<br />with access tteereta a4rer the Sauth shirty-three
<br />ree (S 33') of the South ;3alr of the Northeast.
<br />Q~zarter (S~.t~z) of said Section Sixteen. (16).
<br />~. $~
<br />GRANTOR covenants (;o:ntty ana severa:iy, at ~xore than one} wih GRA;JTE'c that GRANTt3R:
<br />} ;s iawtuuy seised of suczs rear es:ata one sna: ,t is trey trans encurz;~rances except any` liens
<br />a~ai::st said preaaises;
<br />~;2; ras .ego: power ono .d:vt~ „ut`.or„'y to cattvey the sale
<br />~,3} warrants a1ln~la w,~: clesenc t.t:a tsr ;ne ~eai «state aga~e~ss thei~wfuJ c:aoms o9 aJ! ;,~rsgns~
<br />,~•
<br />N.C~ar~ 4Jayre ?i rdars
<br />x ,:~,
<br />'';ari.ene ~Hard~rs
<br />} SS.
<br />COVNTY OF ... ,iALi. .... .......... .... ......: },
<br />,.. ..
<br />"'~a iarego~rg ;nstrumen: was sc:cncw:acgen aatore me o:~ ,..... , : , ;~? ..::.......... ............ '.£ `~ . ,~-
<br />oy .. c.icnar3_,'rlayr:e, ~arcers.,an~..7a ..one;,Haraers,,,eacz~..,,.;h~;s.:3.i'?~..he~:.Q.X.I~;~it.,.:...,:
<br />a.nd as the spouse of each ., c er. -,
<br />/'~ ' /
<br />~x~ra,~r.w_p,.o~r..ti lY~.d`:..~,~ --~. ~~y'.F°.a~r~'~`
<br />- ': <
<br />'~='`' USy Co^?rr ss,or e~ap:res . ~ ~a.`r ..'~~~ . `. ~,?j . ~ ..
<br />3~:178-G5t~-P'3C8F~nSXw.:~3tt~x:y of ...... .... . :............
<br />. „~G S.z7 r?~G'uCC 3'C Bf?tvrSC . ;~i,~,T~@n ;3i ':€t~i4:~,n......__.. ............. .. :.ts" ...psi , .. . , ,.. G`:C~Cd , . ikrk . ,.~.~..
<br />'~2C. 'NHS: '~ ~=~Hs .' S'G~tC ='.5y0
<br />. wr „!~.}q 'swr C, ... u..
<br />