<br />;7-A-f1 E.G]_ E$TAY'E MORTGAGE-(With Rent Assignment) (Revised 1962) Tt,e Hvilmnn =,::»crn; apply- House, Linmlo, Mohr.
<br />Hus>~and and hTfe,
<br />of ii311 Cutanty, and State of N2br'a S}Ca in tvnsderation of the suni of
<br />Twenty Eight Thousand One 1lundred Fi£t Two & 08/100 (528,152.t$~-~aKs
<br />;n ivtnd pa:d. a., hereby SELL and COti~'EY unict SPERRY CORPORATION, A Delaware Corporation:
<br />~ <7d~tXaY the fnilowing descrhed premises sibrated
<br />in Ha31: Caunh., and. State of idebraska to-.wit:
<br />south Fi€teen Feet (S 15'} of Lot Three (3} and all of Last amour
<br />(4? re-subdivision of Slock Four (~}, Second Addition to Holcomb's
<br />High>~•ay Hcmtes Suhdvison, a Subdivis-ion o€ part of the Northeast.
<br />¢uarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1f4 NE 1J4} and apart of Lot
<br />~ Four (4}, liainland in Section Tweet3'.Eight:.(28}, Township Elever.
<br />~+ (11},, Nor±h, Range Nine (9}, West of the 6t21 P.M., Grand. Island.
<br />,_-~
<br />i
<br />'N
<br />The: intentionbetnutac~amrvFlerebranaltsalute:iiticinteeyrsimpie,.ncludiaagailtheri~htaofhomerstexldanddower.
<br />TO HAL"~:-..4NI) 7'DHCILD ttxc pseniie,Enc ahoce-desc^.rilxvi, with nH. the appurtenttnee.~ therrcuntry heianging onto the .saki
<br />Sperry Garporation>-
<br />nnd to j,tg ltcirx and atasigne, fntawer, rirrtvided siways; and i:h~e pn sctnta are upnn the express txrnditinns that i;
<br />the .aid i~tieheal D. Jack and Jodi. K. Jack,
<br />th~i,r heirs.,e><erun~,.rs,adminixtrators ,+r:.asst~nts eirail }xlynrrause to-.loe paidtn the said
<br />- SP<°r~ CGr~aratian 1t5 heirs.executartt.adminiatratorsortteaihtiv,
<br />,fl~,rt,r,,,t Twenty Eight.. Thaugand One hundred Fifty Two &' 0811fl0' I>ouars,nayafJic
<br />w-tth tnt„reat theeree>n aY< 2CS0:. tact eerie pct tsttsinm, pavaitirpn Il~~'ll j$~,~(ali..~cconii::R tothe u~nort£nd
<br />»Sr.a t,r ih~ certai.nl>r'mrrY ~c~ f Micheal D. Jack and
<br />Sodi Fi. 'JackP.ewrinR••,~ dnt, ,f MaY11 r 1~$and Hhail Stay
<br />- zdi tend atxi a+sakatnen4 1r.~a+d =,paa rxwul.:rea) wstattr'.3r~t=,re ih+r ~~a,n,= Ix-o~m~t~ „~tine;ueni, sad ]:ar~pt~he hniltiin~s nn s~(d
<br />prrrntarM rn;nand I,ar th„ >'u:n of t 7~, ~Q(}: ttr.ti, iS :any i;ayah~.. t,~ ihr .:ul n:~ rt{;n~t„~8:thttl tht:stnptv3soats W lie vni,i;
<br />othcrvreru~ r<, !.• aml :anmtn !n (Vll fnra^r j*rituywifyiYxnai mt.•rr~a ,.a vrsblr az thr , ;G~.• ,4 Sperry COrparatlan,
<br />*7err lialland Division „t t:eW f~oil.and, i'Pnnsylvania.
<br />iT iS Fi!Rl'IiER \UitP~.F:33. ~i! l~lxat if ^. t; ~. .a,ai nt-,rt~;,~y; ~,t ~L:ul tui; t., !,ay aurh lsxxas GSr ;~rnctlne such insurruscr, the
<br />swirl tAOrT><aRe~' [nwy Ya!' xucb is xra, and pnr_v r, "u.3, trims rnno-• nod !!u• gum w .rdvrA.mAJi, wlSth in G,lLyt a1 l~ IICr c~•n[
<br />~r aMUm .dial? hr rciutiw +y aaixd mnrt~ngor, .tru: thixrt~apc nhnlJ stand nn wyvnty Inr i!e mr. O [t ixiya+shai
<br />earl nFroiYi thxtt to .'are of an dvin ch n .:nv , t th a] [ ""rn a~n to I t~rmrrS sl r uv -+4 hix+en s i. urns r [ r r ~ ! x~h
<br />nr viubt+cn of anY ,>l tba• ,rvrnnnt+ r a;rrn t hrn- n •arutnrnt 1 ny thv rr rte a>,vr tncn nn] t ti rt ~ yrn: •ia .l+nlr vl
<br />~ said pna+apwl yaun kx rrtrv x«.as rrd- t aKet.nrr wr h nt. stint rnav tt vpbr n i ihr• t l k•r t+rim ! r< n d S'xy nb! tl nc*
<br />nod the ~~i 11Mmiet'4 x~t7d ~.* h~rrnaxfter ;.rrx ui !- ~i !n t,w~ t 'an = c,•fanil a akxrve axe"rfi,Yf I t i+,•nr leriary ,. r ,mld ~.r ,.[
<br />sanl im3t~blKinwa a!u0 gat uncc ?>rcn,mo routicd Fn f+ut<«x;u rc .arwl ~=...7.• ,d the pn-m:wn ^,.f >hnli be ruirlhti3 iu rrao iirai;.
<br />prrra+euon and ux+ <~f the- t ttpert?, nrni t„ tnr nee. ;saute and ~r, rtitx ihr'r .>i the .rrn Fwr:ry, hemby pt-1~.] and iy;neYi
<br />'. :~ at{drr~unal xcrttnty for tlw aa>.let+ttxine_wa whi.h av ~,mtitc .] by tarn mxlru rnzr t, .,nd the h<•idrr ,f r.atd irxlc)twln. . h-nl f,t,~.
<br />•ntttlad to a mCejver r>< said props rty and to t .- rc-nr n, innv r. and vrnfiiv th.~rrof. {mmexiant..ly .: pcn -h tSau11 td a .
<br />n~triver vnsy hr a~min red ny any ix tt „f ,vtn(re t~r1 tutrwilc tlnn uixrn rn i>drty npplsca term- rmd •uithqut. nutit c, notic.;e i~.tng
<br />Fxrraby ++ pre.ely weaved, :and the apteomtne~nt n vu.h n. vrr on rv such {>plx~.xtrni arxLl,ou[ m tiCE• f>eitsg herc•bvctrnsruttsl
<br />' err E>y the r>krt#11P,vr +uai nt} ycrsorn ctamvng Iny thn,c,t~h ~ r .ender ha~i and ri I rro tl a t>Ai t,ruLln a,r=unr and rev enuers tmm
<br />- xaz,d f.mf>+vrty +FuJ t~ hef~i by the r._reiver ae nddifa.,nal rec'iut?y f r the , uvment .>f the J abt t,: r. ire .wrured.
<br />Saftrsad thin ~~~L ,iny. ,..,f ~Ay t
<br />in Prev~+.-aK~r nj J 4+
<br />-
<br />_. __... ;
<br />t'.: Mara axle, a txxar, ;nrt+tic !y caaiitied iur Maid covrt.ty, para,ut]aliy ca,'nts
<br />i
<br />/17'iuGr.~c. fl ..•Rct ;-r»© ~~; K. a.1`w~ hw+b,X,..it--:.ae~~
<br />. kreetw'n to xtte i,i be r. .r :.cr*ncea srho sign,ari me fnt^e~oing in9ttwnent ' acknovried$aal rile ~.Fcee~ulion
<br />the, . +. eta]. deed. n6
<br />~~Y ;~ .196.,. ..
<br />,
<br />L ~ ~TAT~~ GF- ~ E~;nl.,re_i .oa rsumerzr:af irniez Iuuiti]edkaa ra._~,ny
<br />s'.tiu~.:
<br />~^ ~ , k--gisfer +tf T_?,- t, E'rtik,• ,r r ud tie
<br />.. _.
<br />it,?5. r.t i3~eia
<br />