<br />~2~Q~$s~
<br />E=L E G T R I C E A 5 E M S N T
<br />VIRGTL F. BYERLY and ~:RI;ENE t~I. BYERLY, Husband and,"iGTife,
<br />herein called Grantor,. in consideration of ,
<br />receipt of which. is hereby acknowledered, hereb~r grarzts and conveys.
<br />uzsto the
<br />a mur>cipal corporation in Flail Gaurty, Nebraska, herein called
<br />Grantee, a permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-way to
<br />survey,. cartstruct, inspect, maintain, regain. replace, extend,:.
<br />remove, and operate tiaereor., o~'erhead electric utility lines,
<br />poles, anchors, transforarers, surface markers,. and other ~ppurcenarces
<br />connected therewith', ir., upon., above., along, across, underneath,
<br />and x:hrouc}h the Westerly sixteen tl5.o} fzez of the ~torthwest
<br />t~uarter of the Northeast CPuarter (NW~;,NE~x? of Section Twenty Fight
<br />(28}, T7wnship 'IR~aelve tl2) !dorch, Rarge 'idzxe (~? West, of the 6th
<br />P.M. ,' fidil County.. ~3ebraska. Said electric ~asernent contains
<br />0.48 acres rare crr less, ,end is Granted with, the fallowing rights:
<br />tls_restricted ingress x3nd egress to the above-described tract
<br />of land for i.zst~iil<~tion, maintez;anc~, osseratior., :tnd remeival c~£
<br />such u.t,lities a,nd ~sppuztenances,
<br />Such rights of z,ngress acid e*Fress shall include all rights
<br />necessdrti^ far the foil and complete user occupation,. and enjoyment
<br />of the easeaner~t herein granted, includinc the right to remov+~,
<br />clear, and keep clear trees, busYaes, hedges, ursderz~rowtYs, and
<br />ether obstructians interfering with thesurueying, construction,
<br />inspection, z;taintenance, repair, repi~cement, extension,,remeval,
<br />or operation of such utilities. No structures., bu:dings, fences,
<br />or other obstructions csf any kind whatsoeuer, which. would interfere
<br />with the rig?:ts herein grar.tec, shall be allowed in, upon, above,
<br />a_ong, across, underneath, c_ tnroaagh the said easement.
<br />Rif electric ~stiltl° lines, kyles, anchors, transformers,
<br />~.urface markers, and outer appurtenances cor:nected'thc~rewth,
<br />~;eare;: ir., uF;on, above, along, across, ursderneath, a~.d through
<br />-.7u~x; c~esser^.er:t. shall remta.i„ the ~ raperty of tt~e Grantee, ana may.
<br />~`i4ro "~4?;=4TVE<.. ^1" ~t'p~. cl t, f. C? t .-^'/ _~_,......
<br />