$2--~Q~I:I8 ~7 DEED OF T~tliST
<br />TF#i5 DEEI} QF TRtST is made this .. . It)th ...day of .. . ?K?:Y.. .., , .
<br />...
<br />' t9.$Z'., amarrg the T:ustoe. .`', . C; Industries.,. Tnc ,, G. r7avne CROlck, President
<br />E herein "Borrower" 3, .John R. Brownell , .: .
<br />AttPxe>ae, .~L ~,aw ... theresn "Trustee"), and the Bcncfrciary.
<br />C4~¢n~rc..a?,.Ss~vi,s~c~s'.Cotnpan~ of ~rand,~s2and . a corps~ratian organtard and
<br />cxisting,undcr the 3aau5 of. Nebraska whose addmss is. ..... .
<br />..,.
<br />2~~J-; t{-, Webb, Road, yrand_ Island NE 6881 (hererr. "Lender").
<br />B6ttRaw FR.: in conssde[atitln of ttte indebtedness itcrt n ::cattd and the (rust herern :rCvitet;, irrevcxubty graph
<br />and ;<on~e2s t:~ 'Trustee, n trust. with pawc.r os .ate, thu followiztg dcscribd prrspcrt} located in the County of
<br />..:. , Hall..... . . ..... ....... ,state of niehraska:
<br />tart of its T't+ren#'.y-seat (2G) and ?'wenty wive (25> of Geer S:2bdivision
<br />Hall ~untg, Ne'oraska., ;Bore particularly described. as follows::
<br />3egnning at ttte Northeast corner of Lot 'Pr':enty Five {25), thence
<br />rs•,stning southerlp along and upon the east lire of :aid lot for a
<br />distance raf one hundred seventy-fitie an<9 four tenths feet {.2::75.4')
<br />to the actual pant c£ ~ginring; thence continuing southerly £or
<br />a distance o£ one hundred ninety* one and :four tenths feet (191.4")
<br />to the ncrttaerl;.^ '.~undar}• line of ZJth Street tanning t,aence
<br />westerly`. along and uporx the ~ortherlt,baundary line of <>C1th ~;treet
<br />foz s dst:.race of aixt}^-n%re feet {~9 °) , thence running northerly
<br />parallel to the westerly houaxdar}= Line of l.at twenty five (2;i)
<br />for a distance rxf one }:undrr~d ninety erne and :four tenths feet
<br />(19i.') tT:ence easterly Faraliel to the north houndary'lihe of
<br />lots tweet}" szac and twenty five {?r; & a5) f'or a distance o£ sixty
<br />trine feet t&9') r_c the i+lace of beginning, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />rhxh ha+ tht :W+tr~s ctf ~~?:il *:. .llinox~, <:raru9 I:tland S+F. F:$Bt~l
<br />'~'""' '~ rye ... . ,..
<br />;hefcsr, `PrnpGii, :~rsdn-~."~, .r
<br />:4ur• .-c Lo Cevas
<br />ior.r ester ..:r¢t i sh.: saeprr~w~tracniv r;erw z txr~:.:t ~ ct ~+it .hs q~rupcrty andali awc~mc^n t.. right
<br />.rppur+s~aocct -. .. r uh;:ea hovrzs~a~ttr the nght~ ~nti a;l.d .a,. ~ ;, cn bcrrrn tct Lender tc) ecrpcct and apply ~.ucfi
<br />rent.( rr}atr<,:, sancta', riri aadga+, rigtrt, sndp,.,rtit,.aat~r ~.r;:~f tights: and wailcY atvrk, andatl fixturcn nuw ixX
<br />}xnnhcr ertxGce4 tc, •hz property, alt al whet:#t. rnalu<1::`;' r~pr:,i~;r,crrb and:~drfiiicsnc Ct4crciv. >ha.ti tfe clccmcd trnc~
<br />end r r ~>> r^ ~ f : h,: propert4 cc*ierrd h} this Dr ~-d -~! ! r • a;`tl a31 r,f tR~ farrgz>uig tcrgethe,r wuPt ~:ri~ prn~;rYS
<br />nr ,h ~,:...,~,w ~ t. -?,.. Threti c~i Truss ,• art ~_.i., ,..~,~ art: ,'r:rti~i~s r~•fcrrcd ter as the "('rsrpcttt'°%
<br />7cr qtr ~ at i f_r + ;) thtrs'p1Y~t,:r-r :,f t,`;r. „acfxadnc~xtieys~~nccai b~ flrnrsrwcr'snotcsfatcd5-1r1-Sy .
<br />r~rc, . Vote "r. ru rail; pr,~.,,pa1 ~usn 4>i "orty 'onsr Ito tsand Jol:ar:y. .and .r:aiZ n_-
<br />;vd !r. ~y 17~ttl:rrc, with rntcr~,st •#sercon, prtx.~:s}one fc7r rnc>nthly irtctaitmcrat7
<br />x. ~ _ .utb t3YC. hul~nu- ^he endrbs cylRr:.vs riex~
<br />„t •.rrrKF ar, .: ,f uxxncrpaid. duc_and pnyaia)C rsn..31: z-s32
<br />+?te ¢ ~rcrf c:E a3ir~thc-r surnM, with nrtc~zrst f»e.CC+n. „t1v tfuara,'
<br />,;
<br />m ~~cr'°niar :z her,-w,th e, ~'-rr~+ ih, :~arir. ats~ CTrs ! . , ('f~asi. <snd ;hc pcrfi?rn>%t.~cc ,+f tht C,ry-i~tt,rttt~ .a;td
<br />aQJt'rsneestu,t ;~trzra• hcYt'ta tsi-,c3. ts_t ib! ttss t~~rayns:•t rsi any tutus,r advtrxe~ with inacrc`at t~res ~; 9n;xrlrt
<br />to H4~nr+,utr 'mss F :edrr pursuant tc ta:rrair rah :: kisaFc•r•fihut." 'Fstturr '4dr::nt>r'S'.
<br />d3r>!n r t~+, .,zr t hx fS rr +..rs ~t:rlly r, ' ,,° .hc . ~,.:tc h; , ~ s ,:yctt cirrrt .r.aslh~ ,,a~,irt tr>:~rtr7t ar.d
<br />_ an _s tom; frs r°~ .ra a`r f .;e~rt ~.
<br />'4~ ~ s c~.:rtcR, , x3:.~r>¢1 tha. far ~r ,. 1 ~:rrant .~~ ahr"cnc; ~,*~~nE°rn!#c~ rhn•
<br />' .ts rfi ~h~ F t•gor,'t?k~ art :. ,: ;?.x:ra?~ c~ t3e^xt ++~:.i :.. ~._- t- n
<br />- -. 5 lt. ~5t4• ~ 5:'.ar 'Y ti9 ~~ ta'+u!:4E ... ~!
<br />5c+iatias: ahis,:,i.: ,.st t ~,tsr ~ 5 J:. .u :. ... Pre. }^grrt ~
<br />!FElI~ASXA . ; ,-,.. erases +~;rt uxKt;xtit w~teuyxra
<br />,~,, ~~ ~ ,
<br />k ...
<br />