<br />ADJ [.~ST~13L~. 12AT'E- I~t~AN RI~3EI2
<br />NU"# t<;1:: T}E}: t.L't:ilti"}1 ]ti5i`itt'~tt'\";'iF.C'1?Ft}:!i f1 ti(>'f'F:41'ittf.'1i ('(1NTAINS
<br />~ t'tute'#';IUV at.iues~inc: e'ttH Ct1ASVt;r;S #~~ iY!}; tti'i~t~o-t}~tiT RaTr:'!ri-
<br /><~~}_+s~s l~ti T##t: t.r~:EZrsl' az.~~r}: lvsi.t. t~r:,E~t:i' r'v tla~;ttt:~zPA-Yrvs!~'Jr~
<br />ut:CEi}_a~t,~ IV 'fliF. i~'FF.12h:5E }2A"rE ~1'II.t- I27`~i'[. FiM t.t74tiF.}t i'gY'MEIV'IS.
<br />t iFii ttidcr is ;r.adc t iris . 61rh ... clay' of .... l.`'~Y' ..:.......... . 19.$2.. ,anti is incorporated'ifito and shalt
<br />°~c ,i~c~:r1 to ~n,ra# an%; sr:pptemctt€tte '~tortgagc, IJrcd a#' Trust, :tr #7crd to Secure Debi (the "5ecmrity Insfrw
<br />~nr,,!' } ~I 'tic ~arc,r date gi.enby t#seunti.cest6nccl (the "t3orrowrr'"3ta ucurc 13orttawcr's Note3o .:Th2_..F.irst .;,.
<br />Nati qna 1. $ank. of Grand Island>~ brand. T.s.la[td,..Kebraska .. , , , , . ,
<br />_,, i .-,dc ~ ;t: to .c r; ate tt~ "Nate '} snd cavering tii~ ttrr~ner y dcscrihed~in the. Sccurity~lnstrument and
<br />,,,,,tc~, ,,r c-l2 Scuth ni j-,e, ,brand .Isi.and:..Nebraska.
<br />Yra,rrrry Rstdrrxy. ... ...... .......
<br />' Atudificatiuas. I ~dit;ve. to ate ~oa~enants attd agree=nc-tits: ma.fe in tl,i` Security Snstrumcn[, (3arrowerand
<br />3,;nJcs ru-:hcr iu~:cnir,t and .,ytee a~(~.t?Idws:
<br />~. r~~xtai}sr xA~~}:.~til', ~:au~rti~.v rw~°;w~~;vr c:kiANt;F:~;
<br />i #,: ti~:tc .'tai ar. "1.~;t~~, it : rrzt iZa[:" of >1.`~,;5(iafl: ?'hc Natr+=ttcrr+t r;uc tttay lac increased or decreased on the
<br />l st ds} ut r';c mntuP, hcgntn;,t~ ore .:. ~dC'Gh, ~ - , , , , . , .., irl, 8fi , artd un that day of the month every
<br />1 ~ rnnnt',s :!ier[3ft:cc..
<br />t: !ra,..•cs nz !hr :n€ccest rats are f;a+'ernet3 by ~l;angcs in act ittcscst t:ttr iitdrx c:tlirci tttr"index". The tndcz isihe:
<br />t t i [ :rn:raat Irttctrs[ tia:e, P€:rchasc a( t'rcvinusly t)~zt#.icr1 11,tncs, Natiartai Averagr for aIt Major
<br />? , ..f i rn.;cr." pu371iahec# it; t#c tr.l;r~I iic'utte 1~aan Bank i3aaru.
<br />r', x• : U.. S.: Freasury_ Secure,ties- ,3 .,~edr .. .. . :. ............:.. .....:.:..
<br />+, . „~. r,,, , =~.K ~ r +M+Arr7l+rrr ,x u.sr n,~~m~u+rr;x~>rr amr nv~+,rra .n .hr in7rrrs+ra,r ,?n r.:rh ('livnkr (1utr.`{j rv Lwx s cAnkrd 7herr wiAl
<br />~ 7 + T:xrc is na asax,rt.ent Tract an chattgc~ ;,: nc~ ,nicrest rttcst any t'hanye llatel.
<br />a# ire 7s:terest r:cic . srt:,,.. he =;ha:tgcd #ty' n,,,re thou . ~ ... jx~ ;t:intagtF #toints at any Change Datc.
<br />!,c ~^;crc,: r.ttethangr~, ~..,':;,tunt of Et,,rrahe-'~, cttaathiy pa.."e,•t,t. wiN ~haztgc as provided'in the Notc. In~
<br />,,,, ~.n ,',,c =r.tr.rs rate wet' ..~... _ ., rrghtr ~z.rttgr,:s 1 tersest:. nt me :arerest rate wilt result in Tower paynicnts.
<br />'i ::.1 he :t,d! !hf '.nah .=s t~,1 :;~ -". tiC 3h L1T..F Ittstr Utttf nt IS1U#x;~;1 !+~ 1 l.i wwhlClt SCtS niaxl nt L'ttitaan Cltafxe$
<br />.. .mow r;,f^+pt ctrtl :u ,,:.:.'.i• i:u r: C)tui ,sl l;tt t„dn chargyti t,r„r;l ni to t)C tiallttittd in CCTnrtCL"IIOn Wlthahc
<br />..,,.,.. ~ ~..rJ ;=c, ~,:,: c~ ' , , ... n,•. ,t ~ nc ..:.r, r''rn; {:~) ,ta~, s ,,.~tt t==sit rhsugc shall be~re¢uecd6y the a#naunt
<br />,.,.,,~y;,, :~;,,.a~~;:c~!:~;~c :~i,,-er,,,;.:ed=: ,,,;:ui.iSitl.taysu,,.~~rrndy~catltcrarxJfrornf3ttrravicrwhtchc>ECCOd-
<br />:,,r„rrd = u~ir1 w ;, '~,c :,-'..nuc~ ;.= lion ::w,r l .stalrr ,r.~y 41tz,nc ~t,inaicc i#srs rtfuitd by,fcdycingthc principal
<br />. =,•a!c: ~hr \n:c or ~i~' ,;i~.~uy ~ ,su~:~ toeti m:nftu {3tttrawrr
<br />t t'Miillt I.f} 1~
<br />t ;r Cc•r ,1.~r;::~:,c•, .P~, a'. ,; a~,} Paai ;>i :hc ~~:rt,•.c.us:~:# l,~. ttai, Sa's:ua'i,yin5trunicnt arc Subtt:ct to daien
<br />.., .~: i~.,. , •ny ~~~e: +;,~, :~:.:: +~ L ,,;,rr~~nt. t cm!~r iz;ay -.end 1Sttrriiwe' a nc,tiCC adrntifyingdltai lien: $Urrowet
<br />,. r ... ,.:u; •r}ar ~ ,, '~ •„ ;,, ,i~.t :;, ,.,~.~.r.,;, = a wf rice `iecvnty in,trurnent or shalt promptly
<br />... , .,. .,i~ecsr,rm ~r~ , .~~~ . ...,:.~~.i,,r~r ;,. I : .,~r r.7 r~o,dn,:,~~•,,, uai'sin to dii, ticc^urity #nstrtitricnt.
<br />Ir. IF2.111}}.If t1t ItIF #'titJl'i Fii1
<br />ti :air ;, ~ :~aa,lr• ~,I .,,t I':,,;+c::} su!`)cs 1 .~ ;s~,:df;,ea~h I ; ~ ihz Sr~~:unEy itrilrunsent, t_Cndermay rtQUk[e (I)
<br />_.- , , .xr ut I~,Ci»n cvl .'•ot n, c:U :. ,~: i-i apt u,i t2 nc Ls., sr is r1, ..! .,I) i}m lrh' I ,5,7I~lC aftloi2 ntD# any an~ip•
<br />.... :.:c.r,.,ngr h(,hcre u a t <,., 1, .,r ,i? a t=a-lge , inc Itasz #hclax rdssrr. ur va u` ;hest, asa condition of..LcndCr's
<br />.,,:,r,g !tie n(•uun :u ac.e#eta tzw'.,,Icd ::, ~.u;ig[syih #'
<br />by ,s~nmg tfio, C1 cttc=:>wtr .,fir cc. t„ ill o! ttid ay,w e.
<br />' _ ~`~
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<br />lante~.B. Seltzer- ._: ....... :Sca#}
<br />-ao torts
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<br />~tinita 3. Seltzer -alo>Y~.r~
<br />.=.~z$I,~.RaIE CQAM~ftIfJE~R~~+ t ~:. G;a. ..> ..s, .a .r~. .rr t. k rsr7n~xrsarxr#Iu,g~~;e(o-.
<br />A£IJUS?A 'S ravr ~~af *1n;'ar,Mtyt+
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