2.2 12evzsed1875 ~ HuHmar.:antlt:altanB.Woif,Walton.Ne.585f1.
<br />~~~~~~ ~~
<br />-. ,
<br />~h :AY.i~, an unmarried gess:on, also }cr.~tan as tlda "vlcClellan
<br />La?~nan
<br />. , Grzintor, .whether one or more,
<br />coneide:~ation of $I. Qfl and trans€er of pre~e:-ty to trust
<br />' ......... .......:. .................... _,._...._... receip# of which is heretay ackztowletiged, eonaeys to
<br />Ct}RCIAI. *.3ATT_QIdAL BA?~tK Ai'~iD TRU6T GQA~'A1~T1', Trustee,
<br />. Grantee,
<br />.the foiiowiz;g,descszbed'real estate (ag defuzed in deb. z'iev, 5tat. ~ T6-201} in '
<br />iialI: ouazty, Nebraska:
<br />` northwest fZuartex (!v'W~~ and the :Jest Half of the ~iorth-
<br />aast: (2txarter CW~NE~) , of Section Ttaenty 5aven ('??} ,
<br />Township EI.even (lI) , forth, Range "yen (1©) , ,T.Jest of
<br />the 'btia F,M. NEE~2Cl}MENTARI'
<br />S7ARfli? TAX
<br />~TA74ME?`~ ~;';`ACYtE~ i
<br />Grazstor covenruxts { jouztly and zeeveraliy, it .incase than one} "s~tee ai~~, t rancor:
<br />1) u )axftall~ :lexsrd of such reel estrate and thmz tt is free froze: encx:mksrancett
<br />{ 2} kzazi iegzzi paw~r zzrrd lsvrful atztharzty ty cm~3nv4y thr same,
<br />{ 3y warrantor apd wzil defezzd ttze tztie tra the r~nai; estate agatnzzt this l;tsaful clai.ma of all perz3on~.
<br />Enrcuted: M2Jty (n 'K i$ $~.
<br />........... . ..............~u,. ,....::, ....,........
<br />~: ,.....~..Z~,~~r./.. ,m......
<br />~~A~#a E. ~L~~man
<br />state of Neiaratiw
<br />Couzzty zaf .~A~,~ .. .....:........
<br />' The forcgaiztg znatruzrent nae-ackncawledged beftrre zszt ran ~ L ...Ag~~...,....
<br />' .. .. ~
<br />~, Ada E. Lavmar, an .zruaarrzeri person.
<br />..... .:
<br />,~ j~
<br />.~ ~ '-
<br />s'I'I+Tf:: C3 f• 'v EHFia'S StL tk
<br />( r~ttLV of ....- •---.. _. ...... .. .....<
<br />ii•• i~zlecF ?or recc~rci and !~r,rxr+o ~n :S~mari~cs3 Littl~ac tin s
<br />at .. _. o'c%rxit ..._'~s., ~zx! rev-arzic~t! ssl~e~e+d >rvasS .<,., r`~<s~e ~.
<br />~3yf.. ......:..:.. ..... ... .. ...... ....... ...... .:.......,.,..,.....
<br />~,
<br />s _ <.
<br />uy ~.-:~.~ .,.. ., =r :. 41erd~
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