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<br />t 'TEIIS;Ii`tl~Elti'T`tdI2E. I<Iade tleis 3r3 day o[ ^Sarch in the year one 4hovaand
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<br />Lo it daft' paid, tine receipt wherswi is hereby ac7:zwwlert~rd '-as \ remised. re~te~ ~A~ I~
<br />quit-tlssmed, attd by t6tse greaerets aia zemise, rrtea;a and lures~er gait-tl:3im unto the said. t?actiE?S of Zhe seeond part, and j Iii
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<br />~f (~5}. of F:"tazs S Street atl:taC.X'Srt thereto, Hall C'.ow?tir, ?debraska. I (,
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<br />~r3~n,. i~., o. t31e t]tt>ah,3 IJistrict f7ffis~ of .S'r:a12 ~'taSiness ~nis~ration,
<br />xta -Y a A~ated States of 1tt4nr~, and as aut2~arized by SBA's Rules ~rtri Reaquiat~atsS,
<br />~t iii. P,~zision 2, ~S.thl~_shr~ iz t~~ Feciera3,-eP,.,e,,g~i7u~t~ Janc~~ty iS, 1.982, 9 ~'f? :?3DS, arrd
<br />tg1S% the ~ aTld :OS@t~tlil]g i.RS~1-f,R:F~1'1't ci'c'3.'. u.l,,J"o.+ I' 131Itd Bdt YSE'~Sglf C!t ~c11f.~ ~1T137.: F~t,Xa1Z7£'SS
<br />Adraini.stratian S<ei.r3 r~t~s; .~r. tngan acltzx~rledr~ 'aSd i.nnt-:aE~4t to k~
<br />thz £tr:1c act arss3 deed ~f .:~za 1 3+.r~ -xr,c~s ~~4znistt~atioa.
<br />St3t.~eri~Zi in m~ pre:.enc~ aria ~-:a.~rn r_o aefare me tzir /`~" r3a~ c,'' ,'~.,~,~ , ,r,
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