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i ~ <br /> <br /> <br />~2-~- t3(?.1f3~ <br />E L E C T g.- F C' E A S E tit E N T <br />HOIJARD EQOJS G~J1~SPfANY, herein called Grantor, .n consideration oY <br />~! +~ , receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby <br />grants and conveys unto the <br />C3TY OF GR4ND 3SLAND, ldffiRASKA, <br />a municipal corporatican in Halt County, Nebraska, herein ca22ed Grantee, a <br />permanent and perpetual. easement and right-of-way to survey, construct, <br />lnspect, maintain,. repair, replace, extends remove, and operate thereon, <br />overhead electric utility lines, poles,_archorss transformers, surface <br />markers, and othez appurtenances connected ~Aerewith in, open, above,. <br />along, across, underneath, and'..thraugh-two, sixteen l'15} foot wider tracts <br />of land located. in part of Lats Hine (9}, Ten (24},, Eleven (11},..and <br />I~relve tl2) of Fairacree Dairw Subdivision, and the k'est half, or the <br />Southwest Quarter (ttk,Silt} of Section Twelve (I2},:.Township Eleven (11} <br />*iortte. Range pine (9} West, of the 6th P.ff., Ha11 County, 'Nebraska, the <br />Centerline of eacb Bract being more particularly described as follows; <br />Tract fir gra:gi,nniny; on the'st Sine o£' the said Lot: Rine <br />(91, tvcnty zhtee (~3.C~} feet ~3orth of the;.Sautheast corner <br />thereof; thence. forth alang the East line of said Lats Nine <br />(91, Yen ilo}, El~,ven (11}, Twelve (Y2}, and tlzeiz Northerly <br />prolongation, a distance of three hundired eighty one (a&l; 0)' <br />fear. <br />Tract ~2: 9eginning at a point thirty three (33..0) feet <br />East and two tsundred thirty nine snd seven'tenchs (239.7} <br />feet South of the t~~rxthweat cornet of the Soutltt+est Quarrter <br />' of the Southwest Quarter (Sw~S,Sw~7. thence East parallel: to <br />the South line of said Section Twelve (12.), a distance of <br />one t;undred sixty fiftc (165.0) feet, to a point: on the ~fest <br />line cf the above said Tract 42. <br />Both said tracts containing a ccxmbiaed total of 0.24 acre$ <br />more or less as shaws- on th~:plat dated 12114/$1, marked <br />Exhibit "A", attached-hereto and incorporated herein by <br />reference, <br />together with the following rights; <br />14nrestrir_ted ingress and: egress to the above-described tract of land <br />far installation, aainteoance operation, and removal of such utilities<and <br />appurtenances. <br />S^Lh r3_rhts o£ ingress and egresa sha21'incl:tde all rights necessary <br />far the !`ull snd ccrapl.ete use„ t~ecupation, and z~njoy~nt of tkse easemez+t <br />h~-rein grunted, including the rig%it to rt~move, clear, and: keep clear trees:, <br />Lye1ShR&, Ite~fges, etrtd~t r~rz~wti~a, x .c otiacr cast rncticrks iriter£erixag +.riith the <br />~rsx--ae~;, nf„ c^sa.4*ruc4~`.cn, ~~~~'~+ts`ean; ,Ta €nC~nc~r ~~, Tr^p-a 3. rr. ~'+rpA3C:+3~~'At, <br />