<br />EXTENSION AGREEti9ENT '~:~~~l~e`j`~
<br />[n cartsideration o` the extension of the time of payment of the ori;ai:-tal promissory. note
<br />. Hereinafter described, the urzders;gned', Dwayne E. Pi pal and Mare~ne M. Pipal,
<br />HusSand & blife _ t-screby covenant and agree to pay. to 7tza First
<br />N~tiai~ai t3ank of Grand is,ar~d, Grand lsiand, Nebraska, or order, the principal sum: of
<br />fifty-Four Thetusand and 0OIIO0-------------------------------------------°-------------
<br />f 5 ~~ ) , -ac;ether u.itlz' s,zterest thereon at 16_50 fser-cent per
<br />anns:m from the Gate i~eres,`, s~~ch sum to e a elate-on Ct0 er 1 ~ l,nterast 1
<br />bt p- Y
<br />shat! be payable at maiur,t~, on October 27, 19$2 _
<br />- - i
<br />T;.e c:riSinal rrincspaf note in the amount ef- Fiftyy~Fpur Th©uSdnd and_00/~00--------------- j
<br />------------- ------------t~ 54,Ot}0.Ofl was executod and de{ivered by ~
<br />the unders;tfr.ed under the date of `November 2, 19$1 to The First National I
<br />fjank of C, rand Is!and, Grand Js{and, Nebr-asks, aszd was due and ,payable on the 30th
<br />day of April, 1982 LogeLiter with interest at Seventeen (17) per
<br />cent per annum and secured i3y Real E;st~'~~ac~e to The First'Naiionat Bank of Grand
<br />{stand, Grand 1 s1an~, Nebraska, iKi~ as oCUtnent `81-005568
<br />in the !:"ortgage Records of }Ia7l - _~-' C:ounty;~~' he~~r3sfa - I
<br />The undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance. of prircipal-of Fifthfour Thousand
<br />and 00/I00-----------=-------------------------------- t S 54,000,00.__- ) , together
<br />r:~th interest thereosn at; 16..5 per cent tzer annum, sucft principal and'-
<br />,merest to be payabEe in lawful money>of the Unites! States of ,'~snerica aL The First Nat- '
<br />tonal Bank of Grand [,#and, C, rand island; t'+iebrasFca.
<br />AI€ ad the cavertants and agreements in such griginai r-sntie and: the {teat Estate 'ttortgage a-
<br />~Yre-±fescribed, other Lhan hereintaefore mgdfiea, 5t~ali tie and remain uncttange-d and in
<br />full force and effect during such extended {~r~rit±cr. if de#air3t tie, made in payment of arty ~
<br />principal sum, the entire principal sum with snt~_~ eat titeretsn sl~ail t.aecgme imenediatety
<br />due and payable at the election of the legal hc+id.~r ihrreof.
<br />!n furtk?er ~ansideratiots of such extension of-time of ;rays ~:~rnL <~t such irsdetstednc:ss, there-
<br />ay r:stify and confsrm Such moctyage recorded as Document =8T-Q05568`
<br />__ _ _ _---
<br />ip Rai EStat~"~iort<3ac,~ rrcc;rU~ e~f~~~-~~~a~~-~-~~~~`
<br />County, _`_ NebraStta .~s ih~ first mgrigage lien upoh
<br />the real presperty descr•i:bed therein; and the whole: crt the i,tte .thereto as now owned lay me.
<br />T`,e undcr5igned executes this Fxtrnsion l~c~rc~c>m~~nt v.;r.i, refer~a't~ta to anti on tYte fa':th and
<br />credit of their prgperty, whtcii they nqw Cwrt nr lsavc• ,,ri interest rz car hereafter may ac-
<br />-icrir~r; the express irsteritit-snberng td.chargeand t~ s_or'rii3ave tq'charrie arsy and a;J `of such
<br />ttroperty wsth a',e }payment of the indelstedn~:ss, the ;,:syment of wi~ich is Herein extended.
<br />IN WiTwE55 ~~'HEREt7F,'ihe undersigned have hercuntq sit t#tis hands this 30th
<br />day of __Apri i . I9$2 `
<br />~_ }
<br />Owayn~ Pi pa 3 ~ _-4_~.~_
<br />'Marcine M pipet;
<br />5 T A T E G F ti e g r35.k~:_._._____..~._~.
<br />CC3UNTY OF Hall ~
<br />The for igrs nt M~as acknowledge befgre me this 30th day of
<br />_~ r _°'
<br />April ~ .~. ~:'~~•r.~ 8? by; Dwayne E_ pi pal an . arc. rae
<br />~.~ e ~ _
<br />i c~+~rsss:s~+
<br />w ~-tf4~ `+i~~tary s3ubiic
<br />`.~ 1*
<br />~~
<br />l.N~3~ ~'~. .~' rti r: ry t .y t; 'r? R~'~C . ~~ 'YP ~- _. ': r' ,+? r(i_ 1'.~ ~ ~+ ~
<br />~. ~__ ~. '~__ LE-ttiot~ tt`~ the Ci Wv o, frari,'°
<br />