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<br />$2-- iJli1~331 <br />SPECIA„ L+IAIZRd~NTY 17E8D <br />~4RArISAS Z~11I+IJ & DL~G'ELUF~~rEi~IT' COMpAI~l~', an Arkansas corporation, <br />, in consirseraticn of 3ne Ba:llar ($1.00} and other good <br />and .~aiuabie consideration received frem Grantee, LILL3E 18-94 <br />Ct]i2PCR~3TIfJ?+I, a iviseonsin corporation, conveys tci Grantee, the <br />Following deserbec real estate in Hall County, uebraska: <br />1. The Nbrth half of the Northeast ..Quarter {N~ !vE,) <br />of Section Seuen ;7} and tie Southeast t~uarter <br />'S£>„ flf Section Six (6) , all. i.-~ Township Ten <br />t~,)i tiorth, 2a.~r.~ Twelve t12} West of t:3e 6th <br />.'~. £xCEPT a tract of land comprs.*ug a part of <br />the Southeast Quarter {S£~S) of 5eotion Six C6}, <br />Townstsip Ten (101 "v'orth, Range' Twelve (12} West of <br />the 6t~a P.A4. , Hall County, !~ebraska<,, more <br />particLlarly ~esc=ibed as f©llows_ <br />.Beginning at the southwast corner ot'said SEA; <br />t~aence running northerly along the west line of <br />said SE?s a z3istance of t~ao thousand six hundred' <br />fcr*_y-four ah~ ninety-six hundredths ';2,644.96) <br />feet to the northwest cprner of said SEUa;::.thence: <br />unns.ny east~rl;• along the n~srth line ox said <br />S;;~a a dstanee ~3t one hundred sixty: (160.0) feet:.; <br />thence z3e'fltcttnc: right l:il°06' and zunnng <br />southwesterly a dista:~Ce of ninety-six and forty- <br />two ."iundredths r9h.4~, felt; thence deflecting <br />'_eft bG°'_2' anc runr.inq southerly a distance of <br />three hundred `tart=-threes Ord Nine-tenths (343.9) <br />:'eet; -_henc~ r~:'~ect~nc-0 iafr 56'12' and r. tanning <br />°cnatheasterl,; a ,:?istanc~° of°nne ~:ur:d:~+~d seventy= <br />three' cent: `ourtef:~r. hundredths ; ~ %3. i4 i feet; <br />thence deflecting 55`-33' ;and runni:-~rr <br />southerly a drstanc~~ ..~ twc; t3':ousana ~,n~ hundred <br />fift~~-six and e~.yht.y-~r.•~ hunu're3ths '2 X56.81} <br />feet.. tc a paint or, th^ srzutr: lice .. said SE;; <br />thence cunning westerly alnncd the youth ~:Lne of <br />said SE; a distance ~~f two hundred t;avnt.., ~-,LV~n <br />an3 ninety-five hundredths '227.97) eEt tra the <br />point of be,:.^.ninc and r_on*_ainz,y 12.06 acres, <br />more or Bess; <br />2. The Southeast •',~uartez (SE.;e of Section Twenty- <br />sever. (2 ;) , Townshzp Eleven (11 } Nort~u, flange <br />`i"s:elve i 12} west ~ _ the Stn P.S1. , Hall County, <br />, EXCEP?' <br />,'~ strip of 1ar:d se:~ea ; 7: feet in width. adjacent <br />tc thv rresent Cou3aty 33 fc?at right-oy-way along <br />to south si~fe gf said ~E-, containing .426 acres' <br />c~ ~aatd . ~. road, parpcses. <br />Sui~zect tc: ~ schoc>1"..lance arpearing of record <br />i.n HFvoic p«ge 464 of the Rc.~or ~s ~-f I2ec?2sr_~,r cif <br />:zeds, ciai ,.aunty, :~.Plrask.z '..o :;chc;~1 f7istr~~t. <br />X24 of Ha ~ ~~.unty ~:e!irasrc, ~vx~ring one : i i <br />NEBRASKA C)C1Gi)t~#EiYTP~R`f <br />gyp` ''AMA TAX <br />~~ <br />