~- _ .
<br />c`32-'.~ X318'3 0
<br />ARKANSAS L~L~D & Dr`JcLOi ~1ENT CO'3PAN~", an .~rl.arsaS oorp6rdtiOr=
<br />of 6~est !y!emphis, .'vr}:a: sas (.?1o.rtgagor) to secsrc- the .payment of
<br />Four Hundred Seventy-eight T'.;ousand 7 ~llars ($47ii, 0110.00) loahed
<br />to ~IOrtyagor by C:ONSGLI'_7ATnD BL~;tiDERS, 1~aC. , oas hereby: mortgage
<br />to Consolidated Hlende~s, Inc., s vebras:~a carporatan of Fremeant,
<br />Nebraska (N!ortgagee?, the tollowingrea1 prapertyfogether:`with-
<br />all futures and imrroveme.^.ts thereon,-.located.'in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska:
<br />I:. T'he North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N z NE Q
<br />of Section Seven {7) and the Southeast Quarter -
<br />{SE4) o€ Section Six (6); all'in Township Ten
<br />{i0} North, Range Twelve !i2) West of the 6th
<br />FM. EXCEPT a tract of land comprising a part of
<br />the 'Southeast Quarter {SE} of Section Six (6},;'
<br />Township Ten (1Q}.North,-Range Twelve (12) West of
<br />the 6th'F.M. Hall County, Nebraska, mores
<br />panic=__larly described as follows=
<br />Beginning at the southwest corner of said`SEs;
<br />thence running northerly clang- the west line of
<br />said SE4 a distance of two thousand-sic hundred
<br />`ortr-four and ninety-six hundredths: (2,644.96}
<br />fezt ta'the northwest corner of said SE'a; thence
<br />runnin4:easterly clang the north line of said
<br />SE a a distance of one hundred sixty ;,(160.6) feet;
<br />thence c3efiecting right 1:51°66' and running
<br />southwesterly ,a distance of nnety~sx and forty-
<br />two hundredths 496.42} feet; th~:nce deflecting
<br />left 6D°).2' and running..southerly> a distance of
<br />three hundred forty-three and nine-tenths. (343.9)
<br />faer_; thence deflecting left 56°12' and running
<br />southeasterly a distance of one hundred seventy-
<br />three and fourteen hundredths !'_73.:1:4) feet;
<br />thence defleoting right 55"~3' andrunninq
<br />southerly a dsanee of two thousand-one hundred
<br />f`ty-six and eighty-one hundrociths (i,I56.81}
<br />feet to a point on the south iinA of said SEQ;
<br />thence running westerly aior_y the south line of
<br />said SE a distance of two hundred, twenty-seven
<br />anti ninety-five hundredths !227.957 feet to the
<br />tx~int of beginning and containing 12.16 aece5,
<br />more or less;
<br />2. The Southeast Quarter (SEs;) of Section Twenty-
<br />seven (27}, Township Eleven ,113 North, Range
<br />~'welve x.12} West oz the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, EXCEPT
<br />A strip of lard seven (7; feet in ti:.idth adjacent
<br />to the present County 33 foot right-of-way along
<br />the south side of said SE< containincr .4?.6 acres
<br />of lard Eor road purposes.
<br />Subieet to a school ion: iease,appra-trot c,t tecorci
<br />in i;ook page 464 of the Recarc~s of Reyistc>r ~,f
<br />Deeds, Hali County, Nebraskato SChoo: ~.stri.ct
<br />X24 ot` mall County, ?7ebraska, Cnveri.ng cne ': _,
<br />core ob Lard, more ~1. less.
<br />Pay^nent c:f tine Sour Hun3r<~d Sewor,ty-eight Tironsar 3 Jo.LEt"
<br />~47b, tiv:~. v`il } ix~a8btc.d^~'.~i~ Sh?? ~ :+_' ,,.:LL= _.~ ~?C...tr ...y: ..,. _,35(t~
<br />on or ~ieiore t3arch 1, 1983, teyethe.r ~:ith ~*:teresr_ ~~;± .:i°,irt<~en
<br />and ~~rie-rauarter {' 3.;xj perc:er-_t Net an*.;u:~; accruc_~, £r~~r ~ ~.e:,d~r~o .
<br />of thi:~ r~x~ctGage~.
<br />