Y~_ _.. _ ~ _._~._:
<br />53-A-RI_At E$'F"ATE tF9QRTGAG E- Yt^.th Tax clause 3„r.~~~ ~ r~ Roseman 20tl Fekan & Woli Waitan, Re.6846I 1
<br />KNQ64' :~i.L tifEId BY TRE=-F. ['RF.SE\rT3: 'I'H~.1' ~ L '~ ~a.5 .serve ex'Atz3r tiT<~ `:2:~PeTl ~ `'L 1
<br />~^. ~~a~r;ra:: ._, _~~.--- - --. ,......_ _ _y., ~ -._ ter ~»n ~i~,~t.
<br />7 t;Vfartgagor 1
<br />u# .. _.~._ ['~~uaiyand State-oC •YCbr~.s:~;: , inrnnsideratioa of the aum:ert
<br />- '' AOLLRRB j
<br />i:t han,t [laid, da hEretrv SELL mnd i;QN1rEYuntn a+~~~e xrlC ~i" ~ku'n~JO~
<br />- ~ (Mortgagee-
<br />. of >?k~-i'~ Couaty,.arni State of "~~'-'35-:~: the fallow~irtgdescxibed,premis~g
<br />siitatcd in ,__~ Gottnty seed Seste of '';2FJ2`~3.SN'-.:- to-wit:.
<br />ir~i., ~ ~ ._r_' .~ ~ ~ e ~~ ~1~n '~:rc e i,^, ; c. ~.'€... ~ ~~Y: a^:a~tiwri *a ~~
<br />i
<br />'fltr tateartia~ k,renr to ewrcavey tiereEvs+ an u}w•3utF tatDr."ari irr rsixaple trxtttdixyt all the. nafhts of hnmeistead and dower:
<br />Tel }fAV"f_' A!~:D -T'O FIiSL II thr pcacrssxcs »txw'r dt^veched; wtah a}i rite appurtenancra thexeursta :~ktelongirtg:::unto rile
<br />sad rwrtRaBar end u~ i hetra act{ vvegnx. . ,rrvi-r: paividc[i. a}weVR xi1d tfu~e Crrt~+anta arp upon..tlte etsprenw
<br />canditirn that ,! thn a[n n+seru3 mor.Fa~or ,.. __ ixv rs, exeeutnn.. adtrnniatratozn nr-:iasiKus sha}!: }Say car cause {u t:e
<br />~;, pad to thr +,ard rrwrtXa);c'e ,- t~. rtrr rv. ,'rr.: u~nes, adrasxuatraxnrs atr asrtgizs,th,~ nuntof.
<br />I
<br />:.S.t-v ~YG;;s,:,.c~,. ~..~ ,.. ESaallars. payakiioaafpiiowR. ta?wi1:
<br />~; r h .., . I:;r,ifn» <~n thr ?LSC1, clap rat ..~;1~-..,.~~~n r~.. ~ 7.3 ~~?
<br />~ iA,ilar~.mt7:e dnyr>f L'd
<br />1 w,!lurs ..n /.hr 'riYy of 19
<br />fA,~l;aft +,n 7{iY daynf I9
<br />!_lulldlw .. .n 11x1' (laytkt ~ }~
<br />~; artth tntereat thotw*n u[ _ ;rrr r+•n[ tMr bnttum. S.a~vble ..,.._, aartuully ,rl :, c:rurd ing Gi the tanoi andeRectn{
<br />i errrtnin UrrKnn+uorY note nl wed -,:L„ .T 7hi'. 'a: ~.t .. _.~?S^t - ~'t:)Q", .: 'fi'b .,t?I'Lr;~
<br />}wrir<%6 rr*n data ..nth [hesw pr.-+r•wu,..,nd nha}l r..sv u?i text. .vied ;taatwm~rvtta }pried utx>n aa>.d. rrnb: Nstale~ seed aU rte#ter Yaxea:
<br />~t ievaes a[d a~e.voenu Invrexf utton lh s rrwrtXal¢e ,ir !hr Huey which this atwaXa,Xa. ?e given in aecuxt: }x'faixc the aatne-ixitnmea
<br />,r~~
<br />drlioquent, vnd kxp thr trutkira~a .'n grad r, retnrsry tnwrrv} fnr !tw ,um 4{ E ~ lorXa;. if any, 7>ayabic to
<br />the titiad cngt er, then thcaa ~
<br />~ prrsenra to i>F vnrd, r,thrrwise to M east re-ri,atgt .n fu I fumes I
<br />IT 1:3 F(;RTH6R A(:RE>rL) It; 'T'hat ,f eha ~ra.iri rrn->rtxa Ar~r strait fail t.} pu'r Kuch !aztm nr 6afi7cttr'r~ 9ar[;Ia irtautentr; lh~
<br />seed rorrrtlCatX~ may tiny ~ucA taus rrd t!re+avm +nuh lnwrance: and the perm >k, oda~ar rrvl.. w,t}t irttert4rt rat {x.e :~s•nt
<br />j shall be [bird trv ,wd nwrt,¢aXrsr. ano thrs nort~tnXr shall rurw! tw atv-urrty f<rr thr. waste. (21 'Phat a failure to pay ;env ri; +:+id
<br />tn,arzry. rioter pnna psi or entnrral whin the sarnt ttiactrmtas due, or a fatlun so rxxnply wtih any e[ the foxe>goia$ attrectnentw,
<br />e<hrfl cause tha whole nun r,t rnartry he trw Neavrad to boc<,me dote n,~t~d ~:rdlectihi~once al, tt~.opt:on of'.tfte mortgsRee:
<br />3fHn..i tttu dey re{ : syv 19 n
<br />:r
<br />,. In Prrarnrr :R .
<br />-.
<br />j
<br />SPATE 4F . ~ac.::r...a'.icz... ntnrp ..f ..r
<br />~.. Efs~'are tae, a nartacv u^'a~c 4nalt5exa for grad county, t-'erw onalty came ~ ' .. -. ._. ~. .~@_:_`:Ec«. ^+~ r;
<br />i~l ~l:f_'SS..a;a! •. =i.Pin:ii>• .»~1: ;: 31 '~. ._~t, _:^.r -~, .:
<br />s ktuiwe to tae to he the i,1++rtxicstt prnurrr r !r+:rsr ns r.nc +tctnvd the , ur~oinz ..~.li~iifn~4'~iOC~~ecvUun
<br />fLerEd to 3,>r hie, bet ar aheyr ~tiantary aw9 uand aced- „JJJ}
<br />3 ~ .,
<br />r' ; Rrritee}r my hand rmd rrrkanal +es' cn ~ s -~ r _.. ~ `,:
<br />+v
<br />_~ ,
<br />.. .~t+ Cti,OllIItr•iQ9 era}rtrrsr; .:~>?.. .t.},.. ... - ~ - ~ ~9tnn '/[l~.i(~.i~•-"--
<br />'--" - __ ... .. .. ..j`+utar< Public.
<br />3"5`kTF ~F __ _ _ __ h~ntem~
<br />_.. _. ..__.. _. __ rm s.aan;xtrxtl ender aru3 $iri? fur r.'s.rd -
<br />~,
<br />G'.;ratuv _.__ ___... _. _.. _. __.__ ,:: tt,c it~ttt-aer ~tf ~xda i5~icp-ofwexi Ccarnc~' th>• '-
<br />_-iatF •~C ____ I ~- >,t ___c,"dice and...,._... ... mtanrta» ;.:.. .,,. 'o[. ,
<br />' said lea [~iaot ..... ........ . a{__ _._._ _ ae ;:aGt+_. ., ..
<br />~.,. ., .- ,__. .f4~. : t t5eez!,a
<br />