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,... _._ <br />~~-3avi~.~~ <br />Lender's' written agreetntnr or agplieabie law. Borrower shall gay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in ifie <br />manner nrevided:under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed iiy Lender pursuant to this garagraph 7. w7th interest tiiereon, shall become additional <br />r ~ndebredncs of 13orro~^er secured by tells: Mortgage.. finless Borrower and Lender agree te. other kerms. of payment. such <br />li amounts shall be ;+syable upon notice from Lender to'Boi'rower requesung:payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />dolt of diatrursemtmt at the rate gayable-firm time to time on pntsianding principal under tl[e Note unless payment of <br />interrst at such rate would bt contrary to applicaltle law: in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the:hightst rate <br />pt:rmis.~:bie under applicable law: Alothing cpntamtd in this paragraph ? shaiL require i_ender to incur any expense or take.. <br />any aletion hereunder. <br />& t'u~ltoa. Lender may make or cause [o be mat3t: rcaspnablt entries upon and insptciions of the Prppetty, provided <br />That Fender shalt glut: Borrower notice prior ta'any such ins}xctipn specifying rtuonabdt canal therefpr related tc Lender s <br />'nter+s! in the Property. <br />9. Caatleett~NOw. The proceeds of any award or c}aim for damag~c, direct or consequcntiaJ. in conn[xtion with any <br />condtxnnation or other taking of the Pmpetty. or part thereof,: or for conveyance in lien of condemnation, are htrehp^ assigned <br />and shal8 lx:paidsto Linder: <br />Fn the. event of s tpiaP taking of the Fropem; xht prtt:etds shall be applied to xhe sums secured by this Mortgage;: <br />witlt the excess, if any, 13orrawer: 7n thr event pf a gartial taking pT the Property. unless 8ormwer and Ltndcr <br />otherwise agree in writing, three shall be applied io the sums sec:umd by tFtis Afprgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to thae proportion whielr the atnounr of the :sums. secured be this Mortgage immediately grior to the: daft of <br />taking bean to the fairntarket value of the Prplsem>tmmrdiatcly prior to the dolt of taking, with the tsalance of the proceeds <br />pasd to Hortnwcr. <br />If thrPresptrty is abandotscd lxy Bprrtwver, or if_ afttr notice h}° I,tnder to Borrower that the condemnor offers to rnakc <br />art award orsettle aclaimfor damages, $prrowerfaiisxo respond to Lender within 3t?davs after the date such:notice is. <br />afaikd. Lender is ,attflsariztd to collect and apply the grpceods. at i.endcr's pption. either tp restoration or mpair pf the <br />Propertl^ ar fo tbt srirns srcurtd by this Mprtgagt. <br />t,aless Lender and Borrower otherxx agree in writing, sin such applitarinn pf proceeds to principal shall not ectend <br />pr ppsapoire she due doer of the tnattthly Srasiallments refercrd to iir paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof nr change the amount pf ' <br />such instaltrttenu, <br />1!. lwso+ver lYM Refeaeti_ Esanr+sittrt of tilt lime far patimcnt or modi$catian of amrirtization :7f the sums. secured <br />bytteis Mortgage granted by Ixtsdu eo any-strcctssor in interest pf Burrower shall not operate to rcleast, in any manner.::. <br />the liabitir}' ~f the prigitsal Bprrctwrr and Forrower"s successors ir. interest Z.tnder chail not bt required to cpmmtnce <br />proaxtings agains. aeklt auceesatsr car refine tas extend time ftrr payment ar othtrs.°ise modify amorxiration of the sums' <br />secured Fry this Mortttagt by ttassm of any dtmatsd made fay the original Bornswtr and Bprrower's sucs•t:ssors in interest:. <br />1 t. Ferrateraet iy t:aier Nate R'ttivrr: .Rny ftxrticaranct hp in exercising any right nr remedy hereunder, or <br />C+tttrr+risr afforded by upplicalsk litw: slsalfi nM. C+ea xvatvtrot arc: tsrtclude thecxtrcisc of ank' :such :right.. nr remedy,. <br />The pnpcururtent of insurantt tin thepaymtrtt of: taxes err M.her liens ~>r charges by I_endarchali npt he a u•aivtr nfLsnder's <br />-igl,t [o auatcratt the tnaturtycrf ehc indotMedr+ccs secured by th,+` MprRy±age; <br />t2. Rettttta~ea C.ttnt+latl-e'. All ermedies pms-rded to this Mnrtcnjte are ;tiscnct and cumulative to any other right or <br />remedy under xhis Mortftagc pv affprdrA by law r+r cqutty, and inav ht rccr, i.c,i oncurrently: ndependemly or successivciy. <br />13. S~ccwsgaa +rti A~ ,ewa+k Io&tt aN Several l.iat,~lr; t'aptticrrs. TZre cnvenants and agreements herein <br />cwstaincd shall hind, and tha rgtais hereuts~drr shall rnxtrr tn, the rr~pccr~~r ~ieccccsarn and a+xigns cif l.:ender ant3:Bcrrrower, <br />subptxt tit' the ptYrv}sxons of paragraph 1? hereof. .lll covenants .,nd agreements of Bprrowtr shall be joint and several'. <br />Ttie esptwns anal Fteadrtsgs, srC rho paragrapttx c+f this Mortgage :,. r fist eanvenierKC only end arc nor to he ta5ed txr <br />intr:pre[ ,x dir8tat tt,c prpvisians hereof. <br />i4. tietfce. Paspt foe any not,te regtttrtd under xpplicahlc lax ;~~ lac given in another manner. fal :uty notice tp <br />Bprrsswtir prcrvtdtd fax ,n this M,7rtgage abaft ht ~iicr trs rna:ling ~;ch r,o:icr by .rrtifittt mail addressed tt> Rorrowtr ift <br />Ihr Yroprnv r\ddrrss nr at such aHheratidttscaa B,+rr-..+~cr n+a~ ,ica+gnarc by nnticet+i Lender ax prrn•idtd herein,Nand <br />- the any ntMrie ics lsru~ shall he g+ven h~ ccrti}kd snail. r~turt •cc;c~F~t regtxstctt, to 1 tndeCS addtess'stattd htrrht or ~to.:. <br />such other address as Ltndtrr mar dcssrttatt t,r rx++i~c r,, 13c,r-,,u<r as per`<~ded herein. Any notice prov+dCd for io this <br />Morrgatte shalt tsc iketlted to leave t!cen giren to &,rn,wrr .,r t rndrr when >;~vtn in the manner desrgnated herein. <br />1S. !.?wNwrtw ~Pg+: GpK+~iwg l,aw;,+"ie.rra-iks. I~,i> f,+rm ,:t mrrrtgeagt canbints uniform revenants for national: <br />u¢ artd Woo--unslotm een-rnanrx witfi limited sananans hr n~nufictmn n, ~,.esti[ilte a unifmrrn ses;urity inettiment covrpng. <br />real prolr_m Tlt+s Mcaxxgage shalt be gpYS:rnctl na ~hc 4:+w ,~! :hc ~, rrsd.c:,ctn iii which the Prrsperty'ts-tar:ared. Tn 7hc <br />tvrnt that any , mvrrton or cta,ix +,f [his Mongag,e „r the \e,te crnftiCts +riih applis:ahk lava:, such conflict shall nM affect <br />ottser prrn,upns of rh,s Mortgag.- ,~r the Vcsrc which fan to y;~vcn ctlcct w~ithtxtt itit t:tXt#ticiing provision. and !o-thii <br />end t}x txovniotn :,f fix Mtwtlttsgc and ttrc `~c,tc arc declared ep tx severable: <br />1L. Mntrwas'a Copt. 1'tpfrDwcr ?tail fK f:,rn,sha5 a _~r,fnrmcdccapy of t2re*Iotc and pf tltt+ Mortgage. et the titrnt... <br /><,f cxerutvm nr afttrrecartfalos hereof. <br />17. Trwefxof der hr~rty;.Asiwttw~iwn. ti all +*r any pall pf thcPrtrptnyor anigttrest sherctn .s sold:rir tranRftrrtei <br />by Aorrpwtr ~:tlsosrrt t.tndtr'x peinr ~artfcr.:t,nscnt. exci;rd+ng 1a7 the tneaticm of a lien or ersttimbt'anee suboirYltnatt tci <br />this Mortgage. ibi itae crWitat pf ;a pu*chase eumeq• .eaurity interest ftrr hutaseFtold appliances, eel a transfer" ley devise., <br />descuxt pr b7 xsperat~n of law. upctrt the +Jeattte+t a team crttant or (cis the:,gram ssf any ltaxFsold inietest of three. years pr less <br />not coo:amingan csptsttn iopurttsatte..Ltndtr may. at i.eadcr'. apucnti,deetateallthe sumssecurtd. try.GbisMOrtgage xn i>" <br />:mmediat.ely +uae atsd':payable. Ir shall have waved such ~rpr,<,nioa,ccelcrate if,pt'ittr to thtsale or tranafrr, i.ttr6tr <br />and the person to ,whrxttt tbt: Prxsperry is t., ~ sold or transferred reach agrarnent in venting that the credit of such pcra`on <br />as utisfactory to L_ttucr aaadthat the inrrrrst payable on the s;;ms:stctardlsy Ctrs Mortgage sfiall lx assuctt rateas Lender <br />sttafl request. 1f l.tttder hassraivtd xhc e+pticm raacrceltrateprovtdtdnthis paragraph l7,:and.if Btrrrpwer`saticcessorjh.: <br />,ntaYSt F.u cseart+ad g srrsttttt ass;rrnpr ion agrecmet;t acccptrd in writing by lxnder. Lrndtr shall release Borrpwtr from all <br />ubliguions under this R~forigage next: the 'dote, <br />if I,er[dcr exercises s„ch ffptxm to atxtitratt, Lcnc&er shall Lnail Borrower notice of acrxkrarion in accordance with <br />;ssrtt;raph ld txrersf. Stich n®t6ct shat] prori~ a period of nt*t [tss Lhan 3B days from the daft tht notice is mailed within <br />which Borrrwer rnaY pad- tlseairrm dtxtarcd due. lf. Bcsrrowtr falls sircissvms prier to the expratpn of such peri+xl, <br />Lernier Wray, aititptlr furttset »atit.•e or demoted on Borower, invoke xn *tmtdltx ntrmitrtd lw paragraph t?t ncrtof; <br />;+iotr-L1t.trvrst C'aevert+tai'l+r: $pnowcY: atsd I.tnder further ct+•; tri2nt ar[d agree asfrsilov+s <br />111. Aecderat4ar: Rearee;liu,. tf.7eerptaaprsri~itlFepasaRrap6 i7 teenepf,.uP~onB+>`shrcteck:ofsay e»+crnuN.or <br />aRnewestt wt !{rrra.rar in tilt !'ilsel~aRs,_kte}r~ttL. :fie earettawts to pay .rFsee dot awy xet~ atcuted i3" lbb' Mottgage, <br />t.eaiw gcirr tc acrelrratiw rierY [trait-wrfkc rgfirsorro~tr as pru.-ldrd in paragr~8ia Fi heaeai spocifyEe;t: fl)..tFse breatist <br />iTi fir !•r34er repire~ bs care sacY ieintri: t1F s drte, rot i~ than ill darn Crows fix date :the atHlertt mrHcrl to Bterrowcr. <br />MY s.iiets nsri Irs:tac6 wrttel is crei: •wr Ki rtrat fadFarr to core s..r6 breach oa or lscfnre tie drte specified iatlx'ttot$ce <br />i rarer reark i~ rcceie:aNrs cif lie sxurs sr~•grN br tilt ~tmytagr. St,rcc!orurr by judicia{ prpcctdfng and of the .Pr~trrYr: <br />s~ Tito salfcE ail [truer it/erar {urrower of flee riglM to r'rexrwte aher accrirr~+nn and the ritgCet tp arYett in list farerFotraatt <br />pr++cseslptttt feet rrrrw-eairttace .si a detnJt or awl arirr Arfeat of lLarmr~cr m acrctrratian ~etrd tortePosnrt: FfttteM^tacls <br />k ,sei ~ ow w Grfexr i6¢ dolt nperliM is the. swrirc. I.e adrr rt Lender's .~~i+rn :er:~t 3ecixrr :rN ~f the +nwec:ateesred hw' <br />ttsY !MlwtirKt M ~ i~ttteeesiaNi± dot awd }a7ttisiz .,i!lrew [trtisrr dermrrd arsd ma}. tntar:lase b>,• tudicial prttceeditsg;. t.esrdtr <br />>.itrtl fie ewFAe1 b tr.tixct it siei prucrr8kat; all rxprw~es r>f fcsrrclrxurc, inr•Lar1LrY, ?rers nM timiRtd W, r'-sMta' cr# duttarGextwt^r <br />s?^Mesev, aiiatrrrb awd licit re>ertr,. <br />[i. lLMtrn+~er°a AlJrilt<-tu Rlitrta~lt r-<gwrffixfn^d•~,g le9dc. .ve}_ (v-e . ! t.t :r,,^,oa .c~tired t-,: rl•,. s.s;~r;a.~ec. <br />£ku:owr+cr ra?al3 baue t5erlght,¢, toxa ar,)~ ~rsxcedmy3 .x:,.rt het .r,dcr l- c~~o:tea -. 'st~,rtg:ate .~.:..,,.ea~icwf at ..•},ar~,~. <br />