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<br /> <br />$~--!~v~8~? <br />All of the Grand Island Mall Subdivision, en addition <br />to the Gity of Grand island, Hall Couxsty, Nebraska, except <br />the Esat 40 feet thersof d4dicated as right-of-way for Webb <br />Road and excspt tb~e tr:ct of land cflnveyed'to the City of <br />Grind Island by tine i~T=rzanty Daed filed- for record on <br />March`14, 1479:izr Eook 130 at Pege 441; and all being more <br />puticul:sly described a follows.: <br />All that part of .the. East N;lf of the Northeast Quarter <br />of .Section I2, Tawaship 1L North, Range i0 pest, Grand.... <br />_Island; Hall. County, Nebraska, h~uad'and described is fol~oWS: <br />CossDencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast. Quarter; <br />then South 00 degrees 00 minutes OO seconds East 4as~umed; <br />beuing) along t e East'liae of said Northeast Quarter a <br />distant: of $46.~ f:et; thence Na~rth 84 degrees 20 minutes <br />54 seconds Test.:puallel to the North line of said Narth- <br />east comer a distance-of 40>OQ feet to the true point of <br />baginnng; said point being_on the.Wesf right-of-wey_1ine, <br />of Webb Road as'nov established; thence South 00 degrees 00 <br />mimates 00 seconds East; along said West right-of-Way 13oe, <br />s din ance_of 1.625.37 feet to the Northeast cornea. of the <br />tract of landcanveyed to the City of .:Grand Island'aa <br />described herein shave; thsncr North 84 degrees 31 minutes <br />l3 seconds Vest,-aloeg -.the North line of said tract of <br />lid a distaste of b70,00 feet to the Northwest corner <br />thsr~of; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes, 00 seconds East, <br />a1o~j,the best line of`aeid tract of lands distance-of`370 <br />feet to the Southwest 'corner: thereof, being a point'on the <br />'South line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 710.00 <br />fe:t Ysst of''ths Southeast corner thereof; thence North <br />Q9 degrees 31 miAUtas 13 seconds hest, along said South line; <br />a distance of 531.66 feet u the East.. right-af-way line of <br />tLS, Highway 6ia._-261, as now ssrablished thence North.. <br />00 dssrees Ol siittutes 10 seconds West. along aid .East: right- <br />of-wy line a distance of 1,686.49 feet to a point in a line <br />drawn 75G feet South of-and parallel to the North line of <br />said Noztheast'Quarter; thencs South 69 dsgreea 20 minutes <br />S4 seconds ;East, along Laid`parallel Iine, a distance of` <br />'624.35-feet;'thence South OO ds~raea 00 miaiutes"Q0 seo~nds East, <br />parallel to the .East line of asid Noztheast.Quarter, a <br />distance of 90.00 feet; thence South 69 degrees 20 minutes.. <br />54 seconds East, parallel to the North line of said Northeast <br />Quarter, a;distanee of 3?8.00 feet to the point of begirming. <br />the foregoing description was prepared by Chicago Title <br />Zasurance Compan)r in accordance with a aurvey,certifed and <br />prspared by L'harles D. Eeer on behalf of'Senjamin and <br />Associates,<Zac. Engineers and Surveyors:, dated September 9; <br />l~ao. <br />El(H#BIT "E" <br />~. ,~ -,f <br />