<br />32,.E}1737
<br />SHORT FORM r - - -
<br />Loan f~lumber___4gc10_____-- ~ __ 60
<br />PROPERTY IMPROY~MENT "' n.;~e-n--- *rae
<br />F6RM No. 2t t iREV. ? 2/t30)
<br />1~EAL ESTATE 1~IC)~tTGA~GE
<br />1'fiAT._.1~13;~.~__ij __S~.4ctlm_and.mheresa__+°.s._~~4ez~ttc,,. nusbas~d__~nci rrifex,_,~e:ntl.y,_~nn each_in
<br />their own. right,
<br />hereinafter called'Mortgagots, in consideration of the stun. of.:x~_.~I~L~u~dL?..> ~..I~k4?Lr.1iFkR.~.'4t~l~l,'P.X.F.~~
<br />.~LfiT~ ~.~~~.fX1 ------------------------------------°---- -------
<br />{ $ 5 , 625.81 }DOLLARS, the receipk of which is hereby aclmawiedged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />and CONVEY zza ahsoIute title, ;including all the rights of homestead and inheritance., unto FIRST
<br />1rlortgagee, .its successors-and .assigns, the fallowing described real estate,. situated in:..........ff.~.l~ .:..... .........
<br />County,. State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br />~sster3y onG-haL ii=a) of t?:e i<lortherl;~ one-Half (N>} of
<br />..the easterly. one-half E~? o* Block 8 i . 1~indolph's~Ftddition
<br />to the ^ity of Grand ::sl;snd, Hall Coun~y, Tdebrasl:a, being
<br />what wov2d be Lot One if said blocks were. subdivided as pare
<br />other blacks i.n said,A3dtian.
<br />TO fiAVE'AND 'I'O HOLD the real estate above described, with tall appurtenances thereunto
<br />belonging antra the said l4fortga.gee, forever, provided. always, and this mortgage is upon the espreas con-
<br />dition that. tf the aforesaid Mortgagors, their heirs, executors, adtninistratozs or assigns shall pay or cause
<br />tta be paid to the said ?13ortgagee, iffi sucresaars ar assigns, the principal sum hereinabove set Earth, all
<br />according to the tearer and eHeet of a certaia irzataltment Hoke of trttid Mortgagors hearing even date with
<br />thin rnarstga~+e, and shall
<br />pay taxes and ffi levied u n said real e~statre, and all.other tales, levies
<br />and ffi levied upon-ilzza ztroortgs~ or t}te note which.. this mortgage is given to secure, I~efore the
<br />sarsze or any. iaxntallment thereof beenmea delinquetxt ihen.this mortgnge to bo veld, otherwise to remain
<br />in full forces.
<br />IT IS Fi?RTHER AGREEA (l) That i# the Baia Mortgagor xlzall fail 'to ppaay such taxes, the:.
<br />I<fart ee may pay the same and tfde mzm so advanced with interest shall be paid by: said 1lortgagors„
<br />and this mortgage shall stand as aecvnty far tbe same. [W) °l'hat Mortgakrors covennnt with the ?vortgagee
<br />that they are tawfnllyp seized of said real estate and mvenani to warrant and c3eafcnd the said real. estate
<br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, tS') T}tat in case of a foreclosure of this mortgage.
<br />the plaintiffin azzclz pmcee>;iings shall tx entitled to take ppoossession of the premise's, protect the same and
<br />collect the rents. issues and pmfzffi thertof. (4) That a failure to pay any of said money: or any in~tall-
<br />ment thereof when the t4amie htroomeas due, or a Failure to rompty with. any of the foregoing agreements,
<br />xlzaIl raters khe whoEe sum of:money tiereia arrcttred to become due and collectib}e at once at the. option of
<br />the Itfnrtgr[rge.~e.
<br />TR.4tiSFF.R OF'I'fIE PROPER'T1`: ASSU'irSP'T1ClP+T. It ail or an}+ part of rho Property or an
<br />interest tllerCin is sgld or trans{erred by Martga~ar writltouz 4lon~aRee's poor written consent, excluding
<br />~.a; the dnrstion of a lien ar encumbrance strbordrnate to :.his 1lnrtgage, , b) the creation of a purchase
<br />moeeV security intert~t far lmuaelzofd a (c} a transfer by dF•'vise, descent or by operation of iaw
<br />epos tide death of a Wzrtt tenant or (d3 grant of airy trearsehrrlci interest of cht++tee years or less not con-
<br />tAtning an option t~ purchase. Martga,gee may, at Mortgagee's Uption, decittre~ all .the sums secured by thfa
<br />ilortgagr to tx imzhcYliately due and pavsble.
<br />If 3ortgagee exercises such optioa to accelerate, Mortgagee shall mail Mortgagor notice oa`
<br />acceleration anti such notice shaIl provide a period of not less than 3fl days frotn the date the notice is
<br />mailed within which 3fott~gor mad pay the auras de~las+ed due. If Mortgagor fails to pay such awns. prior
<br />to the expiration of such: period, Mortgagee nzay, without fitzther notice or dazrrand on Mortgagor, ztvalte
<br />the power of sale and any odder remedies pannitzrd by applicable law.
<br />~ignetl thrs:,...~~.''~day of.-.-- ~`.p..-~... ......_.:._ ... - .. 19.., d?.,:..
<br />- -; ~` ...
<br />4T,-TF' U8 :JF.BRASKA ~ : seers A. G2o~uc
<br />ss.
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<br />LAt this ..~~'-,f,.... der d ('h='.},~.._.__-:-.. 19.~~. tae4orns >nr, t:tr wrstcxscriCr+nd, a h'utary PnblrJe.rrr and 44r
<br />•rt,d Cwirtp, t~+rr+!,realty ram,. __'7 Z i. .^. ?loc;~ gt1d. T't"0re~+~ n ~ ib ID.. - - grid 4t °::'L _..
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<br />~urifRfiy+r: rand c.ech uitrn~r,rt..w~#cti said s"7Sntrcm«ut Ya.'rx hie 61' 3„•r .„Suniarv act..ams3aatd dseif3~ ~ -~
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