<br />8~s ~~C~17~5
<br />The andersigned;, Arend R. Haack, Trustee under a certain
<br />TTL'St Deed dated December- 2.3,. 1.9~.-81,:.wneryr. S~ill::i-.am T'.. Garry w~ s
<br />the Trustar, which was filed for record in the o€fice; of the
<br />F.eq_ster. cry deeds of hall Cou~-aty, riebraska, on January. 21, 19$,2,
<br />as dac:unent nu^iber 82-~Qi1219 and contains as the trust property,
<br />the ioilowina-described real estate:
<br />Part of what was forz~alty 3lock Six {fi'}, of
<br />South Grand Island, at Fart ct ttze Northwest
<br />4uarter of the Northwest {2ua~ar (NW~dNWs} of
<br />Seetian TwentymTwo {221, Township Eleven.(Il),
<br />North, £tange Nine {9} , West of the 6th.. Prime
<br />Meridian, more partcularlv'descrbed as
<br />follows.:
<br />Segi:ining at a aoint Sixty-Six {6~") Feet
<br />'3o~th a€ the 5outnwest Garner. of said I3loc1:
<br />ix i E } , South Grand Island, _Ttu^ning thence
<br />East and. parallel with the ~~Iorth 13ne of
<br />.said Tract for a distance of One Hundred
<br />Thirt•~-Twrz (2321 Feat,. thence turning a
<br />right ancale and- runnii>g tvart~ fora distan4e
<br />cf Sixty-Six I6~} F'~et, thence turning,a
<br />>iaht angle and runnyng west for a dista>ZCe
<br />ai ~^e FZundred Thirty-Two {132} Feet tca tha
<br />Y:PSt Line cf said Bloex; thence turni:~c~ a
<br />rict~t angla and runnsng South for a di~tanc+e
<br />,~z Sixty-5i.x t66? Peet to the p3acp of
<br />'JegLnnin4.: -,.wt 53!!tE: ~Seing. a'.rectangular
<br />piece trro:.r.d h3•aing ;~ frontage -cf Sxty-
<br />Six { r,6) ° eet on Lacue.~ Steet as~d a de=_pth
<br />n: Jne .Iundr.~.~: T~:irr.y~-Twca {3.321 ~e~t, ~E3a1.I
<br />hereby gives .v~r.i.-a .,i ^t1,zu1C of saa:d Trustor fpr the reason
<br />that the acid Trusto-. v~ili~am T. Caul, txas failes3 to make the
<br />ir.stali:nent paymt~nt of ~~ne Thousand Seven Flundred One :and Np/lOti
<br />I3ollars tSl,'C1.1~0)ir: interest, and ,principal pay^ent i- the
<br />asaount of Fatar Thousand 'r'ive ??ur.dred'23iner_y-Nine arci aoJ1tl0
<br />Dollars tS~,559.~30} c?ue an April 4, 9$2.
<br />By reason of sucn derault, the sndersig.^.ed Trustees herekiv elects
<br />to se11 ar pause to he sold the aboee real estate tc satisfy the
<br />obligatir?ns cif a certain I,-~stallnQn* Sale Contract dated
<br />Octobzr 2i3 , 2981 , pursuant to tl~e Germs crf the. Trust Deed
<br />referred r_a 3nave.
<br />a ~' ~ -~
<br />Arer Z_ Saack
<br />STATE OF !+"EBR~aSKA 1
<br />}ss:
<br />C~t3N'£X .)F HALL ) ,
<br />Gn tais > ,~ Say ~ ~ ~_~. , 198.2, be cre me =~e
<br />undersigned, a Notary ~sus.t i._ ~u~y ;ar~tia=_s~on~d an*l" a~l~i~ z _s .`cr
<br />in said Oosnty, perscnaily carte :~rerid R. Saack, to ~e yn:~wn _, i}t
<br />*ne identical persar whose raiae ~ a~*i~ec to the `or=~~oi.^c
<br />znscru~ent and. ac~:nt~wiALgAci *he t`xr•:.-u*ic.*i theres~f tc% i~~ _..;
<br />4luntar f 3.^. ~ 3nG' C3;-'~'C~ .
<br />Mf,iVtn~~ss m~. .,.~:rc? ana ^vc*ariai w~a~. the day and year ka5t
<br />l~Rr •~r A
<br />tSYI~Mf x_ t
<br />~aea !E+i-elr~i t. t~
<br />;ice s eti - _ - ;': ~'`",~ ._,.~.~._...._
<br />