82 -- t~ Q ~ 7 ~'7
<br />6. to the event said. property is so}d at' a judicial forec}osure sale or pursuant to the power of a sale hereinabove
<br />gtantec, and. the proceeds aze net sufficient to pay the tote: indeF,tedress:secured by:th*'s instrument and evidenc-
<br />e ec1 by said promisson' note; the martgagee w;tl be: entit'.ed to a deficiency judgement fur the amount of the
<br />defecrPnct= withrsuz regard ro appruiremant.
<br />%. t^ the Gwent the mortgagor ;ails to pay ani~ federal, stag, or local tax assesment, income tax or other iac lien,
<br />charge, fee or other expense charged against the propetty the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its option to pay
<br />the same..4ny sums so paid by the mortgagee ;hall be added to ar-d become a nett of the principal amount of tt;e
<br />- indebtedness evidenced by said note, sub?ect to the :ame ?arms and :onditions. [f the mongagor shall pay and
<br />discharge the indebtedness e:°idenced by ,aid promissar}' note, and ;hall pay such sans and shall discharge all
<br />to~cea and ]tens and the cosec, fee:;, ,nd expensesofmaking;:enfarcing, and executing this mortgage, then this
<br />mortgage ehal] be cancelled and surrendered:
<br />8. ~"he covetsants herein contained shall bind and the benefitx and advantages shall inure to the respecvre successors
<br />and assigns o€ the parties herero_ whatever used, the'singular number'shail include the plural, the plural the
<br />singular: and the use of any gender shall include ail srenders.
<br />9. Na waiver of any covemanr herein or of the obligation secu[ed hereby shall at an}- time thereafter be held to be a
<br />waiver of the terms hereof as of the note secured hereby.
<br />}0. A judicial decrce, order, nr judgement holding any provision or portion of this instn;rirnt invalid or unenforce-
<br />able shall net in any way impair or preclude .he enforcement of the remaining provisions or portions of this
<br />instrutnem.
<br />! 1. Any written notice to be issued to the mortgagor pursuan[ to the provisions of thix instrumern shall he addressed
<br />to the mongagor at C©mtnercal Natinna7 ~anlc & Trust Campanv
<br />and any written notice to be issued to the mortgagee shalt
<br />be addressal to the mongagee as 424 West .Third: St. Grand Island, NE 688(1]
<br />iN WITNESS WHE:RPAF, tltt mortgagor lsas ra;eeutcd this instrument and themartgagce has accepted delivery of
<br />this instrument as of the day and year aforsaid. ~.
<br />~,, ~,, ~
<br />- ~ ,~ .,~-~,~•.c~,~,{
<br />~~
<br />` • /" /
<br />Doug~'as Harrington .........
<br />~ /
<br />I / f
<br />3o7,~ine ,K. Harringtoi f~ ...
<br />Eatecs,xed need ddivered in the presence of the foitawing w tnesxes;
<br />(Add; Appropriate Acknowledgement)
<br />STATE.:OF NEBRASKA ~' Hefare tne; a r{nalified 'Notary PubHe,
<br />personally appeared
<br />_~~11 __ xs. no~~~i-s F H-rr;.,aton and 'ro7vn I( Harrington
<br />L`dIJNTY OF
<br />known to me to be identica} person or persons who signed tht foregoing,irtstrumcnt and acknowledged the exes:ution
<br />thereof tc be t•hezr voluntary ace and deed.
<br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal on ~$i'~? -~ 26 . l4
<br />.~.
<br />(SEAL) t ~t<<as~~ ~~ a
<br />--------_,,~ so t N ublic
<br />Ny Commission Excites _-_~~` ~uarv 2fl , }9 $6
<br />ST.47'E OF NEBRASKA ~ Before :rn a qualified Nola Public,
<br />r5' personally appeared.
<br />+S __ _.-.. ....
<br />CCP_JPtTY OF _~_~ ~ fTrrssdent of ,,.__~__,_-_•_:~. ~ ~."- ~ ..-' _.
<br />a corporatian, knmvn to erne to br he President ttnd identical yersan who ,i ed r °°`" --~`~ -_,
<br />ackrumledged the ezecutiort rhrrtof to be fns voluntary. act anddced as such ofticger and~he4alunta instrument; and
<br />sad ec=rgxrati~ and ei*Bt its corp~ira[e sea] Nis af£ixecY thereto by itx ae~tharnr ry ai;t and area of
<br />w'itncs; my hand and N<ataral $Cral on ~ --~
<br />t:SEAI.}
<br />~.. '+iPta!v P sbic ~~
<br />Mfy E'.E•s,,ms~..hJn E3^=rev .. ._.._.._.~..-... .~ ::l?3.. ......__.r.
<br />