<br />1 .bS6--Carporatios~:BurvWaercl~ip Warranty..0eed.
<br />___
<br />i
<br />Mutfman and Felton.& Walf. WaRton;Ne.6s4b1
<br />gxow ~. ~ sY spa ~sss~ars, ZhBt ~2 °' u ~ 1 `i ~
<br />~v~, ~~ ca~al~ICa~
<br />a carpurstion organized and existing under nand by virtue oftlta laws of the State of I1lirsois ~
<br />i
<br />in constderataonof'1~I .~'~ idf};IlII0TH5 {$1~.t~0) and other goa3 and valuable consideration
<br />1
<br />rceivFd from grantee, daes grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm untoDOt-iald R. Fli.lr7Eart,ranr4 and.
<br />Joyce '~_ R47rla~-lz+-arxi, Ilia wife: as joint tet~nts
<br />i
<br />as jcunt tenants. with right of survivorship; and not as tenants in' commas, fhe folla~ving described real property in
<br />~,ai'T Gannty, *7ebr3ska
<br />~}~ inn{11)~ F'325t++7CYx3 l~'3r1CSLTl~d1.V3:3iOZ1, Na7 T L'Otililt~',i~bL3Skd.
<br />:~L'}3JfS'i' ICJ: Q7~1>attts, C'.~ditiDnsr Restrictions, and'r'asr~~nts of'Reconi.
<br />':ax~>s gar 3981 and subr:t years.
<br />}~E13RA5KA [~QCUUtENTARY
<br />l~l""K~~ STAMP TI~X
<br />S~~~~~~~~'~ MAY.. - ~ I98Z
<br />~.~ 8Y
<br />"fo have and to hotd the ahoy described premises roltetber wsth x}l tenements; hereditsmenta and :+ppur-
<br />~ ;enanees thereto betaagng auto the grsn~eea and to their ssaFigns; ur io the hetrs and,assigus:of the survivor of
<br />them forever.
<br />And Rrsittor for i elf >Y~ its suceaasorx dnr:, herrb}~ caea:naut tcith the ytranieea and with-their iisaigns atad ',
<br />s~ tth tLe heirai and assrq~ of tlse >wax~~tvor of them that gra:strrr rs la;~Pu113~ wised of ;aid premisces, that the}~ are j
<br />free fz~rm enetuubranet
<br />than gmt~1tor has good riltht and lavnfakanthonlr t,r c~~ii,~r; t~,r• vnrnr~. andthat grantor. ~tarxanff: aria sritl defend j
<br />thr r,t}e ur staid prrntis~s against the latvfnl , ~ur.:y o! n}t }~••r},,,,, «humac,ewei-,
<br />}! iy the ,n`,.entDan ot` nU parties#rsrtozhat i^ tt..• • ~~~nt rfthe +leach ,a t' r•;z}YCr of the ~rxntees, th>w emir
<br />;,fie, ituplr, t::le tr, the .real ~,tHtr chsll :vcmat iii tie surviv ulg a: raruec.
<br />it ~}•itneru! u•horeaf. ~raut,or Eiaes htsr+rsazsr eawrtei} r_, rRrrporatc xrsl frs }ir affi:Prl +u:d t brae prrsenty Signed
<br />by its vase President.
<br />L?atcd April 6. 19 8~
<br />T '". ` y
<br />~~es~
<br />S'ISTE OF~C.~asy of ........~~= .:...... . ......:
<br />i T7ye foreg'osng natrumea£was acltriawiedged bore°mc ..:?l??r?-~..~! : :...............:...... i9 .82. -
<br />~, by C~olyn *1c ,.ee~ trice-Yresiti.. ..... of FI~tP ;T_::4'~,;I'RAt35FE;}~,.'?'S~3.. .
<br />. , _ ~ ..., . .. r .:.~., ,
<br />a n I13inoie ... _ ...... corgurasion, on beliall` of the corporation.
<br />.. ....,
<br />~~ ~ -i~Ry' l,f~'Et;.";ot3z y f',;bi.zc . .
<br />'x;.
<br />+,'~,u ~
<br />ntg _._._ .„.}
<br />l::ar r~-d ::u r:usr :ir~ai i~sde: and trlc•!7 fqr rnw~,err tx, ;hc• 't ,.:stir ~:[ lSeeus t)ffice t,f aas:,l C'~u,t,ry t}srt~-'.
<br />~itrv ef- .. ... `J, . , at., .-.. ~...v :.;aa a:,,;i_ ....... ~, r..ia3ut~zs ...... JS..'':
<br />.:.
<br />