<br />$~-~ i~~~7'~~
<br />i.6.wRENC~ W. HAKE and JOYCE.HAI~E, Husband and Wife, hereizi called (;rantor,
<br />in consi.deratiari of One Da13ar ($3,00) ,,receigt-of whic~his iZereby ackncwl-
<br />ed.ed, hereby ;rants and conveys: unto the
<br />a municigel,carporatan in Ha11 Count3, Nebraska; herein called'Grartee, a
<br />gexmanent and perpetual easement and rigtrt-of-way to survey, construct, inspect,
<br />maintain, repair; replace, extend, remove and'-:.operate thereon, overhead street-
<br />light poles and fixtures, and. underground conduits, cables, tazminals, and
<br />other appurtenances<connected therewith, in, upon, above, along, across, under-
<br />neath and throug~h'a seven i~) ftaoz wide *_ract oP land located in part of the
<br />Northeast t}uar[er of the 1ortheast Quartar ~NE?~,,7E~) of Section Twenty Eight f28?,
<br />Tovnshig £Ieven (ll) North, Range dine (p) 'aest, of the bih E'.M.,`~iall County,
<br />Nebraska,-more particularly described as roilaws:
<br />The »RSteriv seven.{J.0} taet of the Ehsterly forty <4Ci.0) feet of
<br />the Sautheriv one hundred (100.0) eet of the .ortherl;v seven': hundred
<br />five (~05.Q) feetisfthe said ?~ortheasr~uarterof the Northeast
<br />i~h~r:er ,"..F.~:,'iE~s}, Said tr<~sct of land containing; O.D2 aicte.s mere
<br />dr 3ess as snovn to the plat dated 1011181, marked Exhibit: ",1'',
<br />attache,. ;:ereto, anc incorporated herein b} rei'erence,
<br />together arith tt~e Sollorrina; ri-.;nts:
<br />Unrestricted iztgress anti .r~re~s to the above-described tract of land for
<br />installatflan, maiatenance, ogeratidn, $nd removal of such. street-lights and
<br />appurtenances,
<br />Such riy:hts of ingress and egress sna11 include ail :rights necessat•y f.or
<br />the full and complete use, occupation, and enjoyment of the easement herein
<br />granted, including [he right to excavate sad refill ditches and trenches, to
<br />remove, clear, and keep clear trees,.bushes, hedges, undergrowth, and other
<br />obstructions interfering with:the surveying, conutru~tian, inspection, mainte-
<br />mace, repair, reglaceauut, extension, removal, or c+peration -,f :;uci+ 5treet~-
<br />Iigbts_ ,
<br />Liv ~ ~>~x
<br />ail sucn street-li.ynr_ ycles, ,_xrur*~s, ~andcits, cables, terminals, at7d
<br />vtt~crr appurtenztnces connected tl:ere~riLh, l.~lace»' ir,, ugor-.,above, r~,longs atroset.
<br />~^.dcrnear_h, and tkapua4i ouch easement saatl remain C.a~. ::r*~~~~rr_~: cf the ~~rantue.,
<br />?t. .... .;53 [R#; t+s`G!aU. x,._.. 3~_>C C:3 ~:18.C ,.. _. l.'- Li` ts'L`.~ni~.~~:. t331;C~,t S:@IS.zi35 ~C$ .~;.~1.,:
<br />2ar'!~.rest., ..nv .=tte!~t i~st, _ ~~~~ ~,r ';uy a~: r. _,r . *_r F~r .,urtn~parc+.> th~ -rcc ~rnJ., a_':"ai
<br />_dwk:~ :Fs ..x°_. >.wtt. +'mFx .. ° . ,3r E.h ns~~:°P:° ~.t :c.3 ... _. .,~~XC;:w .., _ !, ~k~'..
<br />.. .:_r~ita -it_ ... ,» ~::cs - ,r ..,.. _ _.--...>r::~ ,.-. _, :vs^€: t: ._r'sta',v
<br />