<br />E L E C T R I C E A S E M E H, T
<br />
<br />KATHr1RI~TE S. LtAFER and :HERBERT F. MAYER, JR., Wife and Flusbanzl. herein
<br />called Grantor, fa consideration of One Uoliar ($1.(?Qj reeegt of wfiir_h
<br />is hereh acknowledged, hereby grants. and conveys urrta the
<br />CITF Q7+ G$AND IST.A3dD, 1!tEBRriSKA,
<br />a mua?cipal corporation in Hall County,. Nebraska, herein called Grantee, a'
<br />oermanent and perpetual-easement and rigtat-of-wag to survey, construct,-
<br />inspect, maintaia, repair, rsp3.ate, extend, remove, and operate *_hereon,
<br />un~iergro¢¢d electric utility lines, cables, terminals, transformers, surface .
<br />markezs,;and otfeer appurtenances connected thera~xith, iq, upon, above, along;
<br />a.IZOSS, underneath, and through a seven {7.0) foot wide tract cf land located
<br />in part of Lot thxe (17 of Fraetional Sattion :''hirt,y (~0), Township Eleven {ll)
<br />t~urth, Saage :r'itte (4} TrTest, of the 6th P."S, , «aore' particularly .described as
<br />f oI !true
<br />Tt:c Easterly seven (7.0} feet of the .Westerly ferry {.G.4} feet
<br />n` the said Lot qne (1} rrF Fractional Section..Thirt1 (3b}.
<br />Lr1nP between the Soutt: right-t,f-way line. cif Woo~3ridg;e Boulevard
<br />and the NartheasLerly right-<+r-war lineaf Wabb'=!toad. Said-
<br />tract of land cantatninM1 0. G2 acres more or less as :shown on
<br />. r.he pia"_ fisted 4!13/82, rnaxked Ex ,chit "rti", atta..hed hereto,
<br />and inearporsted :9erein ?~~~ reiF:renee,
<br />taRether with the i"ollowi.ng ri~{hts:
<br />Unrestricted inyires~ and egxesa to the above-deseribed tract of land tore
<br />installation, ~asinicnane¢, operation, and r~ovaY T>f auoh urillties and
<br />uppurtenanccs.
<br />Such rights oS ingress and ~:grrss stsall include all rights necess,~ry far
<br />the full and c,mplete use, occupation, aad erjo~.inent of the easement herein
<br />granted, including the riy{ht to excavate and refill. ditct7es and trent:kze~, to-
<br />remove, clear, and keep clear trees, bushes, hedges, undergrowth, and other
<br />~,bstructicns in[erferiag with the. surveying, construction; inspection, maintenance,
<br />repair, replacement, e:xtensicn, remat>ai, «r operation of such utilities.. ;Io
<br />structure?, 4uiidingc,`enres, r?s other ~rbstructions of any kind whatsoever,
<br />ahall >,e alcoved i-t, upen, above, alaug, across, underneath, or through the
<br />easement :*.erein ~,rasncet+.
<br />A1> eJ.actric ~sti3ity limes, cables, tei-ainyis, transformers; sur :._e
<br />maricerK, and athr_*.r appur~enanees cotitaected-therero¢ith, placed in,;ui~nn, agave,
<br />aiocag, acr~~l3a, un<_lerneatY,, and thrc:.µ;t: such-easement shall, rextrar ,,,e :~r~pr~rty
<br />c,', rFr ~;rs~rsire, rand ~ be removed err replayed rrt any time,
<br />.. € ..
<br />