~.~ __.
<br />rsr: c st:~rr,arr to d~7 yulti, pror:erEy of'rhe saz~2e kind in tiro same locality,.
<br />a~:d tv brlr.y asi vrdlciary end ~_-poropra2e actions- f©r t$e purpose of enforcing
<br />alt claims tunic an agent ~vth the powers con€erred above. would, be entitled
<br />:Q brie; Eor or on behalf of his principal: diving and granting unto my:
<br />said attorney fuli power ~~nd asat`~arity to do and 1?erfarm all and every'
<br />act and Lhiaie_r wraLsoever requisite and:.. necessary to be done in and about
<br />tae premises, as fuily, to all 'intents and> purposes, as i might or could ,do
<br />if c>er>rr.alrv :e^t, i:? nt concr~rnir:~ the premises ^r any pZrt ttxerecf,
<br />and tt~e same at his pieasure to revoke, hereby ratifying: and confirming
<br />wttatsaeves [ny .said attorney shall' and may do by -virtue hereof in the
<br />pre~aises; and I agree and represent to taose dealing with... my said attorney
<br />in €act that tats power 'of attorney. may be` voluntarily revoked -alone by-
<br />revocation. entered of record ir9 the office of the .Gaon#y- Glerk of Hidalgo
<br />County. Texas.
<br />EGUT£D this 24th da}~ of :February; 1975"
<br />a r3 C: '~ - i /l ~lj r~1 -T-'
<br />.. i.~ ~ (.. ? .c~7Lf,,,uw~c., i -row-td" -:cs.
<br />~8!C' ~lOt C'~~ll~di. ~~ .~t~A
<br />C!A ~ ~
<br />THG STAT£ OP TF:}CA$
<br />t:CJDiTY OF HlI7ALGQ
<br />Rf:FrJF.F'+.2f:, .hc _~~iersiynec sucho:ity, an this day per,anally appeared
<br />IvIIL~RLD C'R1f.~HTO;d ~,{?fi+'i1:S, i:no•,vn tc m~ ca b~; Lhc~ p~;racn whrse name is
<br />=ut~sctibed to the icreyoing instnir:~ent, and ac:knr,~ttlt?dged to methat ~he-
<br />executed: ttie sar.,e icr :he ;ss.*~osf.~,ard ~o:~:,i<.~:<:tion tteerein c;xpressad.
<br />CIS%EN Ur~:DF:R _f~Y HA,dD ftilD S~1L OF '+.iEI'tC£ ?}:is' s~ ~ daY of
<br />February, 1975. j.r,;re~-~w
<br />,~ ~
<br />f~i~~ __ ~
<br />"tatary PLblic liidalf~, Caui~y, texas
<br />?.: UXw~S:7~ L~:.a _rd ~ ~s ra _0,..7~s.r, ta;fi.
<br />hti.~FcL~ crt:~ux~'vta co , £s
<br />afz~s SPAT; OF 7I,T.TIi4IS, CC3L':v?T [}g 6iA1.7E.
<br />~,£,~`f~ts.: F+~, Lhe zrcid~z-~igav~ .~~C}icr{ty, ~Z th?.s hay pern~ral;y <<p~rr:~ixed
<br />MLi.~n~aJ ~ "LE'~i:'zn~ ~ J~'~: ~ ten: w~ t~ ^« to be t ~Q ; r pa ut osc. -~~re
<br />sJd '_d au t'Z `r`rar,~_cg ) ~tru~eaat, artsY aeka~o~r ~3gs,e to r~?~: .ak. h~
<br />G 9Crr l6%F.~ 3~~ 1,7L rLd ~,Ur¢~-'AC~ 'S t1L ;bit lUE'. dt~~n tftrr L .,° --'i e~T.
<br />~~~~
<br />~l.*~'~!V `+j!`~+.Tl~ ~, Aa.J :~.i~.'a`~3 1!~ ~''.r' tlti'`_-I t`~ rr i-~_-...~ d.~} ~. .. _~-, c..'z.~a-, 1, 9'~~:
<br />~.,. rt.,,., 6} ~ _
<br />