<br />j$~-.ti{'Aftft+1.`5'~I':' ~~"j~,`,]] ~:~~.s~~'~~~-~ 1Ta Flufim Gwnera oopplr tloune, Idncoln, NeDt.
<br />I~"YQW ALL i4IEA~i SY"'I'~IESE' PTZ~SF.'3~l'Ia:
<br />TII~fT C1Areace L. Coates, Sr.y 9tto~ney is faot for Fitldred- C. ~oatrasq a :widow,
<br />ni t+i~s%owtty of "iippeosaoo atld'Stata aj; TnrIia„a.. ~aravsd in cirnsildcration of fkr
<br />rrw>s of Oslo Do12ar (i1.o0) and ot'tttrr-good. and valnab2a aonsideratioa.--- DOI_L.4RS
<br />in hard /aeiaf do hereby grow:, bargaiw, sell, sawvey awd coap'rm r,nta 24e1eia, ~, Eaasey ltd;
<br />Bar'bwrs ,7. Ra~ae~, taosbaad a~ xife, ae point teaaats with right' of surtiyort3bip,
<br />net as tsnaata is ooason, _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<br />of tltt Car>tty o f ~-. and Stets of ' 2debrasira ffte fvfEo~xfrzy descri&zd rcal ertate-.
<br />rit~uul iw- - - - - - - _ -iw Ba.2l Cottwty, a+rdc,Stata of ~dttrattka- to-wiq'
<br />I.ob Oiue (1) a®d 25ro (2) , (( except' for a traest of 2aad coatainiz9g 19, 34
<br />agree crmsf~i' b7 deed:' dated Sa3yY ~s ~ 947 to Virgil P. EatzaeT 'and Betr~r G. Pzaaseg,
<br />bneLeai aai rifer and 2~iaa ]forthaf the lint described aax ~s~ing''at a point
<br />at the Merit liar olf I.O! R11o (2), 1t35'f.0 feet Nerth of tt» 3outbarest Ccaaer of said
<br />ro~ '!~» (2), smmins tbaea. aaa•th a3°3sr seat, 8g0.o Sset, t2ramae xaxth
<br />?2 32' Haet, TF)0.0 Perk, rmiins t2~noe Hmth a9 45' Iaitt, 1153,0 feet,. to a,-pout
<br />as tir ~aet Iia a? get ttne (1 ). is raid seetiaa, t 3G2.5 te.t Harrth of tLe
<br />s.~ta...t Co>~ of .nit laot ooe (1), )) olf Scotian tie (31 ), Toyasbip'x3ne
<br />{9). ~. ~• '11nel~e (12) vst elf tb. sizth (sth) F,~., contatnins se.ent~-
<br />fs.. ad 74/tao ; (75.74) .exs, gate am lass, aaaatedina to Gvteza~snt s~.eT, in
<br />Hail 43~# . 3l~lieasba.
<br />%.~ ~«~rF ~~~ ~~ ffULDtks flsaNaaa abtws. dsrrrsbed, ttitiCth4r SEnrfaaltthd. l~f'9it /NCN tJ,~~erCdttaMfalttS a1M1!'~
<br />uppretawaraast t#uRrsreto ,b~tawgi~y. trwo tTu void ISeTTfa 7!. Bx:,osT and B~itrs. J. $ar~- "- - _ _ _
<br />atcd to tho3r heira and assign,t farrvar.
<br />.iwd I da hst~br cot,ewatrt'faitlf tAs soil Grawtn cwd wifAi 'tLeiz' hcrYs awd aalig~,r, that.
<br />(a+ofNlly srwl of acid p~seeiiss; tdiat ~7 ari frag frow ewtiiwabroisca
<br />that I Asoa Qetd rpytia awl 1asj~tt artltasity to radt tlw ssar~; awd X da TarrcZy:coutwawt tatuarrawt awd
<br />dcfcwl tlw tiNe to ,raid prswwara aQawat tAw~ lafiv(wt cTdiwa rf a!t (~ertaws mhonuroavrr.
<br />r~wd aAs sail lam. C.. Geatee : ~- - ~- ~- - - _. _ - - - - - yrrstb~~ rrlingrisltaa afd
<br />bet rift, title aai iuteeMt :x awl t.r the,abavs dercritred ~rciwirer.
<br />~ ywed tllir ~ ~ 'stay of 1!<il+r 15~ , A. U
<br />Iw Fruawra of
<br />.. ,
<br />ST,dTB GF .IT;N.i,11i1!_...._. .. taw thir. .. -~. ,'!~.,dny aj ..Ap:i2. _: _ ~4 D.1f~ a2 _ ., dxjora
<br />- rr.
<br />?i~eeenoti. _ _Coturty~, nw, 1rc wwderrlVned 7~i1tiLD~.,$~..~a.fr6nAl. ..... ... ..:
<br />a IVatetr ?'ab2i~, ~~y csmrgiassawad grad gtrafi~ied f:Jr arrd re.tidinq to said'
<br />;_ rowtlp, ~ersve~u ~y ~arwe. C1.a:+>fo~. L.. Coates,,,,Jr+s, ~tt.ORIIe}:........ , ,.:'
<br />....
<br />. in tact toz lLi2dred C. Goeteii
<br />:, . ;. .,~ knaxe ;~ Le the irJer.:if:5l farrow. _zx~6oas raawrt . ~ ., .
<br />a~.eed tar :hr ; ~rr~eerN7 dnJC.e >F;Ca.1 ..: ~rJtt7n«. _.uxaa ark~e«udedT~e$aht Saf'~z^
<br />.,1 fit, ~~,. .. ..yv_lJr: ..., ctiC S£rst.
<br />.:`rtncr? nt ..h6 :, !,-3 ~ ~.:: 1~!i t. ~.. s7,xif ~4f#r ;1: r{ 2:°3(7:.:<>IrFRd tr'K,
<br />.~'
<br />~~~ S ~ r ~'~y~~~gy~ >- ..
<br />c~•~'* ..' 4f U `'85".4'cu~. '~ Pi~ c + ,.. jv~.~f....~}yyt,, v~..rhkY }+ n6Ai'6<.
<br />'Si 1sR':' . `_ANi ti t~W .- .I ie#, p.S.x _ ., t ~ ~#~SM ~R S[ fy~
<br />