<br />~2 ~. ~~ (~ ~ "7'75
<br />Mtalz:TCACS _ see L 17 028'.
<br />MORTG:!Yrsf3 LORN N0. L 24 , 032
<br />KNE-WALf.MENaY'rt?;«~EPRESEN7S:'rtsat Ehgane S< Siuoanek and Muriel G. Sitnanek, each in his and
<br />her OWIi zia3tlt and' as S~Ol18e Of eaCl't Other, Moet~or, whether ono or mote, in corsidetation of xhe Brim of
<br />Eight `€4xlusar~ Pine Fhutdred' and nO,~100 --- ---_-----_.---~--.~--.-~cDLea~
<br />koaaed to said tnorega~gcaa by Tlit Egaritable 6u$ditg and I.oaa Asswation of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee; upon 85 shares of stodt of
<br />said A.SSOCIAI'IOt~i.'Certifirstetwo. L. 24,032 ,dolrerebygattt, canveyand mortgageuaiotliesaid:A$SOCyq'('iONttse following;.
<br />Been-bed'real eaters; situated in hall County, Nebraska:
<br />Lat Pa~Ur (4) in Blcrk Nine (9? in Scarff's Additi~t
<br />to PJest Lawn in the City of Grand Island, .Hall County,
<br />Nebraska:
<br />togetherwth aB the tenemrnu..,.hemdtamenu. and appunttraatxs thereunto-htkml;ing,mch:dtag aitschtd floor mveritags, allwindow screens,.
<br />wrodtrw.shadeg, bhads, stmrrr +vstdtavrs. avmtnp, hpWgg,atrcondi~rrtma,atidplumb' and water PtirttPs,stoves;..
<br />refrigesattxs, aaal t>,tbex f+xsures ausd e~uswrterc now or hcscafttr attar3red to su wed racrtion wit~ihixpat~ rtt a [ccexsoriea theieta.
<br />Aad, w'hCtets the sand mtxtj~tut ~,u sgroett and dots hereby agree that the n~ ahaB and. wi11 pay a33 taxes attd axxmttents levied or
<br />aseaed tgrsa rood aerernes aired upon ,his rnurtgage amt the t+rmd :~caarcd thereby t+cfcxe tlx satne shall beooaxe delinquent; to f'utnish appnrved
<br />inssxanea ttptan :he iiueldnlts ,m seed prrttann snttated in tht x~,rn e,t y $~ 500, ~~ payable to seed ASSLICIATlON attd to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the poiroca to. vd tnsurante. and not tea comma .,• pcratut any waste cart c+r alwut said prcanivex:
<br />la rarrut detach ,n the ~rtrv-mote atyny of'the terms an4 axrtrikws of tlxa mnrte or the bond w:atred hereby, the mort~ee sha11;
<br />ern desaard; be cnrrtkd to rneaediate prisxeaian of thraowtpa~eef ptrzrrxaesaad thr..asnrtttyBOC lttrtby aaatptts, ttartsferxand sets over [ottie
<br />' rnottga~ee to the r rnix, revertlau and income to be derived from tfrmrxtgalted. prernnea dwrng stack tinx as tlac tnori$age indtbatlneas shall retntin.
<br />' ttaprd: sad the. tta.rtttalyx shelf Rave the power ro appoott aay ataenttx a}Imss it stnv desist for tire. purpose oC..rcpainttgsaid.. premixa and rearing:,
<br />the same sad ahgt the rcau. revettnes ate inmrrse, std sx ttiay pay out nt vw1 ,creme ail txpenaes of tcpaiatittg said premises and neaxszary
<br />cortanrrenas and rxppeaosrs ,acatnrd ixr rtnsugtard rrnnatyng the xartae seed of rulkcYrrys rentals sheralrom; she balance rertuining~ if any, so tat
<br />applied toward the ditai[aagr of sae! m[artga~e rndebiednest: these riythta srf ?tx rntrri may he exeraxd ataxy orate during tnrcxiuence of such
<br />defatdt, atiae of aay tcrnpraruy waixr ofthe same,
<br />Theatf'rcrevttz~ howe+er, err >:ptrac the Crxdttxm,T'hst d IIIC sxfd At.>+tzaRrar ~teait repaiy sztd kaaaa un err ttefore the triatUtrt of said shoes by.
<br />payment; pay rnonthhr r~, wd .natit>CfATtON ref the term syersfigl nt the K~.r+rt ses-ured Iverc Y.
<br />b'Y ax anter'at and pttrtctpal on said loan, on or before
<br />the T'wmtieth day of rac}t arx! every man th, tmttl said Imn is fullypad pay all tatu,x and asstfantents. levied agauut sad premises sad on .this Mortgage
<br />and the tlowd segare.f rhrrrbr . txtrm dclwgneaaey, furnish apprtmd. 3asusanoeupon the buiMtnp:theawn to the soars of S $ ~ 500.00 payable
<br />to seal A.SSOif AiT4ti, rrpar r=. uvi +ISSfY`iATICIN upon denand alt trarnrey by at pa6 for stactx tyres, aasesarttents and insiuance with' irttetesiat
<br />the maxeatwn kp! t ate the, rein t-urn date vt payment ail +af whtt$a Mort~agut lkreby ygrxs do pay;peratul rto waste onaasd premixz:keep and comply
<br />wrth alt the apecarrnts and cand~tw>nzoi the Band fors $a,§QQ•Q© tttisday gavett by tfte sad Mortpgor to raid A3Sa:IC1ATION;and tmmply
<br />wath adl the requncnrnt_uf the t', ~anut~iaid i9ya,.at,~z,af said gSSpC•fATI(7N: [teen these presents s~fiiatl beewtxK null antivoid,. oth¢nvur they.
<br />Mall rratvar rn tali fw¢ amt espy be f<rri•,v,papd at tlieuptsora ofthe said,AS50CiATlON aft«. failtue for..three months'. to rrnkcany cifsaid..
<br />patyratsau as be t"nxe rrraarhs ue uarata to ~+h4t sasd mcwtthly payments, tar to keep an4 comp);, witft'the agreements and conditioru of said. Bond::
<br />and Martp~.ur seers t:. have a rrcrnCr appointed: fortbwtth ta saaefi. ftareclaswt pnaeeaf~Z..
<br />If thNr b say chaeF m rnrnershrp ut tree real eaaare mtrrtpaed lterem, by-. sale vc utltetwsae, then the eMVt r
<br />secaead shag. as the r,otr:~r ul Ttr Fywtabk eanainio6 iatdebtedms hereby....
<br />faxtltor ~~. and t}rc a+nwxraa Bttddut6 sell LaanAsaociaxxton of 6raad Islurd. Ntbraaka,betoate raueediateiy due and payable without
<br />rmauraers doe wake-said brwd, and nay othnbond tax zny addit7oNa) advamaestnade thtseunder;:slull..;from tree:
<br />daNa ofttacrenc uF fled :tptaun, hear ratleaest at:tite rnaxsntsm kKat rate, atxi ibis mortptec rTny then be:'fotecloud. to satisfytlie aittoonfdue on aud:.
<br />bend,anii any otlarr tRSn6 fix a3dilaooal advamoes, togthtrwitlaaH.svmt paid by ssal:Tiae f;quitabie. Bw7ding: aadLoan:Aasociation of Gcandfslan.d.,
<br />DVebraa-a rise urszrrstacr, !axes ondaxaesatnentz;y~l abstractmges3tnvon dtuges, wirh".~~terest thereon, from' date of. paysttenG. ar the neasienuns.
<br />_ lepd mu.
<br />As pruvvled in the Hoard segued teeeby, while ahes.mwtgagc eematnx m effect tht trcartgaRee may hereafter advance additional soma to the
<br />+ewrrd ~the~t~ tax ~ rob ai eau ~saaeetmorY its +rsterast, wlst~ sums ~a31 ix wtt>rm the security cf this mortpagie t}te satne az the fonds originally :
<br />paittcitpal.. Befit awt torzacd atyny tame the origxaatattsounrof ifiu rortgage...
<br />~Zbtni thh ~. d t day i*lay
<br />n. n-. Iv82
<br />~1~'
<br />S"fAT1=': til= `E:fsttASKA.
<br />CY~,'NTY t}~F FiALI. ~ ;x. 41a tEsts 32d dayaf 'day 1982 ,before nw;
<br />ttx ult~tsigned; a Nottuy Pulalie in ard.for +mid Cotusty, perannally cavte
<br />Dsgc~:e S. SLmarzek aid Muriel G. Sintai`tek, teach in; his artti her tiwtx ri+~ht and. as~~x~t s~ of
<br />~:~ ~t13er, w are nown t~
<br />rise tote- hr eJenttcsE {.;avrm g waa»c xrsmr- c 3aa1°.n:..,r .., +l~brav~e :,'~r.~~~...:,.
<br />.xrkn.roacecriYcd 6o-e uKici v:rxt~arc+et tr_ he t;t1E•3 )" r, «i;untxry rs~z and tlrcd.
<br />11r7Tti.t'i4 n»- ti~:~xE snS `inter rat :.v?a! ,:~r :.akz eki~: txaati.
<br />,.-_. _- - v ~ ?~_..
<br />._. _. _. ,_,t ~ l~1 i7 -,~~~ ~ ~ tvr
<br />,s. ;.. z., rr ~ - _ - ~nt'ary let-._._..
<br />