<br />,~_.
<br />$2--'c~o~.~s2
<br />~~~.,~ 5i-1~RT FOi~M
<br />Foteut tVa. 2t 4 (RtY.. t219as
<br />_ _
<br />Loan Number__'-~.,q`?0----- ~?----- °w.
<br />__ ®soen yrr`.
<br />THAT_~~ewR __~~a~boron .ate _,arxaella C_ Scarborox~~p husb_ nd and wife,. ~7oihtly and'
<br />each in their o~:n right:,:..
<br />hereinafter called hior£gagois, is caztaideration of.:the sum of ~~'.C THO[~APID TfI~EE INiFDRr.~ FORTY rSVE
<br />($ 2,31+5.3' ) DC3LLARS, the: receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />and CCINVEY an absolute tide, inrhtdiag aL the rights of homestead. and inheritance, unto FIRST
<br />;wlortgagce, it8 suct~ssors sad assigns, the fallowing described real estate, situated in_ ?ill..
<br />(auntq, State of :NEBRASKA, to-wit:.
<br />I,ot 5a~ idoL°~:'s Lutidfrision to the Cit;~ oa Grand Island,
<br />I:a}1 Crnvnt,,r rebraska.
<br />Tt) HAVE ANI3 TO HOLD the real estate above described, with all appurtenances thereunto
<br />belonging unto the said Aiottgagee, forever, pprovided always, attd this mortgage is upon the,eapress con-
<br />ditiam that if the aforesaid 1llart~gora, ttteir.heirs, executors, adminzstrators er assigns shall; pap or cause
<br />to he paid to the said Mortgagee, its sittxr..agon9 or assigns, the pprincipal sum hereinabove set forth, ail
<br />at:cae+~ng to the tenor and e8ect of a certain installment-note a# said Mortgagors bearing even date with
<br />this awrtgage, and shall. pap razes and - is levied upon :iaaid real estate, and aIl other taxes, levies
<br />and sssemunents Ievied upon ilris mortgage ar the.. Hate which this rortgage is giver to secure,. before the
<br />same or any xnatatlmettt thereof becamea delinquent,. then this mortgage to lse void, otherwise to remain
<br />to .full. fnm.
<br />IT IS Ff'R'I"fIER AGREED (1) That if the said ~fort~agor shall fail to ppay such rases, the
<br />~+lar ee may paq the same and the sum so advanced with interest shall" be paid by said Mortgagats,
<br />and this mortgage snail atattd as t+~curity far tfre same.. {2) 'T`isat Mortgrtgara covenant with the Mortgagce
<br />that they are w~fully seized of said real estate and covenant to werrant and defend the said real estate.
<br />against thr iaw•{ul claims of all persons whonsanever. (3) That is cxtse of a foreclosure of this nortgage,
<br />the plaintiff in such proceedings snail be entitled to take poaeession-af the prnanist~s, pmtect the sarne and
<br />crolIect the rents, isstxrd and profits thereof. f4) That a failure to pay any of :said. money or any inatall-
<br />mertt thereof wtsen the same becomes due, or s failtvre to comply with anv of the foregoing agreements,...
<br />shall cause the whole s;im of money herein seceired to becteme due<and croUertible:at once at the nption of
<br />the AfortgaRe~e.
<br />TR.4I~'SFER OF TfiE "PRUFERTY: A3SCTMPTIfIN. if all or any part of the Property or an
<br />interest them iv vxld or tretnaferred by 3iartga~or without :4tortgager s prise written consent, ezaluding
<br />i s l the creation of a lien or mtrumbrance ssrbandtnaCe to this Mortgage, (}s) the et~estion of a ptuchase
<br />money wnxrity mterewt #or hotaehald applisnoes, tc) a transfer by.devise; drx~ent ar by operataion of law
<br />upon the. deatlx of a joins tenant or id) the grant of any'Ieasehold-interest of ±hriee yw,ars or 3ess not con-
<br />tainutR an option to purchase, Mortgagee may, atMostgagee's option, declare all the sumssecured by this
<br />Mortgage to be immediately dne and payable
<br />Tf Itifortarsgee ezerr~es sneh option to accelerate, Mortgagee shah mail Mortgagor notice of
<br />accrleratioe and such no*ace shall provide a period of rrot less than 3(} days fzom the date the notice is
<br />mailed .rithin which \IortgaRor may pay the sums declared due. IfMartgagor fails to pay such sums prior
<br />to the ezpiration of such period, 1fortttagee snag, without further aotrce or densand on Mortgagor, invoke
<br />the power of sale and any other remedies perrmtted by applicable law.
<br />Signed this.--_.?~'`•1.,iay of .._:?ipz'? ~....._.. ._.___... 19._2.....
<br />~ ;, c ~rbarotxgix C
<br />r ~ ~ ,, n
<br />ar:netl_ ~, Scarborotz~
<br />S1`ATE CiF' ME&RA3K A
<br />.•r ; es.
<br />On this ... "~i''.1 Lrit `,~ befo3e me, lkse ztride~igr,ed, a i~Ioiar3''~"ubltc. in aaTd tar
<br />~~ ~:rsttnrr, t,cra(rnaiiy rasae -°n"'. r ..::^arbcx•c .~~n °r^~e:~~a :;-•~rborou~h, husband _,:.
<br />_ a:.c wx.:. e
<br />pswrwe~Ily known Wee acs bae the ident~ti Pr'rsams :vtsoae naxa,~ ~^e -~scki u ttir.: a-mod.. toxcgpixtg:. inatavaxeant, ^ae.
<br />rewt~pgpes, acrd !aeh ackrusw+kdg¢d •aid enxtnsmeat W Le hiy or t,c-r ,~ofuntury act r+ttsj dN,stt,."
<br />'lfiirs~ ~r Y~arxt and !iotarr~i >rnai at.-- _.x 3r.1 -~,i;_:ki' _.cr `-'-tt
<br />:r< enee ~Y ,.nvY ..F,rmn
<br />i :"
<br />`~Y 9.?.,`dt TLt*~,:!if .>X L+Frl,1_.. .,. tYY..,tl~' ttl~[C.
<br />^ IIO~~~, .. .. _ Ps
<br />Mr ~M. 6a tale
<br />