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<br />$Z°'_ U~1'7~~ <br />corporation be dissolved and recommending a plan-of distribution <br />of the assets of the corporation: The plan of distribution <br />crust be consistent with Sections.:. 21-1901 through ~1-J_991; <br />of the Nebraska Non-Profit Corporation Act and „ specifically; <br />with. the provisions. of Section 2L-1945 thereof.. The resolution <br />of the i}rectors sha31 also direct that the question of such <br />dissolution and the plan of distribution be submitted to the <br />membership at an annual or special meeting thereof. Written <br />or printed notice stating t?:at the purpose,; or one of the <br />purposes of such meeting i~ to consider the advisability <br />of dissolving t2:e corporation and setting forth the proposed <br />Plan of distribution shall be given to each-member entitled <br />to vote at such meeting, setting forth the time :and place <br />of meeting. Such notice shall be given not less than, <br />thirty t341 nor; mare than sixty {:601 days prior to the <br />meeting. At sr:ch meeting-the membership shall first vote <br />on .the question of whether the corporation shall be dissolved'. <br />If the membership voles to dissolve the. corporation, then the <br />membership shai.2 vote upon the proposed plan. of distribution` <br />plus any etmendments to the plan of distribution which <br />are made thereon at_the meeting.. <br />The plan of distribution as proposed by the Directors <br />shall provide that the assets of the corporation shall be <br />distributed to arty goverxtmentai authority which will <br />accept the same frrr purposes consistent with the purposes <br />of the Association, to axty other non-profit corporation which <br />will accept the same for Purposes-consistent with the purposes <br />of this Association or to any combination of these three <br />groups of distributees. <br />`~o be affirmatively adopted, tha resolution proposing <br />dissolution of the corporation, the plan of distribution <br />of tY,v assets Of the corporation expon dissolution, and any <br />proposed amenaasents ~o the plan of distribution, roust each <br />.:y- <br />