8`-- ~aG~ 75II
<br />The fallowing covenants, conditions and restrictions.
<br />relating to thus condominium regime shall run with the land
<br />and shall be binding upon ail grantees, devisees, mortgagees
<br />and any other persons who use the property, including the
<br />persons who acquire the interest of any owner through fore-
<br />closure, enfarcernent of any lien or otherwise:
<br />a. The 3rentwood By-The-Lake ~andominium Owners
<br />Association, Inc., a fiebraska Nan:-1?rofit. Corporation, has
<br />been incorporated. to provide a vehicle for the manage.aent of
<br />the condominium and each additional Cflndominium Property
<br />F_egime that is created in 3rentwaod Third Subdivision. The.
<br />owner of each suite in each of such candominia shall auto-
<br />maticai3y be seemed a mem3aer of the _Association upon the
<br />fili;~g of the Master lleed creating each condominia. The By-
<br />IFaws of said Associ.atian are also th,e By-Laws. of this cando-
<br />~inium property regime and are attached hereto as Exhibit
<br />"H". After more than nre condominium property regime is
<br />created i 3rentwaod Third Subdivision, the expenses of the
<br />Asscadiation shall be allocated as provided in Article 2II,
<br />Section l~ df those 3y-Laws.
<br />b. .All general. common ~>lements z~re far t;ne use
<br />and,en-ioy~sent of a1I. owners. The limited common elements
<br />are fax- the exclusive use. of the ownExr of the suite ar
<br />suites to which they aze appurtenant.,. his family, c7uests;
<br />servants end invitees, `i'he ownership of the common elements
<br />shall' remains un~.i:~~ied, and nv I~rsar. ur owner shall bring
<br />any'actian for the partition. or di~aisian of the conuzton
<br />elements. 'i`he .,ssocation shall dram ti.me~ to time establish
<br />ruie~ and'reg~latioris `ar the use c~i the common elements,
<br />and ail cawners sand izsr~rs ~:haii be kiaunr3 r her.ehy. The As-
<br />socation shall haue =he sale ;urrdiu~t ion rsver and r.e-
<br />spansibii.t~• fJr al:cr~tic~ns, impravem~nts, x-cpairs and
<br />rtasntenac,cu ,_ the ....c;n elements. 't'he share of an:owner
<br />in the: cozr~non ~~ier~c~,:LS ;s appua+_enant to Yes suite en~3
<br />..°~~,>sz_ibl~ :'rum .u:~.~ <,wnc:rwYe3fy. ;~'~s;essmnni;zs again.<~t awne~rs
<br />fo: ir.suranec~, :~oac.~.~,n ._~lement ~ =sp~r7s~:s z3nd i:cserves, ani3 f.'o.r
<br />at}5er exper:~ses ~n..:rea,by tr~~. i•.s~s~~ciationt,hali be~'iT;ade
<br />p^.zzsuan~ ,;~ xh~_ C;;~-[ a~::-. ~,ss -,:~mc•nt.~ p~zd within .thirty
<br />t,.s'0? :isys ..zwcr thz fiu~e wher. iue sh~ai:3 Welt. bear irLC:rest,
<br />buc .yi ~ su.::s not gar:l within °sad t:hr.ty (30) day pcrot_~
<br />sh~~J. he3z snt~r~s: at the highest iec3al rate from. due date
<br />::r.tii psid. If any yawner shall fail. ar xefuse to make any
<br />payment of such assessments when due, the ;algaunt thcrcof,
<br />p2r.:s .rt~~rest shall ~:~nsti:tut,e a lien upon the owner's
<br />introrest in has suite and: in ttze ~ropc:~~ty, and upon the
<br />record~na c:,, sut'.i lic,n bti~- the t,ssooiati~~n in the Register. r>f
<br />?eeds ~~, Ha13 tou•:*_y, 3ebraska, such ainouri't shall ccinstitute
<br />a i i an prior and p; ~~ferreci outer al3 other lic~:ns and:.. en-
<br />cu:^bra,:~-es except assessment v, liens and r;harga' fox tuxes
<br />pas;: :: c .tnd unpaid cn` the suite and exoept, prior dix.y
<br />reeox;~r i ~nrugage .rd 7 ien instruments.
<br />c_ D'ach owner shall k~ responsik+le:
<br />{l) 'PO mainfiain, repair. amd replace, at
<br />his expense, all..pcirtions of his suite ar ~~araye which
<br />are nt>t included a:n the definition of {:,•ommon elements,
<br />except as set fortks in katci~ 'J, above,
<br />(2) To maintain a:nd repair and replace
<br />as ..^c.ce~sary all utilities wi;.hit: that owaler' u , ,i. :.e or
<br />•=<<-a,~,_, .~r~d :any ziasrac~e tc the- c:om~ntan utilities ca~;seri Y;y
<br />~t_ wztk~in th:xt suite Per ~ari<,e.
<br />_-, _.
<br />