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~2-- c~G1'~58 <br />AFTICLE XI. TERM2NATIt~N Ofi AMENDMENT. <br />Sectic*: ~ Ter.:;linaton. <br />E;~cent as otherwise provided, owners oz ail of the <br />suites in any of the Condaminia shall have the right to <br />terr.~inate this ~'andorsinium Property Regime, subject to the <br />concitiorls of Section ?6-$12 0{ the Condominium Act, by <br />un_niznq+as action. However, :before so acting they must c3i~~ <br />si~tity t60) daYs'Friar written cnnsent to all of the then. <br />:4aembers of the ?association: <br />Section 2'. Amendment by Members. <br />"1~here shall: be no amendment to these Fay-Laws unless <br />seventy-five percent ~?5€? or maze of the members of the <br />then Association shall have. voted.-therefor in the affirma- <br />tives at a special ar annual aazeeting; provided, however,.:. <br />that percentage vati:ng regui.rements contained in these By- <br />Lawn shall not be amen=ded tsy a lesser percentage vote than <br />that sought to be amended, and pravaded further that such <br />amendment shall have the approval of more than fifty percent <br />(54~;, in ..number. of the first mcartgagees af' record in all <br />of the Condamine vperi the date of adoption of said amendment. <br />Section 3. Amendment by Developer. <br />Anything contained in these By-maws or in the Master <br />reed or t,sticies of Zncorparation to the contrary notwith- <br />stone?iny, until D~cdrnh~r 'sl, I9f32. or until ()~velop~r rr- <br />leases control of *he Association, whichever first occurs, <br />Developer reserues the right to supplement or amend these <br />By~-Laws #'c;r cl,i~r ific2rtion,, earreetian o~ vt:,herwise in the <br />best in1_err~~ts of all suite c-~wn~rs, including Ut:veloper; <br />provided that an;a sucY: supplement: ar amenar^ent shall be <br />apF~rovcd ::y ;Wore than ft_+ percent !5p'-,' in number vF t~.~11 <br />,y first rncrz.c;ac.eyhoi;:ers ~~ rE.carc3, ra write<;. <br />;tRTICLE };II. RECDTZDS. <br />~e~tion 1. ;z+eCesrds anii :luc':it. <br />The Board 4f Rd:rrinistratgrs ar the n,~riaerinq agent'shali <br />keep detailed records of the a~-tions of the isoard of Ad- <br />ministrators and the manayina agent, ninutes of t^c, meetings <br />of the board of Adtainistrakors, minutes ;>E th!~ mvetiii<.ac?f <br />the Associ..~tian, and financial records and uaoks of r~cco,ir.t. <br />of the Association, including a chronoioyical iistiny of <br />receipts and expenditures. "'Pose recor~?s shall r.~1so in~:l,ude <br />a separate account for each, suite which shall contain the <br />amount of each assessment o rornmon c:^.arge:7 a; :ouch <br />suite, the Sate when cue, the amounts pa:d +_h~~reon, ar,d the <br />balance regaining unpaid. A written report summarizing ah2 <br />receipts and expenditures cr t::e :{ssociatio:~ shai.. be <br />rendered b}~ the Board of Aclmnistratc~rs tc~ all suite owners <br />at 1Fast. semi-annually. it1 a[iciition, an arnu,al report of <br />t.i,:e receipts an3 expenditures a{ the :~u.,ocation, cr rr.ifr:~d <br />by an independent acconntaat, shall !~e r~n49ered-by *he> Board,' <br />of :aa.~ri,nistratars to al'_ suite cawnerr= a^d to all <ncr.,yagE~,_s <br />of suites who haves rec3uestf~ci the ~an~e, n-nm}~tly ,.,*.:* t:::~: <br />er d .:.° eacYa fiscal year. , iSe eaxpens~. ~~r ~h~_~ c,s~r~._.f .c=~i .a,cii t <br />s;:a'., tie paid b~- chose requesting it ur.lz~5ra mac~.zt.,' oE' <br />tl:e *.nemb~~rs o: the i~sscciati.oa ~-~©te in Eavc>r :3f a -~ ii.~... <br />a;.idit at a reg°alar~y .a17.ed sneetr.~. <br />AitTIC.LE XIST, ~4ISCEl:1.~"~NI:G3L:S. <br />Sect ., _ do 21 :: c"'S <br />i:. i:C ...1 r. ~'. };r '"CLl ..:C~ .,,.3~.i tE' s~:ni 3.Y3( ri..<.; .;. .>.. r2r{'41 Cir <br />.,...s: s9,W <br />