<br />~2--- Ija~'; 54
<br />3. The mortga~ur covenants and agrees that if Eee rlxaft tai{ trx pac• said ndebledness or any part :thernof when>
<br />due, or ehal3 fail to prrforn+ aor covenant oragreenxent of tktis instrument or the protnisisory;notc st,•crirerl hereh~', the
<br />entire indebtednras hereby assured al;akk immediately become due, payable, and collectible w•ithoat notice, at the
<br />option of the tnactgagce or assigns, regar3fess-o[ maturty,.and the mortgagee orhi+ a~ilna nta'y Ifeforr or aftet•:zntrv
<br />se11 said Itropertc without appraiecment i the mortgagor having waived anr# asaittnrd to the ntortKagee ail rilthts of
<br />xErprxisernent~l:
<br /><+ t a: jcdicial sale tsursvant: to the: provisions of 2$`U.~.t:. 2(N)I ~ a1 ; ur
<br />~ u i xt the aptioa of the. mortgagee, either.by auctiaa or ity solicitation of sealed bids, forihe highest and
<br />bee bid campfyitts writh'tfte terms of sale and manner of pay~trtent specified' in the published notice of sale: firer
<br />givitgc four wteks' settee of the time. ternta and plane of sueh :sale; hs arivrrtisement.ttot ke,.s than utter
<br />dttriag each of said fear weeks in a aewepaper pttbliahed,or distributed: in the eaunty in which said progeny
<br />is situated,, all other aatitx being,hereby waived by the mortgagor {and said mortgagee, or.eny peasan on
<br />'behalf of said:masrtgagtx, may hid with the anpaid indebtedness evidenced by aafid notej. Said sale shall $e
<br />held at ar oa the. property to'be sold or at she Federal, county, or city courthouse for the. eaunty in:which the
<br />property is located- The martftagee is hereby autFtoriud tare:scuts for and on heltalE of the mortgagor and to
<br />deliver to the purchaser at troth safe a anifii:ient t~tnvcyatta of said property, which convevanct: shall contain.
<br />recitals as U tht happeain~ of teas detauft upon which the ezecutioa of tkte power of sale herein granted.
<br />depends; and the acid ntatrt~agor hereby constitutes and appoiau the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the
<br />mortgagee,. else` agent sad. attotnep in fact. of said. mortgagor, to make euc6 recititls and to execute:. said
<br />canwepaerot sad hetteisp covcnanu and afproas :}tat: the recitaL.ao made shall be cHectuai to bacall equity or
<br />righR of tetkmptioo, homestead, dawex, xnd all other exnnptiorrs of the ntortaagur: aii of w-bch err hereiay
<br />exprerly warned and Crnnvered to sfte'martgtptect Ar
<br />(tell `lefts aoy~ other apprnptiatr-aetioa pnrruant to «tat~ or F'etfcral statute richer to .~txtr ur Ferlrrai
<br />cartart or-oRheca.re (ar efts dispasitiun aE the groperty.
<br />In the evert of a ask as laerenbeian priyrided,:the mortgagor or any pertwns in pttseesaion utedcr the mort-
<br />gagor shalt t6ea became and be tenants balding aver and abate forthwith ,icliver pussessitin to the. itureh:+ser .rt
<br />suchuakar Ise summarily dispa~ea+aed, inaeeordancr.with the_ provisions ssf law rppiicaitYc to lessen' holding aver.
<br />The pmrcr and agency hereby granted are eaupfsd with an.interest and arc irrcvacahlc by elrath or othrr«+ire, and
<br />arc ~trtmted as cumulstivc to the remedies farcolkction ~,f seed tidebtednesr provided by (xw.
<br />3. R7ta ptaceeds of tmy state of said property in seeerdanix with the greecdiag paraltnsaphs shell ht+.applied first
<br />to pay- etas avsets tt+od rspenees•af said wfnt. the a:pataer irtcurred by the martptt~ for the pvrp<»e ot'protecting or main-
<br />taining.aid pt+openy; twdrnraatoabie attotrnepi #ees::xscoodly. to pay the indefxrdness srrtire+l hrn•1,~ :anti Thirdly,
<br />to pap ally aurplusoreacda to tfic-peiatsat or.peramta kg-iIv cntitkri ttserrto.
<br />5. to the event seid p-aperty u safd at a yndirial foreefwonr safe or pursuant to she power of sail bercnabove
<br />greeted. and the preeeeds arc not setl6cient to, pay the total indebtcdntss e+ecnnd $r this inattvtncnt antl evfdeneed by
<br />said ptta~iasery taste, tlae mortp(tee will be ealitkd to a deficiency judgment far the amount of the deficiency without
<br />rc~arl o Yp•
<br />b. fn rtes event tfnt niartl[aftor faits to pay any Federxl, stags. ur kacal tea aetresrmeut income tax nr uther ta>,.
<br />ties, claatgtr. f+s~ ur other capesne:charfed apiest t#xe prolxrty the ntortRag+ee is hereby aut}torized at his option Su
<br />pay ifsesatrse. Aar autos ao paid by tfic mart{taEee shelf be added to and beeome a part of die principal amounk of tkic
<br />es~idmced b+- Faid notF snbjeet to tftc same terms seed conditions. I# the mortgagor' shall gap and
<br />diecisatrgc the irdebae'®z.~ cvidmaed hr said paatmi.wry sous, seed-shall pap such soma and shelf discftarge alt
<br />tales ad iis~s sad tis,c rastR lees, sad tzpeares'of ataiiin~. enforcnft, and a=eeutiug this tnottgage. then thiF mortgage
<br />•ltaff fse ca.zko seed aorrsdeeed.
<br />:: 'T'6e avveeaau berets coataitsed shall bitsd and the betieftu sad advantatcea .9tall inters to the r«•sircet»e sue
<br />oe.nsss steak aswgar of the parties berets R'hmever sued, the sinltular natnbtr shalt. ittclndc the plural,: the, plum the
<br />smite, seed the ose of anq ~ shaU ia+daede tdl t'a•
<br />8. No ,tai*er oQ any coveeaat 6ereae ar of rtes oi-li:ietiaa becurrd hereby shelf: at .any iitnc therraEter lrr /teid
<br />zo fse a rstva of the terms 6ereal ¢r of the nWC-secreted hereby.
<br />9. A judst:ial daerec. ordxr, or jttd~tst>at haldittg uy provieian +^s purtiott a( lists instrttmeat itxrafid or.unut-
<br />latceaife altafl aoa en an7 way impair or prccletafe tftc enfattcement a: the remaining pravisiona ar ktortions of tlt'ss
<br />ieatifttMtt.
<br />t0. .t=~ ~rraStao aMsaa m 6e coed t0 lice trsurt{or pufwaet to the pcor~cus of t3iat faesrttmest +rftaff ba ad-
<br />d+n+rsltatJraate~e~wat ??2Q ~esr end, ±":marl 1 2»d, ~i~: &d8tyl,
<br />anal an+ +rrtttan satiate to be iosacsl to the.,atiortgagw.t! shtiil
<br />kna sdalrs.e.d co etas at ' . f7. iic~ :.`..'r! ,, Urxn~t ;; st: ~E. ht~dt72
<br />-~, ~:.,+u r,+ ,_..~.
<br />