<br />~~~~~~~
<br />C~artiripatia~a} ~~.~. tj iJ ~ t ~ ~'
<br />Thin ttutrrRa6e made and eatcred into thu 30th dag rf April
<br />14 82 , br and betwcext Curtis ti. Christensen and Linda M. Christensen, Husband <ind Wiie
<br />f isexcittafter rcfcrre~ to a• rntrrt.(Ca~or t and F LI'E POI^i i S B:c>..Iv'Ii _
<br />{heninatter referred to as
<br />mcrt{tafte 1, The mainiaiea ao d&r :ad }dace of busioer at ?015 ~iorth $raadweil GraIId Island, Nr.
<br />~trv~s!•rtt, that for thr consideration hetrinafter tented, receipt of which. is henehv acknowfedged:: the
<br />mittt~aaor daea hrreM mvrtyta~e, xll, grant, aaai~p, and etutvec uat© the mart{[agir, hia siicsesaors :sad asai~tu all
<br />tit the ht~brs~ tineribrd property aittatcd and being in rise fattaty of Hall
<br />State of Nebraska '
<br />I.ot Six (6) in Block Seventeen (13) in IZernahan and Deckerts;~lddtion
<br />to the City of Grand TS1and, FIs11 Counts, Nebraska,
<br />Lot Six (6) in Block Cne (T} in Jack sdss Second Subdicrfsion; Being.
<br />a Part of the :lest Half of the Southx*est Quarter (W~St1~) of Section
<br />Ttw {2) Ln Tovrtship Pleven (SI) '~ortY:, Range Zen (10) Wiest oY the
<br />6th F.M., ;n 9sI1 County, '3ebrasks;
<br />Lot Fourtern (14} in acct Me1ghL8 Addition to the Ctq of Grand
<br />Island. Hal! County, Yebrawka ;
<br />Fractional Lot Ten (:IU) of Cedar Park ~ddiiion to the Citv of Grand..
<br />Tslxttd, Ball Cotm[q, Nebraska - and -
<br />l.ot Seven {7), Homestead Second Subdivision, Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br />To~etirer~,.~itl. and Yac-{a$ia~ a{i baldia~. all iixiarcr iaa~lydisg 6rt w,t liarted ur all ;~iurol„ng, hcadrrg, lig}aing,
<br />vtKdtlrtl~, Mfri.~cr•tta~, Fat<iae»ttap nAr t^wdiitwia3 apparrtk~, and .~lrvawn. stir, nort~a der lurre6y declaring that
<br />it w ewtewitei t4at tier iter irrrr^ caawe~nted -eir11 IN dewed s.r hati~r Lcea p.rtaaaent{v iaatalied vs {sate of dtc rvnltvik "
<br />and ail ~w}amvrsente~aow tk 4eereafttr e~c,wtu~ tive~e» bit bc~itssrats sad :ntpaauenanctr'~ and ail otlu.~c nghi_+. thcrr-~.
<br />ual4 be{~»~af{, er ;a aaY~i+r aaprrtaistre~, and ties rrvr^¢iaw awd tcvrtninn~., rcmuindrr :+ntl rrmaiad.-rs, ell riKhtr~ of
<br />rrde~pttatt, a~1 tltr teat., s!ytwec, sad Irerriit. of Ibr ab.rvr h.+u•ribr•d pmpertv ( frmvr,{ed, Fkr++rv«r, [hut t4+, mort~at•+rr
<br />Ki..ll 1!~ r>,tttlrei to Else a..rs..ciaw ni.4aid pa,prn~ uwd to culfc-cY and mlain tea mnta, satiun:.. and pR,f~ts unto! defuy~lt
<br />fxeeraaderi_ •To Ffart as1 la iwldtie Saar. aafa tb<• wartlts~ee sad the- era:rc».~..c«4,in .wtrrr;~t ~.( tIm murtg yr,E-.~ i+rrevr~r
<br />is fow-,+tsp1~ or .merA ..tker~-staEr. 3f awv. a rK .baesed iezvrs_
<br />3-!te naertxat5or estvrtratfti tfut ftc ire IawfvNr seised-aced V°'~1ed of need Isas Bhe ril4{1t fo .cf{ and nsnvea nud
<br />grnf.crty: that the utee: is fm From al{ rncumbrancra ezcrptaa 4aercinabtr~~s rrcitrd: ana !hat hr hareby'binde
<br />hamteslta~ hu aurtxasore is zxttcrp4 to sramnt and'defcad thr rifle aisrreaid therero and evrrv part. therm[ a~afnet
<br />t~.t'lii~a Of a1~ pctrnn- M{toIIff41!t'M.
<br />1tl~titltRH![It }?, R24Y.ti {A ±4Ci!!'C [~R' C:a~'~tttnl osf T, i'.romtwMer~ lxntq +iAb•+! [~~;',f to ±(j'~i
<br />sat th,e pri~eip33 eta of $$3F;CSfl~J.E7il . r~nrd i>+ C::_ .is ... ' ~~rf a.r_east.~, Prnr~idrr,t
<br />iaheltaf#~af ?3~k€+r t`lizi.at~rt~pr, av?tlty, int.
<br />