<br />(plvctrfpatio~)
<br />Thin teortaaae'raa~t atsd catetted iota this 30th dad of April
<br />1982 ,byssdbetttrcen Baker Christensen Realty, Inc.
<br />'~2- (~C~1'~5;3
<br />i.hetriaafter eeterred to as mort~asr) sad FIVE POINTS B?~NR
<br />(hcninatter referred to u
<br />~ortga~eel, who ttaaiwtaina sa Dice and place n{ biaaiaeaa at 2015 \orth Broadwell, Grand Island, ?lE
<br />Atr!rESSerrtt, that for the eo.aiJkr.uo. hwteiaatter stated, receipt of ~c(tich is hereby aekaowledsed, the
<br />taortga~or dttea hereby tsoataade, .eft, Grant, auipt, sad convey trots the moit6a~tc, his wceeaaon and aaeigna, all
<br />of the {olfowia~ daaetribod prepetty tittaatad acrd brims is the Count. of Aall.:
<br />Stated Nebraska
<br />Lot Five (S) in Blcck One Hundred Fourteen (11L1 in kail_oad-Additior.
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hail County, 1'dehraska
<br />'Tosetkav.tawi trot(-eoalr,iwRaff btilJiar~r, alf fix4nex iaclaiia6 bat sot iiatteJ to all plaarbia6, he.tiaF, iightiaR,
<br />veatifat-ts4,refti~tatiy, ia~tseratia{t, air coaJiltoah~ aprrneww, aaJ elcvatrrrn (the nrortRadrx hereby declsnnF that
<br />it t. ialewtieJ.tbrt the ite~ro kt±eia cwtrttserateJ xW1 Ledeewed to have bees perwawcntly in.uiled as part of the rcaityl,
<br />awJ all ia~avenrtewta saw arr bttsca(tec ruauw~ tbsatn~ the ltrecditawxata ud aPprncruccn sad all other riRbtts therc-
<br />awto. beloapad,,or iara~++dwe a~cnataia~,.aadt-e rrvcrnioe aa1 rcvcrniown, rcrwaiadrr wnd re~tanaders, ulf ri66ts o{
<br />rcdattsrtswa, aaJ the rewle, t>s!taee, :wd pev{its of the above desrribcd property (provided, Ixrwcve r, that thr wort {,wRor
<br />rs-afl' 6e ceitflJ-te the pwncnwiow n{ said property and cn collect cad main the mots, i5~r.wr-ti, and pn.fits until de(eult
<br />bereaalerl. Ta'lrve sad to {veld the ~a~caato tl.e arorrRaRte ssadthe sacc<s..xt in =ntertst of the mortRa~~,~ lprcver
<br />is (c r. »i~plc,x yaeb Utbfir'.rt6#!; rfs•wv, ao in Mated hercea.
<br />"Che Raaypar ceveearta th,t he is lasr(nllr srited snd pa..e..ed of xnd has the right to toil and convey and
<br />properyty. !bat ebt a~ttae is feee,frowi aft eneuetbrartcea except u hrrcinabove recited: rod that he hereby binds
<br />hiwtMelf sad his asecewartirt iatertt»t eo warrant and defend the title afatrsaid thereto and esery parr, thereof aRairtat
<br />tha ttaiwta of alt p~rroe~ wlteraroer`r.
<br />TY7M leairt{f1'1eRt is lth'rrt,lp. t6^rPUfC ihr.. ttalrntr,t of ,:+ prr,mirte.ar. note ~laier4 Ap X11 3~, 29£52
<br />tatttsptxrwipwlwstia#E FA.Ot?f3.t~4 .•i~t>cdbt C::ttis ;. c,,',ristectsen, i~resident
<br />cnhe#ta(io{ Salter Ghr.iyt:earen ttaa,,tp, Inv.
<br />•_r.n `'<7: :,r a,2~A ~.7..i ... r, .;-.; r^,.>..~. ,: ,: G. ri.~, .._rr
<br />