<br />?. Condemnafaoa. ?ntS:e even t the property, or anypart thereof, shall bt takes. by: eminent domain,the. Mortgagee..
<br />is ernpowered fo cailect and reirive all compens.ation:which may- be paid for any property. taken or~for damages to.. property..
<br />^ot taken, and 3lorigagee shall apply such compen,*,ation,;ati~ option, either toga-:rcduetionot the indebtedne~secured
<br />hereby of to repairand restore the property so damaged.
<br />8: pertormaace lry Mortgagee. Morgagee may, but ;hall have no obligation, So do any act which the Mortgagar
<br />has agreed but tuts to do, and /+iortgagee may also do any ect it deemz necessary-to protect the lien hereof, Mortgagor
<br />agrees to repay, upon demand, any sums so expended by the ?Mortgagee for the above purposes, and any sums i;+i expended
<br />by ~e Mortgagee sha.i be addEd fo the indebtedness secured hereby and becomesYbjeet to the lien hemot. Mortgagee
<br />shall ¢at locus any personal liability because of anything it easy do or omit to do Rereunder.
<br />4. Default; Aaitnmerct of Rent;. Time is of the essence hereof, and upon Mortgagor's default in any covenant
<br />or agreement of this Mortgage, including cr,vEnants to Pay when due the sums securedby this'Mortgage. the Mortgagee shall
<br />be entstled, al its sole opfian and ~vithcut notice, to declare all sums securnd by this Mortgage to be immediatelydue and
<br />pays,ble and may ~mmeaee-foceelowre of this }lertgage by'judici~l paoceedin~; and, provided [urther, that upon such
<br />default the Mortgagee, of a receiver appointed by a court, m8y at its option and. without regard. to the aiequedg of the
<br />security, ecster upouantt taste ppaaession of the Property andcollect the rents,: issues aadprotits therefrom and apply them
<br />flat. to the cast of collection and operation of the PraPerty and then upon the indebtedness secured by this Mortgagee;
<br />said rents, i~ttts anti profits being aasigtied to the `dortgagee as [anther security for the payment of the indebtedness
<br />setvrcd hereby.
<br />10. 'Ikaastar'ot property, it all or say parCatthe Property is sdldor transferred without the express writtxn con-
<br />sent of t5e Moxtp/ee; Mortplpae mag at its sole option, declare sit sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due
<br />sad payaf><e.
<br />11. I?ature Adr.: Upon zcquest of Mortgagor, Mortgagee may- make additional and: future advances to
<br />+gOr. Swdr advances, wikh interest thtreon, shall be secarcd by this Mortgage when evidecoced tfy promissory notes
<br />wtin~ that said sores am aecttred herr6y At no`timt shall the priaeipaf amount of the indebtedness secured by tills
<br />Mortpgc, not iadudietg sums ~d~aaactd to protect the security nt'this liAortgagt, exceed the origtnat Note:.
<br />12. 5llitaHeeaoos ptgvfaioot ,
<br />(a} AsY [aebarcatact in trztercistng say right or retaedy'shatl not be awaiver thereof.
<br />lb) Aft remedietc peotrtded betels are distinM antl cumulative to any; ether rlgbt afforded by law or equity,
<br />sad may be ertereised encaently, lndependeatly or succtasivtly.
<br />(cl ~ covenants sad apeemenu ewttained henia sbaU bind, and the iEgltts inure to, the respective
<br />suu,esloes and aaggrat of ttu Martgrga~r sad the Mortpgce.
<br />(d) Ali covenants sad a¢ernlersta of the Mortpgor are joint sad sevtral.
<br />(e} 71)e lueadirt~t of the parapaphs of this ~ are for: twuvenierace only and shalt net bt used to inter-
<br />. ptN or dePlne the proiriaions htrrof.
<br />13. RNaaae. upon payment of tdl sums secured by t2tis Mottpge, Mortp~re shalt discharge this Mortgage gttd
<br />shall atecuf:e and detivtr a wufsttito-y mkaar thtretar,
<br />1211N1'tT`l6$S WHF,REOF, Mortgigorhaae)ucnted this Mortgagton the 3a day of . ~P_rii . 19 ~2 .
<br />' ,.-.
<br />,(.loll^A. liakKt) _ '- :1&rixawer
<br />'~ „F y~:
<br />(Sharop L... Saker'). ' eorso,..r
<br />3tatt of *leftraaka, -- $a1'L - _.~ouaty ss:
<br />Ou thh 34th day of ,mgr i 7 _ 19 R? ,before sue, tltt undet~stgaed, a 1~Totary: Fvtilfc
<br />defy eommisuorsed arN1 qualified for said count\', persotWEy came ; nn ft. Rukar anti Sharon ! _ }3aker
<br />-- to me Icnowa fo be the.
<br />idtatiai person(:) whose name(sj are subscribed fu the fote~«nq iaatruiboat sad ackaowted=M threxeeutloathertof
<br />to be _____ their _ vaiuntarv set sad deed.
<br />Fittrees my hard sad nottrLd seal at __ ~',-a nr l~ 1 anA ~ +aR iri said county, the
<br />daft afoseaaid .
<br />~ C.ornadarioa expires: ~ ,
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