<br />B'T:ATkJ t)F NEB~.9,4H.3, County of ........................................................:
<br />Filact for record:. and entered: in Nnmerieal Index
<br />an .. .....,:-_ _ ....... .................. at . .:....... o'elack ................ bl.,
<br />and racarded in DeedsBeeord ;: - ......._. .:....., Page .......-..._ .................
<br />Cgnntf Clerk or ~ 33epnty County Clerk or
<br />A.egister of Deeds Depntc ~egistar of Deeds:
<br />82- itt~ ~ 75:1 WARRANTY DEAD
<br />STAMP TAX:
<br />Bors:2d` L, ?iiztschkau and Adeline Af, l_utscl;:keu, rusband a*sd crii'e,,
<br />herein called the grantor whether one or mires,
<br />in;eansideratioa o1 Eghty-0rte ''_'hausand '?`wo :un_dred and `n`ifty and M0;11CU----{581,25Qv~)>~llars
<br />received Prom grantee, dose grant; bargain, ;ell; Canvey and confirm unto Delbert. -. 'i"aeasmeyE;
<br />Lois A. 'l'heasareyer,; nary F. '~loscks, sudi rt. Yoecks, l~lichael L, Aieuhert and
<br />Brenda. J, ldet;nert, as to^ants in cattsaxsn,
<br />hernia called the gsaatee whether one o+ more, the following,de~cribed real property in
<br />..._..._..._ .. :.~' County, .Nebraska: Fart raf the :soutr~east ~'uarter (Sr^~)
<br />~z Section Cane (t) in ovns:zip..~.even i71) `.arth, Zange .ea4t0) west of tree bth P,i".,
<br />:,Deer ~articuZar2v ~escrihed as fo~?ovs: ;•egit,ning at a Ygi.~t ~n the :ant ?.ins c f, said
<br />~~, xt2i,.n paint is 1b5.G ,'set `cart!^ ~2 tiae SE :.Dense a said of said Bection,
<br />running ~henae :dcrt?•: a'_ang fire ^ast line c:° said , 1b5.0 feet running tt;ence TrYest
<br />paralltl '.© the Sout^ ~:its oi' said ~ of said section 26L r. feet, r^znning thence
<br />So nth paralle3. to tk:e Bast amine o said "S1s~, tb5,~ .:'set, ntnnng nhe•nce Ease oara2el
<br />a ?hr South. line of sa~ti 261i.~ i'eet to trie Actua3 Foint ~f ~egzrnng, and.
<br />csintaining Z.u7 ages, ^wnz or <ess, a2I in :ial~_ ~ounL,y, l~etxraska.
<br />T~, Ma~,~ anii to hold the alwve deaeribed }rremiaea together with all tenements, hereditamenta
<br />and aplrurrenanc.•s thereto brlonaint~ unto the grantee rind to grantee's heirs :and. assiKns foreti~er.
<br />Ar;u tt~e grantor does herebq corenant;with the grantee and with grantee's .heirs and. assigns
<br />riser {,~ranurr it IaivpulIy seised of said premises; that tlaev are Free fromancnmbranae
<br />~sxcept fur aaaerrents and restrctit?n~ o:' recort.+
<br />cf~at {;raptor has good rigt,r and lawful authority to .^,anre~ the Mme; sad that grantor warrants and will
<br />defend the title to 4air1 premises :against the.lamfnl <tlaim9 pf all persons tohomxoerer.
<br />Ilaed .lpril ~9, lgp~;-
<br />~~
<br />"?
<br />na_~ .-- ~._.,
<br />~~j 'tt,~5~
<br />ST,1TE C}F ~i1':BKA$IkA, C'ountS of .....:....._....:~A~. ..,.......
<br />Before me, a notarg ; err (:,• .;,r:~iifirK! Son ,air: county,.l~ersonally r.,atle
<br />'.}onaid ~. 'utsc'rs;cau and hrielitie ?i. ?S~~tscrrau, husaend and +~rifeJ
<br />hnoi=-n '.e rzre.. tn; be the identical persen or ncrsonx r+-i;n. >:~;ned.. the
<br />fn, r~oir:~ iunvrusne-nt andac~-nowiedged the. exeoutinn therecL to be h~,.
<br />i.er err their ~~~tiintrar act and deed:
<br />Fl Ftrt~'::.V ITC (i 71[: i~ ~'.~ ..
<br />un~'.~i;ota r, a~ eya' :'ui .. z ~ -7 ~ ~~~
<br />,.
<br />~: - tilfLd~M pAt't€R'~u~l,N ... ~_ •.•. ~ntar,~ rn, ie
<br />.. ..
<br />--^- ° 1j s ~. t [v..6rL .i ~lcgy ~{~ ''~ R
<br />1:r'~„~ ~ 3 -><~rrv.1 :xv ~Tw ;l-,a r~ -• T,#t~I 4 ir~t~-:,;.
<br />. F4d~k4pn # YNOXt Cb., LTnaF#.. ?t~Pkr~.
<br />