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<br />Plat of :t Bract ~r :atzsi com~i•i.sinr .i part ~~f 'tre Soutktwesr ~uartei• tlf tl:r \orth-
<br />west ijuarter ic,<', .:r!~) <,; Section. F~n:rteen (i•,7 Tawnshp T«elve (].2) Kurth, I.anQC
<br />..'dine ?t~) ltiest of the 6th P.'~1. in3~fa]S G:nun2~°, `+ehrask~; rzo~-e ~artictzlarly de~~ri,i.~.d
<br />as follows:
<br />Ilci:inning at .~ p;~:nte>st tlier~est .ins: ~af sai~3 fiect~ion i'ourteerY (14),sa;d
<br />point being Fu~~r !:undred i i:ty ; nur id 1, ii `c~rt nvrt?t i~f tfie southwest corner
<br />of s;iid '+orthw~st Quar _~ (\'tti',,, [Sii•nt~ :n~rthrr.~ :jcypp rLc w~~,r 2:ne of said
<br />Settlor. f~ourtcer. (1~1), a di5tancc -.,f ih:r Lu^,drr~.i :_ •^ra~~ li~~r ;1';.U) `cet; thence
<br />de£le~tinq right '?0° i)C' :rr::! ::mniny ~•a~terly, .i „uncc of 'i'wt~ Nu>>cire~i Forty
<br />Light and :Jinecr One !'us.daedrh, ,'d;+.~~1i C<•et; .n ice >outherly parallel to ti:c
<br />nest Iine of ,aid section Fou rtecn ''.:i, ~iir-;.:sic : ,,9 i7:u: I]ui.~!red ~~~JCnC}' E1vf~
<br />j17~.C) feet; thence :ief!ecti;g :i~ht m~~,u:~ i,ic r,-~nnt;:Ft ~.cr;terly, a distance of
<br />Two Huncfrcd Foit~ i~,ht :,nd "ine`}~ :h1c liundre ~r::; ~.S.U ~ :.~ . ;o the hlace~ of
<br />bcgirning and ,ortaining 1.000 .:cn• more ~, 1; s5.
<br />F here:ry ~crt :} t'• t trs thr i,~.t ~: ~v F.i uw].dxC :~ id ',c? ice, ; he uccomx:attyin,K
<br />plat i~; {'ram ar: a~~urc~tr ~+u-vep ,{ the ~:wscr#t~c:dI>rtspvrtti t~a~7r nncfer;any stiher~ision.
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