~_ .~ --
<br />52%y--SECOND PcAt ESTATE MBIYTGA6£-With Tax Claurie ~ ~ -v.-rv~~m -_-• ~Haffman ~Y_ .,._ _._ _._~,., _ ..._ __
<br />_ _ and Felton.& Walf„Walton, Ne 08461 ~~
<br />i _
<br />i
<br />I:NOtA .!YT~I-~ RR_E1Y BY `T'HESE PfiESE1VTS:
<br />$2-~t}C~1`~3f
<br />THgT f rn• W'f., Barnes A. and Eeata C. ,yL~ore Husband and Wife
<br />i
<br />~ of Hall Coanty and Stara of Nebraska- , in considerrtion of tFte sum of
<br />;
<br />Two Thnusand Eight tfundred Sixty Three Do2iars and 08J100 DL~LLdRS
<br />in Aard paid, do hereby SELL and CDNY'E"r' ,onto pacesetter Products
<br />~ ]kru las (~ntortgaq eJ,
<br />of 8 Coant~~, and 'State a# Nebraska ,the fodtotcinq deseritred Crcnrts .c
<br />nitrated in HaII Ceunt}t, and Stott of Nebraska to fait:
<br />East ~ o€ North 28ft. of Lot 3 and East '~ of Lot i
<br />Slack 2D Scarff~s Addi ion to Grand 'Island
<br />f
<br />I
<br />f
<br />j I
<br />r I
<br />i { i
<br />j
<br />'' c h
<br />~I
<br />Tlu iwtewtiow btiwg to cofrvty hereby ax a3salrtt ritlt;in #rr sfnple ixetuding ,tll tht rights n# lrofnestcad and dnvrrr.
<br />~ TJ NAt'E dNG TQ HOi.t7'the
<br />~ p-s~su:as abvvt desrri#tsd, frith alt. tht appurdtnancct tlterersnto btlrtnging unto
<br />the said swortgagrt or swrMgagtrx and to Itit; her or them .hsiax awd aatsigiss. #ortteer, pro:+idtd atsr.~xys, and these Tres-
<br />ewtr art rims the tsprrss cowdition flat it Urt sar'd waregagor or lwurr~ori, hit,. her ar their hazes, axaetttors; oditri»-
<br />isrrators or auw,~s tholl pay or taiite to bt paid to flit .raid wwrtgagcc or +nertgagrrs and to .his,"hcr or their heirs. ez-
<br />;
<br />l rtrtOlt, Odw~iwittlatart Or 4xitQw,t tht.3LIR a# Zra 7'7rti*~%.~i..r r: ~.. r,h.s-~.~,rc :.'~ ~:~rr -N.~r.: t'i+.~....~,~~ a..~ <`2Y/icy
<br />i Pallars, payable as #ollotvs, Yo-um:
<br />i'ro Thaurtand Eight H~rrtdrextl Sixty Three Aoliara and 08/I00
<br />~ 36 ine~ta7,lmeats of $x9.53 ~
<br />I
<br />F
<br />E
<br />f with iwterut thereaw at 18 per crest par awwww, payoblt attrathly afrnrrally, according to the ttfrof- and eject of I
<br />f rltt prow~istary watt zL~ith iwtrrart eaxpenu attaehtd of sold Sforfgayvrs, Searing r en dote scdtlr tleese j res- ,
<br />I( rwtt, awd tltal! pay all tarts awd any iwtrrest OM, ar »wxtmwg iwttaArsents of prsnripal, due on axy prior mortgage and
<br />orststwstwtt ltuied wpon said real estate ¢wd ali other torts, la~its cwd assessments t<rried upon this nrortgnge Ur tke ~
<br />watt wkic# lkit fwortgagt is givew to secure, be#are fht safwe beccsrwts deiinquenr axd keep tl:e ±.niidings rn said i
<br />1 p-e~atrt itatrrrd for the srfi$ ,toss, if awy, payable to s,rch ,first mwtg~us rr this mortgcgst•, or Lo!h. ~~
<br />then flora prutwts be void, otheruue to be and remain in full /once.
<br />~ IT IS FURTHER .9GREED f r) Thai if tht said fwort_gagvr shall fail to pay sutk taxes axed such inter~rt on, !~
<br />j ar rwatwrTHy iwstall,wnafs of p+iwcifal, dwe on awy prior mortgage and ;-ocurtsuchtinsrrarite,.2htnthir rnrrrloaycr snot-
<br />~ pap tueX fasts uud such iettrest ow, or wwtwriwg iwstaUwrewts o f principal, duo oft axeth jrriar fnart yag;--; and prncvre
<br />avtls i~rmtet; awd tht rotes sa ,rdvanerd ~+rh iwtertst at niwe° per cent slwll be paid by said rnartgagor, ¢nd this rnort-
<br />j gagt shall staved as security jzr tht ,xfnx. (aJ That a failrre fa pay an,• of sa{tl rnonty, eith,~f• principu: _r 'ntrrest <.n
<br />thin ar awy prior twortgagt, ~hs-n tht snort brermet dre nr a #ailure !c corapl}• ;oath any of tlta #arrguing c~reemcnts.
<br />;halt caw the a+halr sent of mowey hereiw ctcitsed Sa 3ecosne dwe cad collecta(~» at once: ut flat. opteon of 1h~ er:ovt-
<br />gaged. . .. ....... :..... .,..-..., _.,
<br />IT 1~`s .K"i3 r{'~l~htw+T~Rt+said mortgagac, pending toraclasure cf this mortgage and rj;er d-scree and
<br />i ?T"t+*g ste~y t 31iYA~ifw ~isd pendiwy sale of premises rnortg¢grd, nsav pay surit tar<~s axd ~naturr:u
<br />iwlsrest ar 1R'~Eipal, on prior >n xrtrrcg? ; rrcure such i»sufrorCtand -~w-t: unsl sh.:t ~•
<br />aaiaicd ter tht u>wowwt des: me desert arrT u~ose cowfirmation ~# solo h~~ teas coast nrderedtcike~ :ut of pro ed., cf aar.~
<br />i ar i¢ radarrw,^d ~dur±nq ,<fay, apptat or salt^, such a+rscrawts sirail b~ eolEectcd tlr.^ susnr• as t`u<ergh t u~cr~> c r,ir.' . ,
<br />,tscrsz. .,
<br />Sr~sdd ihia ~.,+f? daq of ~-•)-t2-~sl4r1 r9,~,_
<br />-- - I+y_1~i~~rSrwer r
<br />': .;
<br />r ,, r ..^
<br />j ~~-•C~..E.r.d't 1t ...pt,•, ~.SI:~L, f ..<~ ~,.•--°~
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