<br />F ~
<br />s I 7
<br />'. '.2-%-Rh;4L ESTATE MOR4GKG6-(With Tax G[auae) gxv.t~ry~ ~~ ~ Huffman s ~d Felton B.Wolt, Walton, Ne. 68461 '.
<br />O ~ -,
<br />Kh(?w .2LL"MEh IIF:THESE PRESENTS: That Kennet??.. fi. Roby and Ronda R. Roby
<br />hustian3..and wife,
<br />~' of Ill county. and ~Staate af. Nebraska , isa conaideratianofthe sum of --~
<br />Tni-rts,~ Pine Thousand one Hurxdred Twenty ~allars ($35,12O,fi0:) y~of,~~;
<br />;., here paid, a,~ trerpby sELI'r. t+nd CoAIVEY ttnio John. C. Krabel, a sng3e person
<br />of H3}1 County,Stiate of NebraS}Ca thefoliowingdesarihedpxewises sitttated ' '
<br />in Ha 1'_ County, ana state of Nebraska. , to-wit: f
<br />~ Lot Eight (8} . ;3lock Si:cteFn (16) , i
<br />Schitllitter `s Addition to the City of I
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />In the event t~cere is any change ir. ownership of the real estate i
<br />mortgaged herein, by sa3z or otherwise, or any alienation of mortgagor's
<br />~int~rest *_2iereilz by p3edge, assignment, ar mortgage, then the entire
<br />ire~anirg =ndebtednes~ hereby secured sha,li, at the option of mortgagee
<br />ar tftartgagee's assigns, became ittimediately due and payab3e without furtTler
<br />snotce,-
<br />1'!se intention Lteinyt t~ sttnvey here4ay an ahsotute titre in .fee aimpie. indudin~ all the sights of homestead and dower.
<br />T4} N'AYE AtiD TO.}tt)Li"1 :~hr.Premiaw~ ahawe described: with all theapyurtenancer-thereunto helongt.y;,unto thesaid
<br />~~ murtt;a~rrlxl. and r ni., i:rr ,.r their taeiry and asragtts.. forever, prxwided alw~aya, and these presents are upon the express ;
<br />curarh Bern that if rhr ,n,rd. mgrt~,;art«+. tats, her or their heirs. executory, administretary or assiKns shalt .paY or cause to hej
<br />paacf w the ,;aid aaartRnt;e•ri.r hs, her or tSacir isetrs.executars; adniinistsatnra or assigns, the principalstun of $ ~ 5',320.OCI i
<br />;wt,abtc~r.altoavs,crawit:ll) 5308.35 per month for a periatl of sixty (60) months
<br />with .the fzst ~apment being due inlay 1, 1982, and t:~e fina3 payment lacing
<br />~d4e,oa May 1, 1987, which rsanthlti pavlnent amount is based upon a thirty
<br />year ar~rtizatian at the prnciaal balance at ten percent (30$3 interest; I
<br />(2- .The bala.nce,or 533,905.55, on or before May 31, 198'7,
<br />j
<br />i i
<br />~'. ~~~M~°`~Y"'ua'*c t~ rf'°~ t•~nracs"u3 ~r7e~s: erf tAr m~ortRagor++Krtiten pmmsc~ry Hate Uearing:cven date with thesepreeenW
<br />nand shall twr elf aaxrK and a•.«.,.wr,rr,trr t«•.aadupnn raid tareteu,4t~. ant: ailotfaextaxsx.lawieaandaatsrssmentaalevicduryonthis ~
<br />rrwrtxaatc .x i!ae runt whaxh rh:. mrmt;rr;r aai givasaa to ia~sre, before tlae name iaetYSmer delinquent, and k~rep the truildings on
<br />wd 1>rrmfees ~nnurad t.,r thr -um .,t F 4 ~, 9f70. t3G lone, of any. payaabk to:thts raid naortRa~ee.,,then these Pre>aente
<br />i to M .1ud, ot!arrw rv:, r., iw- ;~ rrmmn m loft.: tnarr.
<br />IT IS Fl:'fCfHF.H Afi.RE£fli ~ It 'ilaat ,f rlar. said mardgagor aahaail faii'to Pay recta taxer orpracure ruck msurantx, tine
<br />' .awl mort~aRrr Hoag [aaY +uch taxes aiaetl,rtwvrr :nacre amnarauarr-. and the ream au advanced. with. inferust at ~,.4$... per
<br />rnnt, .hall t>~ mpaad ht aaaj mm~,gaaerr.ac,d thr>. rru,rtAaRe shell stand er-aaectirity for the raven. {2) That afailure: to pay. any 1.
<br />~*f .aid muraey, .•att,er tstxncti(rel of inturra4. wtae-n tree same becaaxrca due, or a failure. to osamply with. any of the foregoing I
<br />aRrecrn.•nts, sbatt rauyr the MhnC„ suns of axRUiey herrtnsec9tred to become due and collectible at once at' the n{rtian of the
<br />Saxaacai th art ,~(~ der f f(a 11 $Z.
<br />• r ~{n .
<br />Rands R. Roby
<br />} FATE OF ~ ...... Nebraska ..:...County ti~f .. ., .... , H3f~J;1......; , , ... , . ....
<br />~ Ttae iurefvirtg inscrtartaent ryas ackrnfwiedged beft3re me , ../~~s.r? .~ 8
<br />? ............:......19. ~..
<br />~` ,
<br />a.' br ..Kenneth _ H...Iiol~~_i..and Ronda R, Roby i husband and wife.
<br />ors ~~-`M:#~ora , .`~.G~! : ,~ ....L~ ..... . .... . ..
<br />., ~ifb~' Sgnatisre of Person Taksng Acknowledgment
<br />~rr~ 1w-~tlrtl~ i
<br />..... i+totary Publ.zc,:..... , ..... .
<br />~tle
<br />SF~'!'1 OF _ _ ... _ - _._ - .. ...; Entenerd on-naunericai itxdex and fiEed Exit rccorrt
<br />C~,unty res.
<br />_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ; is th+e AeRrrwex o3 Dceda CIfJSee of said foxEnta' the
<br />' _ _. rtes <sf _ _ _ i9 .._.._„ atr .._ ....:........._._octock arxai.,~ . .mi»utes .... ,._..., ...hE . F
<br />and te!fi*ndcd irs i9<•ak.... - ..w._,=t~3'..~a
<br />_ ., at page...... _. ......_._.
<br />S3Y _...,. _._._:., . _ Z~nuuty
<br />