<br />1:
<br />ii ~} 1 '
<br />~~~a ~~.t P ~L I 1~`l~~ i Vr1liL~
<br />TFI1S MOR'TGAssE is made this 29.th , day of . Apr i 1..
<br />t9. $?. between the Mortgagor, .. KENN~T}i_ W., , F! AD~r.TH AfID JANICE .11. FLADSETH, HUS9AND ANDS
<br />. .
<br />1~tlfE ------- ---------- het*ein "Hormwer"} and the RrSortiagae, Hoene Federal-
<br />Saviags aad Loan Asaociatioa: a ~~rrporation organized and existing Lander the laws of The ~'rrited States af'
<br />Atnerice, wht>ee address is 221 South Locust S;:reet, Grand Island, Nebraska (herein "Lender"?.
<br />VSrtiERE'h5, Borrower is indebted to L..:nder in the principal sam of.. THZR~')'-S;I,x THQ[rlsjS(Y~ ,ry[N~, _ , : _ :.
<br />. ~~hQR~~- ~~ .QQ~ 143. °-'.---------.--'----.. f)tallars, which indetttedne:,s is' evidenczd:bv Borrower's note:
<br />dazed ...~pri 1 , 29.,, ,I,9$2, . , . , . _ - - (herein `:dote").; ptoviditrg for month3p ittstallrnents af. pttircip°'
<br />µc Inc, m errs:.
<br />with tlx: balance of the indehtr;ds+eu, iv not sooner paid, due aad patyabte on~1dY. ~:> .2Qq~.......... . .
<br />To SEeuae to Lender (a) the repaumatt df the in~ebtcdness ^v6c3cnced tay the Note, with interest tlerenn. the
<br />paytnem of aJ other sums. with taietcst therrnn. advancexi in a:.ctirdance herewith: to protect the secutin• of this
<br />'Nortga~, and the performnruz of the cowcnanti and agreements of BurroLVet herein rontaitted, aad (b) the rcpxyment
<br />of any futon ad~anees, with irsttrest tl3ertott, made to Boncwer 6~ 1_t•nder pursuant-ta paragraph 2l hereof (herein
<br />"Future Ad~^anas"'), Btxro.ver dcxs hereby mortga~x, grant anu concc • fa Lender the f~llawing described l~repem
<br />located in the Comity of ..... ......... ~~. ; ..............:.......:, State,of l+iebtaska:
<br />whtic:h hss the addms of.....204. ~L -11th, ..... . .................... 6ranC. Is~ar-d ....', .......,
<br />tstnatt r teityi
<br />... _ . DfEDLd51C~.......... , .. (hsrtin "Yropcrty Address")
<br />twee iwa t:v c.A.7
<br />Tetrstx~tt with aIi the imprt7vatts now car frereaf2-r er~Ct!'rI on the l?topertY, and a3I rasetnt*stix, rigltrs,
<br />agparicnance4, re::is.:ayslties. mineral, ail. and eyes rights end rsmfit5. water. water rights. end` watzr st~+c~. and a{l
<br />fattttres rtmar ~K 3strrtutttr xttact`x~.r~ tt+ tht prrpcrtt~. all ~F whitfi, inelrrding rz,r,~ccnxnts and actrliticirts thereto, shall t5e
<br />i~med t[+bc aad rzrnain a part ofthc F~i't'+tti coccr~ t+y thi5 ,4fotTSpgg~; and s!i ~sf th>; is regoin~. ;~.¢r_tftc r tinth said
<br />^+npcety 4crr thcltastdxrid estate # tYri;'•icrrtgaxe i~ un a ;ca=cttv,id3 arc h4i~:Yt referred t~7 as [h.' `f'rr7~eriy°_
<br />Aur7over ~:m-ntc the I~rrc>wrr ss tawtbJSy seised nE the nstaSe E~~rchv crn~.nved a:zd has ;4se right ?;~, in~rrt~tat;c.
<br />i~f'if 'tad res+tcey titre PFSapmttt, that the ~FLTjk1CrS is unr~etxtrs~ert~!. ;use? t!~.:a r3i-c'r;ewer w~i3i warrant .cru defe~ne+
<br />==„tx~s~tsf~ t~t+ 3Yt~ t 4 s~ }'t~erzr a~wsxt a{t ctairsc xrw demanti~ snh7ec~ raj aies~ -1~fsrarsr n~:, cash: vzrn:, os rest 'i-;~nr.
<br />Erc?c:3 its -r -~fiacxta,e .~ ~zC,Ri. ate ty ;:rsversgc i;s an.s titdc~ in:at~rancr tx,+rti inc~tin.. f_~~r~3 :titzccs; ,ir tdtfi Pr~~re~tto:
<br />- ' -' ' i s~sE~-.. r.; : 3._b~MOMiU.~ I~ItMC ~flK~4f `llS,ri-NE1fY
<br />