<br />MOxrc:A~~ LOnt~ l+ta. _~, 24 , U31
<br />i~iow r+l.t~ Rt~x tiY ~'E;E~-s'E PIt~.SEtv'~s: l~tat A3.an G. Brcxan and Sudy IC. Brown, each in his arLd tcer
<br />~~eaT ><igdlf: anti as spode o£ sas2r other,
<br />Martgagnr;whetttctottoor-more.incottaidatatitmaftTt6utmof
<br />~~~?~sarx3 aAd A70~'li#0 ~^~----- _ __ DOII.ARS
<br />lamed 4xsa>ud tz tty Tye t~.~uitabte Ruttditgq ..wad Ltzto :Asxxaxion of Oland fstattd; t~iebassica, Mortgagee; upon f ~~ rttates of stock of
<br />laid ASt~E.laNllt?Dt, C:ertaf`xate No. L. 24,03.1 , dohereisy gtsnx, convey tndutottgagc auto the said ASSOCIA770N:xt~follatviatg,
<br />dea1'..aest e•#atr; aartraftuf. tt..tiallC<stsnty.. ?sie~ta~a;
<br />Lot Six (b), 8locit `l'wt3 {z}, Farmington Srcottet S~iodivisio.°i, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />[ttaethei. wg3s alt tits teairnaeaxi, hemAytatnerata .and. sts;wt+tettancrs thcteuntrs hrharoguag; eneladitstg attat3xzt. flow ~, ati .~insitvy acrecnx.:.
<br />atraaitov thadtx„ bifinda,atoam as~trdtar.at, a.ruwyKx hits..>nx, aai crand:tt«ntttea}t,,:ttt~i ~[srtabing and +aaarcagaipttxrrtatari sac.~orteathereto.P~umpr.,atores.
<br />ref7tgEratm'a-. card rrxhra fiaiures and t?gae{?rpcn+ mss. , a ~~,-title atta<trrd Kn co-r,ncd :r. e„+rnccan):t wsth: saxt reatcatate.
<br />Atut riarecxtlir aaast irt[aftaay,,.rr iii apaa!rt aaW ,trrrt trerc tR ~kttX that Itir rrM~fT t!aprrr ~}ral} and n'att ply attta%4't'and'aiR~9tneuU Itnrard tW
<br />surasad upon ,ayd pr<'txracs stet ~twra thn rnertkae ami .;X 'rs,ru v..'wc,: ~ fwte!.,r rx1,.p: ~tx. •.ame than i+e+euftte ttCl%[rgaetkt:; to tUS[thPt sppronsti.:.
<br />' ucaaratscc upsn tttr twudsw r.n ux1 prrrtusca utrurr • ,r ,hr ,rr¢„ ~i S 6{3, oQQ.. ~t7 ra.ank t:.t mad ASSt7rt:lATit]N gnat 6p dehvet to ritd
<br />ASSl7ClAilllirt the twaAsres !ur sasd :rtsuru+ax naxt n, , a., r„arstml ,.s )xrtntt ars .rule „n „r s!K!ui yawd txattatasea:
<br />!n tale ,u dHssth «, tlx pcrirsaoncr .,y mr .,i ahr rcrrs,s seed .rwrat:tnx:a ,,f tl:r, ^nxtq,ge ear [tsr fiw:tayd arcurrxB 47atrkry',.the rixarltp~te xiug.,
<br />an tisatfatlt.: M rM ttlrA to rrurar,dutr t+~amtws .•I ttsr nrHtq)fypra iwrnxers :acvJ 1hr rnxt7Calcsst igrtrtly t>ofgUtx:. Itansferaiand iris darer tttthr
<br />twW9~Mse ald the ,es/t, ar,rrnun and tr,cewre t„ tr ,tcY,vrd 1r~.m ttx rxxxt Btpru f>.nnsacs uurrna raR3a. t.tins at 6hcmurlftaipr stgde'~ittladiteanaiug rent{di
<br />wB*rd; seed the rttrxtpNet LAatt lure the po~ct to appr: sass xnr atetna .w rRnntc « :rrtw )etxc t.x rhr p;.rixtsc ut ,eptuaaK rard'..prc[rhsrtlar[d aeattiegt
<br />dts tmpe mid w..l4rctypt tix +rnxx, rcmrura and r*sccwxar seat rt nay Mr at ..a val +nc:irtac ill r zprnacs .d trp.iuarg sae! prerniaet and.nc~artmry
<br />n and tayenars ,n::wrcrl to rcntrott and rmrsaarasgx r[wr iarrac aryl ,J : uiSn.trrs; ,rnaats atsexctruna the ttatarter ~, of auy, to be
<br />sfphtrt l,*rsad :[rr ,lnd,sapc ~.,f sawl rtwwtK.~[r ..ndchtntnrvs. eK>r mien ,.r tM rawrtratt<r' r.ur he ezetrppd at any 71ntr dtuitpt:thc catdtYeflCe trf Weh:
<br />dcttatdi, «rcapcattw ,N awry ,rrrapoaarY *a,vcr .si the satrrr
<br />'Ttrc: i'rexett, hrm.er are „y,,, c?sc i .a.3sawm, 1 hit ~[ ahr :s,J Nr«tKaRs~.; -;,,11 , ryas •.aad kran :ae, w tsafryre the rmitrrtiy of. aaad adores lay
<br />psytntvrt, pal +rawtlriiy k+ rani 41.1t]"'3 AfT(,":.,t .!x wm strccalscv ,:, ttsr Ii,mC sr~urr : I,rrrhY ss tdiesest ant pnrMWpsi cxnyasd titan. un ~.,r l,ef<xr
<br />ttrejisrrnaclC 1tY •.ti ractr aas,i:.rry rrs,wrh, ant,{ wad luxn ro !«!t7' ia,J. pay x;l :asn xrsr: axacstaarnis irlnedatrynat Lead ptCtitlsea asW ttn itaat Hnrtgttpe
<br />aNd the t3,rzRrS rrc+ued ttsrre•tw, fxi=ae rSeiteatsreru,r , f uranh sptw r,w;d sav~osatnr upru, ilK iw,idx:r~ rttrthxt sn Stie yoga of t• S(j I ~~o. (}~.. paYthk
<br />W mtt Ay'Sf}t~l Ailtl*t, rctak ir, saxi ASSL X'!ATl<'14 ;rfwm ,Srrrnrub afi rtx.wacv l;y ,, +,asKS ."nr +uch t+accs, aaruttnmis and titatttaoce wtth atlaTCU al
<br />iAe rtstatmum ir~l tae tlrcrrarc tram dxtr :,f ptytncrst .ill rst rrfius3, McuctUMSw trrrlav rrgrret a., pay. prrmtt ray wtuctma~
<br />ptettftaaa;karpardzrotisp#y
<br />xrtR aH ifrr: ypcerrrt•ts atad nntda, w,rrs a( t4ae Bond 1w I~ wrf ~ thm uay ire., `ry tFse uad dtirx cgrgtx to yttd AS.SaC:EA77t7N, and txainpty
<br />wt6 ati tk rrpuxctrsantt rH the l.xauauxwxa aoA BY.tyrs of wrf A$3(1t7 A11tyN: thin ttsrr prnrntt aixad praaspr uttli aged' yrnti. othenvtat [ttey
<br />rani) rrmtrse m tta8 i.rce ux,1 ,.a.y !.e icwr~i.wrst at ;;x ~ptara „t°:hr sad A.Sti.(.14.'tAi'tt34 .itrr taata:e iarttitax faX.lniTift [ta tndte. .any of rattl'.
<br />~ytnerrts +x t+e Hoerr rtrmtha ,a ar rr»x to tna~uq stal rrxrntt:FY pe}rnrrattt, :rr ,o keep aso;i rt.nrptT .!s[hthe agreemestta and cpaadrtinm €sf'snyd good,...'
<br />+rtd Yort~apr a®rma to Padre a rcrsrret app,:nna a !u[ahrxttr m sairlr {t'taccisware twexsedavr~t
<br />it !9erc cs any rina~r m r>•rarrdatp ,H the rest csastc rnior[~d Ilelesa, Sry tak ur rttltcnrac YtYn [he titY39'r: teraairtspdC'.
<br />aeevM >laGl. wt t{fe up[m rrt ll+e irVusxabk d3+raW+afit cart [laser Aasocs,tw,e d t;ra>yd iaiaai, `:ds~a, lseteiry
<br />tsecayne itr.~otti>rtefy due atul payat>ie twitbr[ri
<br />turtlree arxtae. sad the aaoaxeat rrrns3esarlt dta :a^tder sttrS !xtnd. tub ury .,tber KK>nd fm icy iddieiart sdraaareaaaade ~;ahsp; feast tdee
<br />.fast ax a~tt*Cyar of ari ogtarsn. terse sntcrrst :t tlse rnasrarsr>xr its: raic, asst flan 11nxi(<,i~' may 46ett fx h'areCk7ulyd to sattadptAC'siitwutidtae On said
<br />hrtad. and trey <rttatr band t4K aflL}ttxxral ,tcanca, t[rttrrtatr .rah at1 aleru Ws,! by ssu! f'hr 3~gaatabk gsufrfusg and I.am Artaewttipra of Giatd ttlttod;..
<br />~iehtatia (ix ,reset aocr. i.... a+s.t ae:smrwti. wrS stmt utaag rX.tcrr>ax, t:.'tuKcy. rc:th :n€tr~t. tht'tdJtt. fitla] dtitC. tsf jtaytftL'~,nt ai ttu: mtXipSit€tj.
<br />Eqpt late.
<br />As prtrwkd in the NtrsQ y.-,urrat !•xrehy, 'whsix ttra rrxarpryr „rout. 'r: <ti t stae ,nnip`pr rtny iyereafter advaaoe a,ddattotett slams to tkac
<br />rnsiers nt vid liortt:, ttxn itrgittss ;,r scerr<~ocr± an .r+,.ns:. +#au- :urm sl,aL ?x ~u,:<rr, :ht LeGaAyty +sfthla r'faxt{6ttF.:Ype s8n[r .sit the faands-t%nKtts11Y:
<br />tasxrrrd eHrrelsy, liar total ass+nsart .u ?'tncWt rirM n.n sr+ c~tzCrf tt easy trarc tits as rp;ttat aHKwut tsf'thu: ttipat{St~,e
<br />tl.iert Ilia 30th daY of Apr 1 A.n., tv 82
<br />-~
<br />x x _~~~__
<br />3t7t3i day of
<br />~` ~ € r~pril, T9 ~~ , befara ,
<br />o a~~~~.~ ebc ,amkr~oted, a ?daatt€y Yabtie m and for srxi 4:oaustY, peaxcxytty dnta
<br />r3l;xit G, SLL7fr+ta =~[t~ ~t~tG;f iC. BTt.AifiTr k13 Sn 1Ltir cltriCi 3C:L CJWSl r7.gYlt xitlC3 ~~ 5~~'~~~u~}knei n[ra~`
<br />aye u, ±v. !Yx nf~.,.-ise:ti ~.e:rx,r:8 z•.txnc :=s.a+se& -. dt£ a#fi.;rcd to ttv a#.,r. ,rnnx as taa~rt,wag aatrt I~y,.n~r ~eetarliy..
<br />a Yax.wr'azr:£ttii .:-r pts: nr,;rwrnease rr. tc. tl)E:..I.2" +;;ar~u•t <.x +_: ;~ .fncd
<br />.sue znw Va.,.xrry Sa,; {4x ny 4a,r.a+u.. / +
<br />,c;
<br />Sks?:.r+-nrh-sr ,: .rye r? ^t ,~7- . J'~tie"-.e~z`/~t'rf~.+ro!!.'~-...-' ~.
<br />~~ ., J ~ pY' ....
<br />ca"~FFAy pt ti-J[d~y iyl:Ll Ala
<br />