<br />?. Condemnation_ intF.ee~~entihePmparty,aranypartthereoF;sbalibetaken.by..etrinenLdomain,tha.Moztgagee. .
<br />is eingowered to coikect and recvics al} compensangn which may. be paid for any jrroperty taken ar for damages to property
<br />eat taken, and tiortgaE~ee shall apply :,nth rnmpensatian, at its aption,.either toareduetian~.of theindebtedness secured
<br />hen by nr Lo r+~pair and restore the propeny sa damaged.
<br />8. Performance by Mortgagee. Mortgagee ma<<, but'ahatl have no obligation, to da any act which the Mortgagor
<br />has agreed but tails to do, and Mortgagez may also do any:act It deetas::neeessary-to protect the lien hereof. &iartgagor
<br />agri~s to repay, upon demmd, any soma so expended by the:Mdttgagee fur thz above purposes, and any seers so expended
<br />by the Martga~ sssat] 6e added to the indebtedness secured hereby and become subject to the flee hereof. bortgagee
<br />shall not incar any personal tiabi)ity becarFe of anything it may do ar omit to do hereunder..
<br />8. Detarrtt; As~rtns:nt of iler.ts. 'i5me u of the essence ;?emof, and upon Mortgaggr's default in any covenant
<br />or agta~ement of this Mortgage, including eacenants to pl}• when duz tkte sums secuterl by this Mortgage, the Aortgagee sha11
<br />be entitled, at its sale optioa and without notice, to declare ail sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due and
<br />payable and may commence foreclosum of this Mortgage. by::judicsai proceedings; and,.provided further, that apon such
<br />de[auk the Mortgagee, or a rtceiver appointed by a court, may at i`s option artd without regard to the adequacy of the
<br />aeccmty, enter upon artd take poaessian of the Paoperty aBd coittcL the renrt, iasnes itnd profits therefrom and apply them
<br />fmt to the cost of coilectian and opezation of ~ Yropezty,:and then upon the utdebtedness secetred b}- this .Mortgagee;
<br />said acts, ;sues and profits being assigned to the Mortgagee as further sectaity far the payment of the indebtedness
<br />secured heabs.
<br />14 iYaat[er of Propeaty. If ail in any part of the Property is add ar txaasferred without the express'written con-
<br />sent of the Mortgagee, Mort~ee may at'its sole gptioa, declare atI sums secu~d by this Mortgage to be immediiately due
<br />and payable.
<br />11. Fltare .ldtanuas. Upon'n~utst of Mattgarar;-Mortgagee.. may.make additional and.ttttua advances to
<br />Mortp~or. Sock advances, s.itit intarest thereon; shall be reettred by this Mortgage when evidenced by promissory notes
<br />stating bat said notes axe sacttred-heady. At no time shall the principak amount of the indebtedness secured by this
<br />not indudiug suues adva»ced to protect fbe security of this Mortgage, exceed the original Note.
<br />12. Misetilrwrralsroeisitrm._
<br />(a) any torebearance in exerchiag any €+ghtarremtdy snail eat ben-walvet thereof.
<br />{b} A'. te,pmvidert herein am distance and cumulative to any ober right. afforded by law or equity,
<br />and may be exarcisad ~AnCnrrerltly,iadependentlvor SUCCeasiveiy.
<br />f.c) 'the co-enants and agreemrnts ccattained' herr3n :shall bind, and the right inure to, ibe respective
<br />sueetsaus and aap~us o[ the R9;Ott~Ot and the Mortgagee.
<br />(d} All CpMOHttaand agretmenta Ol the ~ ire JBtnt andseveral.
<br />(t} 'ilre hearitnp of ate patagntpha of thls Mott' arc for conrenkence abip uid shall not be used to inter.
<br />pret or defipe the provisions hereof.
<br />13. Ralaaaa. Upori paytaeat of ail cumK 3eeurad by this llortp~e, MoriRagee shill dhcharge;th)a Mortgage and
<br />shall exacutt and delkver a satisfactory trlease iherefair.
<br />~,?rl~rxF.ss wif:t:izEOF, ~lort~or has exacnudthia in L}YE ~a~$ da}' Df.: ~ 1. , Z~ '.
<br />r ~ G{
<br />(a: ~re.i{{ ,, t:.o `gmi, kl) aouove~
<br />J y T~.oswtcki.3
<br />' 9We of Dltitaafaa, _ Na i I Cdttnty ss:
<br />On this 8th clog of ~nrt 1 ` 19.$y,_., befase mr, the undersigned. a Notary ptibiic
<br />dalY crom~miwioned and quaiiSed tot said county, penaw-}y'tame Al ~r d ttnami •ki an i 1 • :ly Kn>;mmi ~-k i
<br />--~ ~, >to me know^ to ne the
<br />' idaatial penon[s} whose nacre(s) arc subaeribed fo the Port;sin; instrnnitr+t and acknoxicdged the execution thereof
<br />Co be thPi r ~ raiurttary act and died.
<br />Witaas mp hand and notarial leak at >rr`artd Ysland_ 'iVE .t! said county, the
<br />dde afrnesai3.
<br />]tiy t-,oacmiryon ezpsm atecrs aRrt-~wta~a~.,~ ~- ' I ~ i
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