<br />52-.4-REAL ESTATEMpRTQAGE-fWith.TaxClaase)Itcv:78: WUffmaaan4Felton&.Woif,Wattan,Ne:6845P I
<br />avow al.I. rtEV ss TI-IESE z~x>;aE1vTS: mat Mark Q. Herteningsen and Sharon A. Herrxn'hgsen,
<br />tiusband and ldife
<br />~ of Hd1. 1 Cnvrty, aadState of: .N@bra5ka: , in consideration oftnes~um of
<br />Eleven ?hausand and ~(]/1~D------__r_~_ -- --_ DOLL.~rzs
<br />in hand para. do t,er,•hy sEI;L and C~S3NVEY imto The-First Natianal Bank of brand Island, Urand
<br />lslZnd, 'iehraska
<br />s cf Hdl 1 County, State of NebraSk3 the foilowiagdcm.ribed premises. situated
<br />;n Hall County, and stale ~f idebraska . to-wit:
<br />
<br />Lct P+ine (9) Rrss rxe~ghts Second Subdi4ison, in Ha31 County, NeGraska.
<br />i ~
<br />i ~
<br />f
<br />~ 1
<br />-.'r The iritenlinn Ix~nax to conveylierehyanahaolatetitle m fersitnp7e..iactudin~ ail..rhe.Fights.:of homestea.3 sadlower. ~I
<br />'Im HAVE ANTI "POHQL.D the preen=•» abnr,Kdear-ribed,. widh atl ttte appurtenancesthateuntp telon~ing, unto the :laid j
<br />mortReRee(r) and to3iu, her or.:theer hcissandasaianc {~re~er..providodalway4.axd.these presents-;lire upoathe expr~.v
<br />ron<iition that it tfic .aitl inartarta), his. lter or llieir heirs, exectttars, adminiairators or esaiitnn shalt Fwy or' eause tn- ite ',
<br />pad to the Wald mnttllasee(a), h». her or thmr heir:, e:eaiwrs, arlminiairatars or ensigns, Lhe priacipal:sum of S 11, 000 . fl{3
<br />: ~ payable n fotlpwc, laYrrt:
<br />~ Principal plus accrued interest at 16~m due and payable<October 25, i482.
<br />i
<br />wttl: interest aocor4irit to theterxr wad o-RrsCt .,f the rnnrtXasors wwr~turn pramuwpry :xitcliearittN e*vrn date wrth'thrae presents
<br />j and ahatl pay all taxes and auie+w:x~ntw lev~elt tll~rx pajd tom! cmrt,gte. oral all arks: tnsc~n, liwi~ arui iAaseasPnente lt!tiirod upon ihiv'~
<br />f mnrt~e w thw nixe -which thu nwrtKrxe ~a nrwnt to eecure,'txfure she ewme lwrc,emr>< r1e1_nquc+nt. keep the buildi, p•x u^
<br />j sad prcmiaew in>RUrtd for ttlc sum .d S ; S , QQ4.~~ Iola, if any. ImyeWr to the said martgaltre, -then rheas Presenra
<br />io the .Did, ot!?erw~ewe to M Wed reraaen ~n Inll Torre,. .
<br />: j 1'1' tS FUR'1'IiER AGREED (il That ~f the acid taortRagox ahallfai: to pap.. such Y,a:es nr tuoastre suchinaurartce,.the3
<br />~ said rrxiraSaRee maY pay *u~ toe. and procurr suit iasuraare; and the Korn sn'advenlmd, with interest at l5~ per
<br />I .evil. shall be repaid by ewd montcarnr, and rho aiortipiµ ahatiatand as.ecvrity fur thasaxne. (2) Z'het a Cailure to pay,ahy'~
<br />~ saxi rswrry, Tither principal or interest, whin thr ~ariie ifeeoraea dose, err niaifurs to.Lromply wi(h' any-nftJte foregoing 1
<br />a(rFe1lien~l, .ha11 sure the wSolc earn e.d rzKmnY )xrrta aetured to hPr[ltne due ;ind t;oliactible at nnrie at !!te option of the ',
<br />tnot:RaRee-
<br />Biped this 2$ day of Aprl ? 1! (j?
<br />i ..
<br />! Ia presence of '1. ~~ C %._. i. 7L"il"ny,~~~ '._ _ _..,._. _..... _.._
<br />y Mar d rlemmngserr
<br />_,..
<br />Sharon A. Hemmingsen
<br />' ~ STATE OF .....K°-braska ,_..,,..,.„(~~ntyof Hall
<br />{ The forq~oinf{ instruate ed beforn sae , .: ...: ApT71..2u ... . ....... :..1S .$2. .
<br />pQ r'::te~F,, - ~'`f
<br />Sy...'~ark.?_. ue~:in ~iod'Sha16ir...f~ emr„nasen, ,~usbancf and ':rife.
<br />t>• Y ~ ,
<br />~.
<br />°4'If - -yv ",.~~ 5igttatum r~Per.on Taiciag At.kamvledgment t
<br />P!y CosAaissinn Expires: ~ kP`' .....N~.Lary.~?ub}a~c ..........:.._........,
<br />'Cif le
<br />.
<br />,
<br />~'A7'E ~ ._ ,._,.-._-. . -.- _.__ ..... _._ Erttere+3: tx! asrmerica! index .ttd fil,>d i~rr nKUn3 ;
<br />v
<br />:. Qianntf .-_._.`-- _-__,_ -_.___.__ ..___...__.__.. - Sa #um.Tte$ntterc*f I~egds.C)8kc ~~ seiei C~c~aaity the i
<br />__.._ __..-....~,ay af._.._.,.. ....._ _ _..._.._, i.>r_.._.._.. at....._.. _._--..__.. e'rWediard. __..~ :.... ... .....anitnacy _. _. _1:.,
<br />'- snit rwa~riied in 1~1<,_ ___... . _. ..
<br />r,.ri.m,. ...a,.w .....,..... .wlie~, i>f T.lt,+~sfs
<br />