<br />d. For t+etter security of the ndcbxedntss hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its successors
<br />or assigns, mCingagor shall execute and deliver a •supp9emental mottgage or mortgages covering. any additions,.
<br />improvemems, or bextermertts made to the proprny;hereirtabove'described and. alt property :acquired by it after
<br />the riatz hereof (atl in form satisfactory to mortgagee}. Futhermore, should mortgagor fail to cure any default
<br />~ ir. the paymen[ «f a prior or inferiar encumbrance on fhe prapeny described by this instrument, mortgagor here-
<br />I ,.4, b.:,gre=s th permit tnorfgagee to 4ttre such dafau7t, but mortgagee is not obligated to da so; and such advanr:es
<br />;;~y .hall bccomc part of the indebtedness secured by this instrutnetu, subject to the satnetetrtts and conditions.
<br />*-a
<br />e, The righs created by this ~ranveyance shall z'ema7n in,fup:force and effect during-any postponement or
<br />extension of the time of the payment of the indebtedness evidenced, by said, promissoryr note or, notes, or any
<br />1 pan thereof secured hettby,
<br />~ i- To coatinuousiy maintain hazard insurance, of such :type or types and in such amounts as<the mortgagee
<br />Q~ may from time to timt require on the impravtments now or hereafter an said; property,.and will pay promptly
<br />when due any premiums therefor. All: insurance. shat[ be carried in companies acceptable .to mortgagee and the
<br />policies and renewals: thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto tasspayable dauses in favor
<br />01 and' in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event. of loss,. mortgagor call! give immediate notice in .writing
<br />to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of loss if not made promptly by mongagor, and each insurance
<br />.company concerned' is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such loss directly to mortgagee
<br />instead of to mortgagor and inortgagce }oinxly, and the insurance proceeds, orany part thereof, may be applied
<br />by'mangagee at its option either to the redu:tian of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the .restoration or
<br />ttpair of thepropcrty damaged or destroyed, In event of forecttasure of this mortgage, or other transfer of title
<br />to `said Ftrtropetty in txtingnishmenr of the. indebtedness secured heteby, all right, title, and interest of the
<br />mortgagor in and to:uny instrance pnGCics then in farce shall pass to the purchaser or mortgagee oa, at'the
<br />option of the mortgagee may bi: surrendered for a refund.
<br />Ta keep a71 buildings,and other impravcmtnts,on said property in good repair-and condition;-to
<br />permit, cammii, or suffer no waste, tmparmtnt; deterioration of said propcny or any part thereof; in the et•ent
<br />of failure of the mongagar to keep the buildings on said.. premises and those erected on said premises, or
<br />improvements thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs as in its discretion it may deem
<br />tteccssaty fare: the prapcr pres+etvatian thereof: and the fut7 amount of each and etiery such payment shall be
<br />immediately due and payablC `and :shall be secured by the ttin of-this mortgage.
<br />h. T6 not voluntarily creaxc or permit to be-created against the property subject to this mortgage any ticn
<br />or,iiens inferior to the lien of :thin mortgage without waitten consent of the- mortgagcx.; and Tuther, that more-
<br />gagor will keep need anaintain the wame fret from the claim of all persons auppiying labor or materials !'or con-
<br />struction of any and all buildiattx or improvements now being erected ar to be'crecttd on said premises..
<br />i- To eat rcrtt af'assign any pan of the rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove,. or
<br />substantxaily alter any building. without t-te written Consent of the mongagte.
<br />~, :1,U awards of damages in canricctian wtth. ar• ,~ondem»ation for putsllc use of ar injury to any of the
<br />property subject Ca this mortgage arc hereby assigned. anu shall be paid: to mortgagee, who map apply the same to'
<br />paymrnt of the instailmrnts last :due: ender said note, and mangagec is hereby authonxed, in the .name of .the
<br />mortgagor, to exa:utt and dtlyor valid acquittances thereof and to appeal from any such awned.
<br />i:- Tito mortgagee shall have the right to inspect the mortgaged premises at any reasonable time.
<br />1. To comply vpitb'thr praytisians of any lease if this Mattgage is on a leasehold. if this Mortgage ts:on a
<br />unit in a condaminiumor a planrud unit: dev+dopmrnt, &srrawer shad perform al! of l7arrawet's obligations
<br />under she dectatattan ar cavtnat-tx cresttittg or governigg; the wndaminium or planned; unit dcvelopmenx,the
<br />by-laws and regulations of the candotninium or planned unit devtlopmtnt, and consti[ucns-documents.
<br />.. lXfault in any of the cavrnanxs or conditions of this itutrutnenx or of the note ter loan ageemenx secured hereby
<br />shall termirtatc the mortgagor's right to possession, ttsc, and enjoyment of tlye propertye at the option of-the
<br />rnongngx or assigtu lit. bring agmd that the mortgagor shad have such rtght until default}, Upon any such
<br />default.:he mortgagee shall become the owner of all' of the rents artxi profits accusing after-dcfauix as security for
<br />the indebtedness secured hereby, '»tth the right to enter, upon satd property far the purpose of collecting such
<br />rcrsts and profits. This instrtment shall orxrateas an assignm*-ttt of any..-rentals on said property to tlxat t;,tent:
<br />3- it the mortgagor defaults, and fails to tnaSce any pati~mtnts 4litn da: ur to cgnlorm tp and comply with any of
<br />the conditiots or agreemrnts contained in this mortgage or the notes which it ec~ttres, then the enti.r+: priitcipa3
<br />sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable, and draw __~_ per gent (u1 lnicrext
<br />thrrcafttr anal paid at the election of the mongaget; and this morzgage may thereupon he farec3osedimmedia[eiy
<br />fcr flit whole of tix indebtedness hereby secured. including the cost nr` extendinu re abstrrt7 of title fromrrhe
<br />date of :his mong~e ro t?re time of commcnt:ing Such s[!it. "'-'h%-recce i c^r, t:
<br />t, fn the c~Inl 01~ a fgrtclosurt a; ticfault as provide[) 'etrun, the rr!ortiagcr shalt at ~:ance he rntitlcii to the t,as_
<br />session, use, and crcjcrymrnt of tix real estate aioresatd and .c rr ern sues, r salti~s. ant pry t ~hrrctti,
<br />ft~ ihr accruan$ of >~rch rghts a[td during the pcnden y of `~~ ~?none r:x~redina and su_h rxs,~~ti ns, t'tc.,~
<br />+hatltas Doer br delivered to r_he mortgagee capon request, upir,t t'aiJure such ~iz}itierti ,n' ;ua„h r>vaaessiaxn ittay:,br
<br />€ni`orred fry mmgagce, tTy any airproprixxc legal proceedings, dnccuc3sng :z z tc.~.e.r 'nr the i?rcrpert}':
<br />t. "ittt ;rtcr<:~as r~i a.'tv v3ac =~7 ^.asd M1'reF~r,Y~ is r~:;carddnce ~~Hh -?te nre::ed nq ,>tr ~grxp.,.• Wt~,~l tee ~«appiier7. +~r;:i Cdr
<br />Pte?` arc 'o•_tt ,*_r.:z rxixenses :~t s~z,td ;a4e, tt:c c'xs+r~races :nr-^rrec: - s .... ;arcar, „~aer~ for a;e~purpcxse tai". p r ,c,nrig csr
<br />s'nxsst:,3.t.rsy ~.a.v~ ~.,a cirlE'riV, secsrzKily, '.« p:ds _t7? ie,clatzt r`d ne_.5 ~:.cyr~trx:J Ft°.fY~s~.., reef '.14t~1y, tt3 Cr'aY ;?err ._r ,. Fes sr
<br /><<9tes > a?rr srr r; ter ;~ra~:era lc#ta;€Y :-rrrielc°<4 thta~ta<
<br />