<br />$2~--sjCi.I~91
<br />The grantor,. The Faxmers NationalBankof i;r3nt
<br />:: ~~ar{iorati*in or~arzized art3'existin~ under xnd bye virtue of the laws of the State o€ i~ebrasn;~
<br />in.<ronsadera.tion of One Dollar and. other valuable consideration,
<br />reeeiced fzom grantee, does quiteiaiw, grant, bargain; sell, cancep kind confirm unto Gene
<br />Ka]* Enterprises, Inc..
<br />herein ealied tlie, ~rantee~ whether ane or more,.tha foilan-iug iie,eribed real property in.
<br />hall _........ .... ..... t"aunty-, ?vehraska:
<br />east Two. Hundred Sixty i25D) Feet of Lot ar+_e ll), A*nerican Legion Addition:.
<br />City of Grand Island, Eia11 County, tebraska.
<br />To further release and..disclaiin our interest in sad.real estate and "ar.
<br />As~ignmen:, dated Decet;^,I~r 9, 1981, Doc.:mertt ~$2-~00?z~5, office of Register o~
<br />Deacs, ;•iall County, :Nebraska"':
<br />O
<br />~~ ~,. STAMP TAX
<br />~,~~„'C~'"~~ APR: `~ ;~ )~18;,
<br />B~
<br />To have aad to hoid tixe tibove .irs;aribed prre~ni~e, toget}ter tivitEraFl tenements, her~ditantents and
<br />appurtenvtcea thereto belonging unto the grantee anti t~~ ;:rrsntee`s heirs andasxign.~ forever,
<br />Ir. ~vitne:xt whernof,' grarstor ~ beret>nt+? ea!;+ad :t. r-~rporate seal to f,e a%fized and.thrwi,uxrxentH
<br />signed bti it< PrC3ideut.
<br />tt~u~.} April 23 ~s 82 _.
<br />Farmers i3a.t~onal Ba~k::.~f.. Gr.~,~,~.:.....
<br />i3y ..~ ~~:...~~ ......... I?n'wirlent
<br />D. w. Sexson
<br />5'CaTE i}k' `:F:IiRA~hA, C'ount'. o$ ....,. ..~~X;~G,:,T~&.. -_. ~.....::...:,
<br />Beiore tn~-, anotary , ubtic quali€ied for xaidcFaatnty, {~ersonal#y'eame
<br />_`_ D. W. Sexsan Pretttdent o€
<br />The Farmers ilatisnal $axtk o€ Grant , a corlioration.
<br />kYaos•n to me to he the Presides: attc: idw.atieai person wha signed tha fortgoingsnatrumexat, an:# aekiinw~
<br />3•sdRe~.3 thr rzeantian i}tereot to be its vodnntary akt mrxd deed as snc}s offioer end tho vt~6uttt»ry set aria
<br />rlRest of twirl corporation an~i that its corporate eeral was tfiereta nCiiard-: bro sG9 antitority;.
<br />cx-itnK~ a;S h:i.nd a~a*I tlctariSl Fetl oa:.:.,..,.,..r,..,t3,F3.7:A,~.w.2.3 ..,...._.f .....,.:., 75..8.:.,.
<br />3. Pass a.,,,y - - _~ ._,.........~~-~5 ~.'::~`.. '!'../r~.sse/3-.*.-G.~. ....... 'w r}E:~:rt- T' ~, .,
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