<br />a,..
<br />~2~ i:ti16~5
<br />iaax>~.a~lT~ ~~~n
<br />K:'.Ole; ~~ ._ :i!•~; %~ THirSr, PRI;'SrvTS: 'I'?iat JGri\ Yi•:t1 ~=:`:DOR_r, JR. ;
<br />and ARLP~:'r_ k';~ri~'."n1tI~K, as Personal Qe~resentative o~ the estate of
<br />RALPH H. ?? iTaBRT'K ~y virtue of Che Docaer and authority given her
<br />in an3 .~ ti,L T_ast i4i1 aa3 Testament o_i Ral^h H. ~~letrenbrin;~, as
<br />Tenants in Co;nmon, heraincaiie~the.fi;:cantors, iv1 consi3eration of
<br />Si_x Hundred Fifteen ~a1.Iars tS51~.CCl received trop c;rantee, Rio
<br />hereby grant, taar~ain, sell, convey, and confirm unto th~~
<br />CITY t7F CRAI~D ISLAND, ~1~6?~A~kA,
<br />,municipal coroorati;o:~ in`Heiit r.~>>n<<'. State oi• ;J,~t:~raska, iiere.in
<br />callea the Crant;'e,the follnwing ~!escr~bei ._al nronerty zn Ha11
<br />CounCy, ~J~braska, for- puvi;i:+: right-of-w.1v:
<br />Beginning ar a ~~c~?nC uic~ng the northerly z'i.g'r:t-cat-v,av
<br />i ine of t;eyt 5ecc~n:i Street :.~hc•re the i3.n~~ ant, rsecCS t•i C:`~.
<br />the easterly ~-i.ght-of-~.aav ! i_ne ,af :G'ebb ?7031, .:ta i ~~, r~~o.nt
<br />also beinK 3: P:~~~C Rest of the ~oestarly Sine of tilt north
<br />!calf (''r ? o: T"r:act_i anal Jcct inn NineCee,n i 1.9 J , ~io~,~nsl;io
<br />Eleven ~~] `tert'~. Range Nine ,r~~ C.'~~st 03: the 6th .~.•.
<br />thence norC'~er! v along ti:e easterly tine of: t,c:gib Roa~3
<br />f"or a ?istanc~ ui 35 „yet; ritence 1ct 1~.'cC? n~; ri ;ht £or
<br />a distance oT !si.25 feet, more or t,~ss, to a point alc:ng
<br />the northerly 1.ne of :~iest Second :=,treet, o:high is 47
<br />fee[ narthe::ster•iv of t`:e oi.nt u: `u~ginn~.ng; tr.en
<br />deflecting right .clone *~he northeri^; lane of West 5econi
<br />SCr~eC for a 3iatance of 'S *eet to t'ne ~c>: nt o~` i~e;in-
<br />r,in~, ail ~3s shown 51n the drawing i=ientiii.c~~3 1., 1:xh;iliC~
<br />"A" attsci:ed he rett~ and i ncornoratea }lerein by re ~.rence.
<br />To have an~i to n~~l~ the above-:iescribe3 premises togct~Zer with
<br />all tenements, here3itaments and ;apourtenarte~s-there Co sx~lr~npi_ng,
<br />ant also all. the estate which Ralph ?i. rieCt~n?>rinicnici t tr« t~n~~
<br />of his decease in said pre,°?ises, an-~ also file esta'~e t:-;~=_retn .vhSc',1
<br />Arlene ~iettenbrinic has, or has ; o•Yrer to convey ?~r i; spose .,,
<br />wher_her individually or by virt•~2 of s-'ai~i N:i :1 or :the. ~.tiise , ~_intc>
<br />the Crante? and tv i;rantee's sLCC~-'s5ors ani ;~sst;ns ,~r:~:r.
<br />And t e Grantors her=>jv crwer.unt wit^ *_t:e Grantre sn;i ~ _. .
<br />GranCee_`s successors any assi,ns t`~at Grsntcrs are ' i~~~ui_° s<isc
<br />of sal=i nr~mises; that t:xs•v are ~r~~e from c~cumbr~m_~o __..~ ,~-,t _~as.--
<br />;nents of rncor:3 and v3.si_b1e ease~rznts; teat Grantors .1av ~o~{
<br />runt 3T. `: ~. 8:,'T'3l 3~1t 110 r10V t0 C:J^V°_V C`1 r. 'S ti GIC'; 7?1'j Ci;EI ': .. '"'15.10 r_; r:~
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