<br />t03!§-\YA RRANTI" pE£d-JOtnt Tenancy-Vexing Entire Tttlr.InSurvlva~ The t[ukman Gcnecn7.. Supr!~~ fto~s<e. [.t:,ecl,;, Nhbr.
<br />~:IQ~~ Ai_L1fEN I3Y TIiESE Ph'E.SENTS, Thar ?. =-lezaeil.v ^. ~,j?a-nesr ~Iidow,
<br />~t -tea t~ 16 ~#
<br />in r~sidcratioaof -G':e "_',~i~~r ar-d :ra~3?0 - - - Lv'3.4L'1 - - _ - - - DOL.LAP.S
<br />in hand ixiid, do hero6y grant. Uargain, se33, convey and confirm nnto S. _,~..ell~ 0. ~~;P~-.*ie~ aar.
<br />~`e2ua:~a ~rissrs~
<br />as jQINT TE,'dAtiTS,'and not as teaar:ts in rnmmon; the following. dosrrihed ,real estate, situ.~tted in the i-ounty of
<br />w~lr and State dt _-. ~_.~Y~ ; to-write
<br />Let C:rc "~adxec: ~;~~,~ ~:.~~ ~"iSr?) ;ia~t ?~taY:: ';.tlditian to the ~.:'~• n_'
<br />'~:i _..~~:r, "~^ttx:a,.=.3ca;, <~~ ;;urv~yed*r,~twed, :nd reec+raed~
<br />a~~
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<br />~~ P~`# 3~lEBRAS3CR DOCuMENT,ARY
<br />STAt~SP TAX
<br />ti~
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<br />ttfxes , nn aii tiro tenayxtorsts, herGditaexteacs ate u;tpnrtcnanres to the same t rlenginp, and ali the estate, title,
<br />dourer, rig9tr of t~mostead, eiaim ras demattd whaYSacvez of the said grantor ni irf pr to the sainc, or any part
<br />thcroo( suhject to
<br />IT 13EIi+it', 7HE }~I7F\T:t~?3 f3F ~?.L t~ART1ES .TiERE~'fJ; THAT TAI THE EVENT (7P f"?ir UEATII
<br />tJF E?TREK t7P ~A?I> GR_~.`'7EES, THE .e.tiT':2E` 1 :E SIi4ipS:F T?TLE TC7 THE REAL LS?';1TE DE-
<br />St~R3BEC7HERE1ti ~H_lLL ti :?ST I>"~ TtxT'~;RVI'~ i.*;G tiRrllr~TEE:
<br />TC? HAi:'E ,l~ID TO HGLi7 the aiat*o rie=tril~r} ~>rcmists, tvath t}ie a~aarronances. unto t}~P :~a;d grantees ac
<br />jtJ3~!T TE\:~tiTS, a:v; yet as tenants pn cemxsr~n, anti. xoiheix assigns, or tn4SFe }weirs and assi;,ms of the sanivor
<br />of tf:em, inrever, and _ the granter tiattied ?mein for xtay~82i` and -2ri',r hei.-<. cx~ufirrs. and
<br />atltssinistratilrs" Jo a:~vcnart ~iL`t tho gzanteos named herein and with xheir assigns and '.vita: the ~7r,rs wad assi;,n,
<br />~ t1x 5utvivot of them. that a ,~ iav:iuily soizol at' said pretnis~; that they.. 'are iree irom incumLnncc
<br />except as sf:etcd herein, anu thaxTL 'ho Sai<; granxor havo goon right and ia»t*fi:; authori*;~ zo :cil the
<br />sauK. ami that LL wi}1 anr: ~ heirs;. executors and. administrators sha;l ,~"arr-::nt and cir-
<br />Fend the _~:ne unto t<~e ~rancck5- roamed herir ~, d unto their assigns and' unto the lxeirs 3n~~ ;asci~ x r~i ~il~e srr-
<br />rivor cf t:em, itire~er, a{,ra:rst tix~cia:~:te; :,am ._ .:ii r+ersoxzs xfaorns,.ever,exe?aedingflseexccprian, a;;ned ierrn.
<br />I~: tti'ITtilh55 .~iHF~REt?r f -._ he:etL.to set .. 1-.aFi this iay o*'
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