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~2 ~iG2~72 <br />Lender's wTi=rep agrcemeat ar applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all' mortgage insurance pttmiums inthe <br />manner provided under: paragraph 2 hereof_ <br />Any amounts disbttised by Lender pursuant. to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon; shall become additional <br />indebtedrtess of Horrower'secttred<by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender: agree m other terms of payment;. such <br />arttottnts shall be pagableupon notice from,Lender to Borrowerrequestingpayment thereat, and shall bearnterest from the <br />date of disburxmenrat-the ntt;paya6le from time to time oa outstanding; principal under tite Note unless payment of <br />interest at such me would be contrary to applicable lawi in which event such amasser shall bearinterest-at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law: Nothingcontained i4 this paragraph 7shatl requireLenderto:.incur'any eitpertse or take <br />any action her_under. <br />s. Iaatectla~. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and:inspections of efie Property; provided <br />that Lettder shall glut Borrower notirx prior to any such inspection specifyiitg tasonable cause-4herefor related to Lender's <br />interest m the 'roperfy. " <br />9. CodsasraalMr+. 'The proceeds. of any. award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with am' <br />condemnation yr otfiertaking of tfie Propetty; ar part thereof, or for cortvevance in lieu of condetnation. artj hereby assigned <br />and shalt bepaid to Letider. <br />In the everts of a: total taking. of she lsroperty..thepraceeds shall be applied tothe sums secured by tfiis Mortgage. <br />with the caress, if any; paid to Horrowet. In the event of a partial taking of the I'ropemi: unless' Bomawer and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, theft shall: be applied to the. sums secttred by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as ~s equal to that proportion which xhe amount oP 2tte sums secured by this Mortgage immedeateiy; prior to the date of <br />taking heals to the fairmarkca value of the Property. immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid m Borrower. <br />It the 1!ropMy is abaadooed by Borrower, or if, after notice: by Lender to Borrower that the condemner affen to make <br />art award or settle a claim for damages; Borrower.. fails to respond to Lender .within 30 days: after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lrnder is authorised to collect axed apply the proceeds; at Leader's option, eitfier to restatafion or repair of the <br />Property or 2a the sums secured by this. Mortgage. <br />Llnless Leveler and Borrower otherwisst agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpwte the dtte date of the rnanthly imtallments referred'to in paragraphs l arn! 2 hereof. or change;,the atpaunt of <br />such mstaAnte[ita. <br />)i. Mnower NtM Reltasa~ F.xttenaion of the time for payment or modification of smortiTation of the sums secured <br />by this Mortfage goosed by Lettdu to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner, <br />the liability of tfie original Borrower and Borrower's successors in intcrat. Lender shall nut lx required to commence' <br />proroedinpr agaitnu such steccessor ar rcftrsc to erctrnd time for pavmenr or otherwise modify atnortisation of the sums <br />secured by this Misrtgagt by reason of any demand made by the anginal Borrower and'Bormwer's successors in it+t+•resr. <br />I1. iRmitnrree ly ieariec P7of a Wainer. Arty forttcarance by tender in exercising :rns right nr remedy henenrdtr, ar <br />mheexeisc afforded by' applicable law, shall. tint he a waiver of ar preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The proctuemem of insurance or xhe paymenrof taxes or a[her liens or Charges by I;ertdcr shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate tfie mattuity of the ndebtedntcs secured by zhis,Martgage; <br />IZ. RaweM Cawtt~iall.a A11 remcdia,pmvided in this..llfortgage are distinct and cumulative to an} other right or <br />rcmedv under this Mortgage or aRorded Isy law ar equity; and init. he exercised concurrently. iodependently.:.or successively. <br />I~• 9reewo s! A~a low;..Ides. atti Several 1.3~6i11fy; Cs'ftows. The tavcnanls and agreements herein <br />contained shaA bind, attd the rights herettrtder shall enure: to, the rrespective:sucsessars and assigns of [.ender and Borrower. <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hcrectf, Ali covenanu and agreements,af Borrower shall be js?int and xveral. <br />The captions and hadngs of tfee: paragraphss:f this Mnrtgagr art far convenrencc only and arc not is he used to <br />interpre[ or define the provisions hereof. <br />ld- VNfee. Except far any:tttttrce regtiircd under: applicable law to he given in anathor manner, fa) any notice to <br />Borrnwtr prmided for in this Mortgrtge shalihe givenl» mailingsticti notrce hy: cettifitaf tnailad&essed'tt? BOrrOWCr at <br />the Ptaprny Addrns ar et such other address as Birrrow¢r mss dntgnate by notice to bender as provided herein. and <br />th1 arty ri~iac to l.rnder shall he given ley ceMifkd marl. ,store receipt regitexted, ro l:.ender's address stated herein or to <br />strch rxher address at tender may dcsignate;hs- nntvice r„ llnrr~~wcr as ;,rovtded herein. Any notice provided far in this <br />Mortga;e shall he dcertted to havr'heen given to llotmwer t+r t ender .Then given in zhc monster designated hereto: <br />15. L'ttY«w Ma,IRafe; Cctsrerairtg I.av-; SeverakRNy, n,,s norm „f mrrtgagc crrntbirss ttnifarm caven3nts far. national <br />ux and mm-uniform ca~ertant<vlith timrra.i ,,~anatums by ,rr«1r~+i, n m ~onstrtirte a`unifottn securityinsirumont covcnng <br />real propetty. Tltn Mertga¢c shat( liegpvertted hv- .~ !aw ,,? ±tx ~unsctictinn inwhich thcpropettyis located, In the <br />evert that am' pruvrtten ,rr ,3aux of the >lortga~ ~~r +he 'Jere ;:nnfliirv u-irh apr(icahle ra'w_ such cr,nflicl ~Fa1l noi' atfec; <br />ether p!nursrr»ta of rhit Sir, rr4bg: or the `.+te wh+~ch tan tx c~vcr. vilest ~., i; hair the cnn'!ictin~ trrr+~'ision, andr (o this <br />end the ;tr:n~isions of the bkx[gage and sh.r `crux are ~.tcclared ~.,•. ~`te ~rcrats}e <br />lf. Berruwers Cry. Bprrrnver +hal7 h~ furnivhed a unttrrmm .<xaytyf fheh'ofc ..n~i of ihis.Mongagcur the lime <br />of cxecwirm or after recerdatidrt hcr>wwf. <br />17_ Trader of fkL holMY; -#earaptiow. It ,tit n: nr,s tart .,f ihr Property rri an irisent therein is sold nr transferred <br />by Born,wer w,tlxvut Lenders prior wrincn concrnt excluding :~~ :etc ~rsatiun of a iron ~ r encurrl+rane;t xubordinate to <br />thrs Mortgage. ibt the crrattan ~$a ;turchase mrnr•, ,ec~ar:t•. ,nteresr `'orhovxhoPd:.appftan~ev. ~c, atransfer l+v de"isc. <br />descent or by operation of taw ;tppn the death rt .~ level tenant -..•r ~ •I- -hc urant of any .leasehold intem,+s[ of f:hteevearti nr less <br />not cantainiog an option to ~t:rchase. LTOder max..xr l.ender~•, ,~pa~nn_ -i„v;lare as •Fe. sums uaztired by thts.'Mortgagc ;n be <br />immedtatcty due and pa}'able. t_erader <haS; hake+~aivcdsstch optrm .n acceierazt ;i. orar rn rhr. salear 3ransfer. i_cndcr <br />and the peraoe ;e svhrnn the Prop<rr. is to tic sold ar innsftr~ed r'Cach agreemem ~n ~x~nnng that rht creditof such pe rem, <br />is satnfactary ro ixnder and shat therntercvr~yahlc-~ thesums ~ccercd r•y this ~lartgxge shallbc at svch`rateas la;nder <br />stall requcsi. if !.ender has waived the aperan: to atcelerare pravrCC~'.:n ibis paragraph I7. and if BOrrawer'ssvccessor in <br />interest has executed a written asaiamptirm agrrcmont accegted:ir ~.vri;irg h9 l.s.nder. L::ndet shallreiease:Borrower :from a1I <br />otsiigattarts under thrs Mortgage atttl.the Note:: <br />If Lender escnixes such option irsacselerate, Ixndcr ~hetl mail 6crrrpwer nMicenf accelcra:ron in accardance'witft <br />paragraph 1~ hereof. S^cb notrceshalt prstvide a pe~<~of nn• ies< than ?0'diays !rrrm the datrihc niatiec-is mailedwit3tin. <br />4fiicS Bnrmwer may par ;hc suers dcctattd'dix. If Borro vcr ~;,~`s ~ .:,ay strch cv[ns print to the expiratiani~f <ochperwd, <br />i_cnckr nay_ witbeut furst,er notice car demand rn Borrower. rSwe.:,.: an~% rsinedses.pertnittcd b}' paragraph 1H hescof. <br />Nor-L'trFaa+tCrsvetisaaT•,- Borro+verandI.tndrrfurthCttcrvenat•t,,ndagret;rtifaiiarwx~ : <br />If. Accdarttia~; ttrrtre~fea.:.lFaxe}r as. peevliied iurartrgraek 27 kcreof. upon..Bonower's becacb of any covenant or <br />apcemed of Mrewer iw t1~r ;Nw~ftfC..lecitdittt{.xkecoeenanfs;to par w~ben durstaty sntr~ veenrcd by: this WaN.gage, <br />Leerier ~viar M acseMatisa +IeaBaui rtosictla as pmvicledin parttanAit f4 hereofspecifyiag:::(II thekre~eb: <br />f33 eke attiaa rvprfrei to care satelt kreacb: !31 a Baia reel kxv than 3U days !none tkc date the tsmice is tttaBed to Borrower, <br />let wrieY sank ke~aek tt~ lee owed; arty tLl ikai faikne./o rere'srek beach tvaor fiefore rf~e: date speciftdf inthe: notice <br />~ reaaM i• scrdn,.siar. o! eke vaaw sex7Kd ley tltis AtotlRatfc. forerloswr•. by )nilcia! procteditsf sad sale of tke Prupesly. <br />Tke sailer fM fsrtteer nt(orra fsrrrown rd eke rifles to reittetale after aceelt[artiaa aed the rfflu'fo a~eM in the fortclasote <br />~eocoeMaf else rroweaieteace ref a delaaH ur airy oNer defcaae of l<rxrxtwer-tit acec#etnriat and fartclasure; If the:hrtuh <br />w era! rtwai ow rtr brfare eke date gec/kd is tltt rtoricr,.Ltrrier:at Lerdetsct~tiot+ may rteclare-all of the savusecnrtd by <br />skit MtllpRs to be irwwdiYldr drat. acrd Parakle srllkoat furlker demawi. and ma}~ f+rreclnre h.' jrtdjeial <br />tkaf br ewii4i to safest iw sacA oc ab tx PrandMa• Lender <br />F ~tl Ar~res of fareria®ac. inckuMa~., hm nsri timkedra. cstata. i# dorttenertary. <br />.riieacs. airerarte aai title re~rxe. <br />t~. )Lera.vash tipi i~ Rsirwaie.. ?v.-ewnbssand;R~ rs-rukr'i uc-~t on ,~! wm:4 secnretl ~ ihas td+xrty age. <br />Bcrrrtvrr shah h.i~e the riyS~t tt< have a»y pre ~cd.ngs '`e^t t-i. '...r.k. t,, e,... ... .,, 'ttz~rtga$e ciist.rttiinied a:.. ..^,e. <br />>.;> <br />